Disclaimer: Avengers is the property of Marvel

A/N:First off this is my 100th story! So thank you everyone for all of your support, this never would have happened with out all of you! I really can't believe I have 100 fics on this site, I only intended to write just one story, my first one as the idea would not leave me be, never would I have thought that 99 more would follow!

Alright, so now that that is out of the way, I was originally going to start with another interruption chapter, but some of you were deeply concerned that poor Tony was going to end up with permanent blue balls, so I hope this makes up for it!

Stars and Stripes

"Tony…" Pepper sighs, shifting in the twin sized bed, still half asleep. Tony lays pressed against her, morning wood digging into her back, his hand nestled between her thighs, stroking against her. "Were the two times last night not enough?" she asks with a bit of sarcasm, but does nothing to stop his wondering hands.

"You were gone for a whole week," Tony pouts, nose buried in her hair.

"I doubt you even noticed" Pepper laughs with a teasing grin. She knows when left on his own he spends all his time working down in his garage where time seems to stop.

"Of course I noticed," Tony snorts enjoying the way she shutters against him when he slips his fingers between her wet folds. "I slept down here the whole time." He laughs, moving her leg up over his hip.

Pepper rolls her eyes and shakes her head; his statement only reinforces her thoughts that he's done little else other than work. "I hope you aaaaa-ate." She moans out, melting against him when he sides in from behind.

"Bruce kept an eye on me," Tony reassures her rocking against her.

"Hmmm," Pepper hums in the back of her throat, losing interest in the conversation as her breath shortens. Reaching back she twists her fingers up in his hair, her other hand slips down her body gripping the back of his hand hard as he grinds against her.

"Tony…" Pepper sighs, eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure builds; shifting her leg along his hip she causes Tony to groan loudly in her ear.

"Pepper…" He pants in response before they're reduced to nothing more than noises, both frantically pushing for a needed release.

Pepper breaks first, shirking slightly as her leg slides off his hip; she curls tightly in on herself.

"Pe-" He starts to yell cut off with his own orgasm when she locks up her body squeezing him impossibly tight as her knees press together. "Geez Pep," Tony sighs heavily as Pepper uncurls after a few minutes, relaxing against him and allowing him to slide out.

"You alright?" Pepper asks with a joking smile poking him playfully in the ribs.

"Yeah" Tony sighs in contentment, eyes falling closed.

"Good," Pepper insists, peeling him off of her, "Because it's time to get up." Tony groans in response as Pepper sits up, pulling the sheet with her. "God," she moans, arching her back, well aware that he's now peeked an eye open to watch her. "Why do I let talk me into this bed?"

"Because you don't really sleep on business trips and refuse to sleep on the plane." Tony states in a very obvious way.

"That's because I worry no one is here to watch over you."

"Yeah," Tony smiles, lightly running a finger down her back. "Bruce isn't as good as you."

"I'm going to go shower," Pepper laughs slipping from the bed.

"Shower?" Tony perks up instantly, jumping form the bed to chase after her. "Pep, wait!" Pepper doesn't slow her pace as she emerges from the hidden nook in the back of the garage, but she does stop abruptly when she passes the glass doors in the middle of room, gasping slightly just before Tony crashes into her back; he vaguely hears someone else yell with a curse clearly just as surprised as they are to learn they are not as alone in the garage as once thought.

A quick peek over Pepper's shoulder conforms the voice he recognizes, while Pepper's shock quickly turns to concern, "Bruce?"

Tony becomes equally worried at the scientist hunched over breathing deeply though his nose and out through his mouth, his eyes squeezed shut in concentration and finger held out to Pepper's question. While he takes great pleasure in tormenting Bruce, eagerly pocking and prodding him with anything in reach, the Hulk joining him and Pepper while they stand naked in the garage isn't a moment he really wants to live.

"You alright, Bruce?" Tony asks, stepping around Pepper, trying to block her off in case Bruce does turn. While he trusts the man immensely he knows the state of Bruce's mind influences how the Hulk comes out and often he take little care of his surroundings; he's not about to let Pepper get accidently hit.

A small smile tugs at his lips when he hears Pepper groan at him in irritation when he moves around her, well aware that he's now using himself as a human shield. Pepper may not be on board with him tormenting the man to bring out his alter ego but over the months she's taken quite a fondness for Bruce all in her own way.

Bruce nods slowly response; his breathing leveling out as he finally lifts his head, removing the headphones that had clearly helped hide their presence. His expression slides quickly into uncertain disgust when he opens his eyes 'you're naked." He speaks quietly almost to himself, void of little emotion as if he were talking of the weather. "Clearly I'm interrupting something."

"Yes you are," Tony bites out with a bit of a grin trying to lighten the mood, cringing when Pepper jabs him sharply in the ribs. "Ow! Pepper."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you two would be down here," Bruce apologizes clearly trying to ignore the fact that Tony is standing openly nude. "I just came to get this." He explains, holding out the notebook in his hand. "And I have it, so I'll leave," Bruce continues in a rush, clearly becoming more embarrassed as time passes, turning to leave.

"Just so you know," Tony shouts at his retreating form. "It's cold down here."

Pepper rolls her eyes, turning to walk away while Bruce pauses for a moment in uncertainty. "I don't think he cares what size your penis is Tony."

"I'm competing with the Hulk," Tony shouts, following after her. "He's is probably like two feet long!"

"How is that good thing?" Pepper calls as she and Tony disappear into the other side of the garage, leaving Bruce to shake his head at the strange couple.

A/N: First chapter of the new little series, so please review if you guys want more!

P.S. I tend to think Tony's Garage/workshop is like a mini home, he's a spot in the back with a small bed for when he doesn't want to make the trek upstairs, a kitchen and bathroom because I figure when he gets in the zone for working he probably doesn't want to have to go too far for anything.

P.S.S And just so you all know the titles are meant to be confusing, I don't want you guys to know who's interrupting ;)