Title: Where I Belong


A.N.: PLEASE NOTE THAT ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY AND ALL FAULTS MADE IN THIS CHAPTER. Feel free to point out any mistakes made but please do so in a respectful way. Just because I made a spelling/grammer mistake doesn't mean that I'm some sort of idiot!

That said... As promised here is the newly made prologue of Where I Belong! ^^ Just a few things before we continue:

- This fic was requested by someone more than 2 years ago. So I hope that this person is still interested in it ^^" (although I would understand if they have given up on me every updating xD). This is the first and last time ever that I'm writing something as per someones request (sorry...).


- There will be an original male character playing an important role in this story but I promise that I will do everything that I can not to make him into a Gary Sue.

- This story will be about 5 till 6 chapters long, and should be finished by May the lastest. I can not promise to update on a regular basis but I will to my best to limit waiting times until 2 weeks.

- Feel free to ask me if you don't understand something, or feel free to notify me if something isn't made clear enough in er the story ^^

- This is Yullen; meaning: Kanda x Allen with our cute Moyashi on the bottom! ;)

- This is Yaoi; DON'T LIKE = DON'T READ (And please don't leave any flames because of it, you clicked the story, I didn't make you do it :D)

Other than that, please enjoy reading the improved prologue! ;)

It was just another day at the Black Order's Headquarters. The young apprentice Bookman – also known as Lavi- was reading some stuffy book as per Panda's orders, while trying his hardest not to fall asleep on them. The exorcist of Japanese descent was pissed off as usual and used all the energy created by his anger to spar with Bookman. The old man had woken up that morning feeling quite devious and brave… So he stole Kanda's hair ribbon, hence the reason why the other was yet again in a bad mood.

Jerry was also performing his daily task of filling up some large mugs with coffee for the members of the Science Division. When they were filled to the brim, he placed them on a tray so that they were easier to carry for Lenalee. When he was done with this task, the lovely Chinese girl took said tray and carefully made her way to the Science Division where it's members were impatiently awaiting their highly needed dose of caffeine to get through the day. They needed is today more than ever since they were trying to destroy yet another Kumolin robot created by their slightly crazy chief…

Allen and Link were seated in the dining hall and enjoying their breakfast in silence. The white-haired exorcist was busy shoving mountains of food down his throat while his blond 'stalker' was trying to hide his disgust at the scene next to him. It was quite difficult for him to enjoy is self-made cakes with such a pig eating next to him. The older teen never always made sure to show that he clearly disapproved of his charge's eating habits. Did the boy even know that you are supposed to chew food instead of just swallowing it?

Just another day at the Order indeed… But when was anything at the Order ordinary?


Link was just about to take a sip from his perfectly made cup of tea when a haggard looking Reever walked up to him. "Excuse me for interrupting your breakfast Inspector but chief Komui has Auditor Levellier on the line for you. I'll watch over Allen while you are away." The blond looked skeptical for a moment before he nodded his head and hurried downstairs. After all it was better not to let the Auditor wait for him.

Letting out a sigh Reever let himself fall down in the chair previously occupied by Central's Inspector. Allen paused his eating for a moment to look at the Australian scientist. The man looked even more tired than usual and the dark lines under his eyes were more pronounced than before. The man clearly had been working overtime yet again. "Are you alright Reever? You look tired?" Yes the teen was stating the obvious but that was only because he cares about the older blond. He was one of the only friends he had left in the Black Order now that (nearly) everyone believed he was some kind of traitor working together with the Millennium Earl.

The man looked at him from the corner of his eye before answering. "Yeah I didn't get any sleep last night, seeing as how Komui has made yet another Komulin and were up all night trying to stop it from destroying the Science Division. We finally succeeded about an hour ago." He pulled a face as he thought about his unpleasant morning 'exercise'. The young exorcist could feel his face blanching when thinking about the crazy robots their 'Chief' kept making. He – like almost everybody else- had some unpleasant memories attached to the weird robotic creations.

The two sat together in comfortable silence after that until Allen's stalker returned from his phone call. "Walker are you done eating? I need to speak to you in private." Getting the message Reever quickly excused himself and left the two alone. Allen himself didn't respond to the blonde's question just stuffed his face with the last bits of his breakfast. He couldn't let anything go to waste now could he?

Putting away his tray and plates, he quickly wiped his mouth before following the older teen out of the dining hall and towards his own room. The white-haired teen took a seat on his bed while Link sat down in his usual chair situated at the desk. "So what did you want to talk about? Has it something to do with that phone call you just had?" Allen looked down at his lap where Timcanpy was apparently taking a nap.

The Inspector couldn't help but curling his lips in a small smile at the sight before him. The boy had this charm over him that attracted nearly everyone. Some might even go as far as calling him cute. "Relax Walker you are not in any kind of trouble if that is what you think." The boy looked up to him with wide eyes and a small blush on his face. Link smiled again when he realized that he correctly guessed what was on Walker's mind. "Auditor Levellier called with the request that I return to the Vatican later this afternoon. It seems like I'm needed back there."

The alleged 'Destroyer of Time' cocked his head to the side as he took in what he had just heard en mulled over it. "But aren't you supposed to observe me to make sure that I don't turn into the 14th or something like that?" He pouted a little as he said that. "Does that mean that I'll have to accompany you to the Vatican or will someone replace you while you're gone?"

"I will tell you the same thing that I told Auditor Levellier. My research of you has shown that you are defiantly not working together with the 14th Noah or with the Millennium Earl for that. I am 100% convinced that you will do everything in your power to stop the Noah within you from taking over. I am also convinced that when you lose that battle, your friends will notice immediately and that they will do everything they can to help you. They all care a great deal about you. So I am certain that I can leave for the Vatican without anything to worry about while I am gone."

When Link finished his explanation, Allen's face broke into a smile. "You're actually a really nice guy, did you know that Link?" The blond was taken aback by the statement, never having imagined that the other might call him 'nice'. Luckily he was saved from having to answer when someone knocked on the door.

"Allen?! Chief Komui would like to see you in his office as soon as possible." Came Johhny's voice through the door. "He has a new mission for you."

"I'll be out in a second!" The exorcist responded/yelled before turning back towards his blond stalker. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. Have a safe trip Link!" And with that the boy ran from the room – closely followed by his beloved golem – excited for his new mission.

"You'll be fine Walker. After all you are strong willed and you have some very trusted friends by your side, maybe something more than that." The blond looked away from the door and started to pack. Even when you don't want it, that boy has a way of growing on you. "Good luck on your next mission Allen Walker. I have a feeling that you'll be needing it." And with his suitcase in hand, the bond Inspector left the room he had shared with a very interesting exorcist for the last months.

To be continued...

There done! Personally I liked this better than the previous one but I'll leave the judging to you guys ;)

Leave a review with your though and/or remarks so that I know where I can improve my writing! Thank you very much! ^^


Hugs and kisses

Chibi Mathilda