Crystal: Welcome to another chapter of this story! I want to say thank you to all the people who favorite, followed, and join this story to their communities! I will also like to say thanks to all the reviewers:
Ability King KK: *smiles and bows* King-sama, you understand a lot of Jiraiya's job and also that he couldn't leave! I always thought that if given the chance Jiraiya could be a good godfather! (Well apart from his slightly perverted nature) You're absolutely right, Jiraiya couldn't of raise Naruto right because of that and other things that will be mention in my story! I'm glad you find this story interesting, King-sama! Thank you for the review!
Ayrmed: *hugs her and smiles* Hey, Aniki! How are you? I hope you're doing well! Lol, thanks for the review, Aniki! *beams and waves* I know you're probably busy, but when are you going to update your story? I'm dying to read another chapter!
devilzxknight86: *smiles and bows* Aww, thanks for the review, knight-kun! I'm glad you found the earlier chapter funny!
Rose Tiger: *grin* Lol, I know, but hey, he probably has a pervert raider and that's why he is acting like that! Thanks for the review!
DeisuiNeko: *smiles warmly and giggles* Hey, Deisui-kun! I will say that Jiraiya had his reasons and will explain them in this chapter! Also you manage to figure out part of what's going to happen in this chapter! You will see what I mean when you read this story! *grin* Anyway, thanks for the review, Deisui-kun!
Guest: *smiles and bows* Aww, thanks, Guest-sama!
New to Naruto: *giggles and bows* Naruto-kun, Jiraiya will explain his reason this chapter, I agree he should of never accepted to be Godfather if he knew he couldn't be able to take care of Naruto, but this is why I think he didn't. Jiraiya and Hinata friendly display will make clear in this chapter also, but trust me it's more like a partner in crime thing. Lol, He will indeed teach Naruto those moves and he will also be Naruto's sensei! *smiles brightly* That's good to know, thank you for telling me, Naruto-kun!
Knight'sShade: *smiles and giggles* Lol, Shade-sama! Naruto wants to beat the crap out of him, not kill him *grins* Lol, thanks for the review it made me laugh!
cook563: *smiles and bows* Thanks, Cook-sama, I'm glad you like the story! Thanks for the review!
Fleightfire: *Smiles and waves* Hey, Fire-kun! I will like to say that yes this chapter will hopefully explain everything lol :3 I hope you like it! Anyway, thanks for the review *bows*
Kedo:*Frowns slightly* You're right, Kedo-kun, Kishimoto gave no good reason to why he abandon Naruto. But I plan on giving him some! because I think he really did have his reasons for not being there. *smiles brightly and waves* Anyway, thanks for the review, Kedo-kun!
crashriot: *smiles and bows* Thanks, Riot-sama! I glad you like the story and how I'm going with it! *grins* Thanks for the review!
HjLostDreams: *smiles and bows* I already explain some things to you! I Hope you will like the rest of the explanation of this chapter! Thanks for reviewing, Dreams-sama! *bows*
DASvicks63: *grins* DAS-sama, thanks for the review! *rubs the back of her head* This will be the longest chapter I have ever written so I hope this counts as more lol *bows*
LadyMizoLadyKuruLadyHinasSlave: *smiles brightly and blushes* Awwww, Slave-kun! Thank you for such a lovely review! It really made my day! I'm glad that you really seem to enjoy this story! You're review was really sweet, Slave-kun, thank you *bows and smiles happily* I also wanted to thank you for letting me know you are a guy, Slave-kun! That's very considered! I hope that you will also enjoy this chapter!
Roxie.88: *smiles and waves* LOl, Hinata will be gaining more confidence thanks to her relationship with Naruto! All your questions will be answered in this chapter, Roxie-chan! *grins* Thank for the review!
llazo4108822: *smiles and waves* Thanks for the review, Lazo-san!I'm glad you love my fic! It really made me smile knowing that you like it! I hope you also like this chapter!
Anilex Hyuga-Uzumaki: *smiles brightly and nods* Awww, thanks for your kind words, Anilex-chan! It really made my day! You won't have to worry about me abandoning my fics because it's never going to happen! *smiles warmly* Yes, your profile is awesome! I love it! You have great taste! Thanks for the review!
MrBlue987: *smiles and waves* I'm glad you love this story, Blue-kun! I hope you don't mind the name! Also all your questions will be answer in this chapter! I'm glad for the review! Thank you!
Titanahah: *smiles* Aww, I'm glad you like this fic! It made me happy to read your review! I hope you like this update!
Chewie Cookies: *smiles and waves* Cookie-kun! I'm glad to hear from you! Your kind words made me smile! Thank you for the review! *grins* I'm glad you like the fluff! *giggles and winks* Yes, I know what you mean, Cookie-kun lol!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!
Chunnin Confession
Chapter five: A Godfather story
~~~In Naruto's apartment~~~
Naruto sat in the couch of his small apartment with Hinata in his lap, his arms wrap around her petite body in an attempt to keep her from his godfather view, and he had a scowl on his face. He wanted to have his questions answer or at least punch him again, or if he was lucky both! But that couldn't happen unless his godfather open his mouth and speaks, said man was currently looking at him, smiling, not saying anything. The three of them kept silent for a minutes, which felt like hours for the blonde until his patient ran out and he gave the man a annoyed look.
"Well? Aren't you going start talking?" Naruto asked sharply.
"Yes, I should, but I don't know where to begin." Jiraiya replied.
"Oh, I know, how about... the beginning! Or better yet tell me how you know my Hime!" Naruto said giving the man a withering glare.
"Well let's start at the beginning, but Gaki please don't interrupted until I'm finish, alright? And you Hime try not to faint since I'm going to tell him everything!" Jiraiya said as he gave a wink to the young girl and saw her blush ten shades of red while Naruto just gave his girlfriend a questioning look, but she didn't meet his gaze so he gave Jiraiya a curt nod and Jiraiya open his mouth to tell them everything...
Jiraiya stood in the hokage office, his face was set on fierce look of disapproval, and his hands were shaking. He couldn't believe what he just heard, his sensei had to be lying or joking, but even he can see his sensei grim face. Jiraiya felt like the air was knocked right out off his lungs, he knows his position and the village situation since the nine tails attack a few days ago, but he never thought his Sensei would denied his request of adopting Naruto. He was the boy's godfather, he had right dammit! He understands his sensei position, but what about his position? Jiraiya slammed his palms on the desk, he gave his sensei a hard look, and shakes his head in denial.
"Sensei, you can't be serous! Naruto should be with me! I'm his Godfather, their will be no place safer for Naruto than with me, my student put his faith in me to take care of his son, he knew I could take care of him." Jiraiya said as he glared at his sensei.
"That may be, Jiraiya, but right now I just can't afford for you to drop out of active duty. The leaf village can't afford it. You're needed as a spymaster to keep other villages from attacking us." Hiruzen said grimly.
"But what about Naruto, Sensei?!" Jiraiya asked as he turn his palms into fist.
"He will be just fine here. I will take care of him while you're away, Jiraiya, I know that this is hard for you. It's hard for everyone, many had died and many are badly injured. But thanks to Minato's sacrifice the village was spared. We still need to recover from the damage that been done and I need you to help us do it." Hiruzen as he took a long drag of his pipe.
"How long would I have to be gone? It's must be quite something if you won't even let me in Naruto's life." Jiraiya said already dreading the answer to his question and his suspicion was confirm when his sensei didn't even make eye contact.
"Jiraiya, you have to understand..."
"I asked how long, Sensei! Dammit, Sensei, just answer me." Jiraiya said, his patient wearing thin, and his mood turned sour when his Sensei mumble the answer.
"16 years or until peace has been reached with the other nations." Hiruzen said as he closed his eyes, not wanting to see his student face, as his student take in the news.
"When do I leave for the mission?" Jiraiya asked in a pain voice.
"The sooner you leave for the mission the better it will be for the village." Hiruzen answered.
"Very well, I will leave in the morning." Jiraiya said as he turned around and open the door, planning on leaving before his said something that he would regret later on, but before he could he heard his sensei's soft words...
"I'm sorry, Jiraiya."
Jiraiya turned around and gave his sensei a slightly detach look as he said his reply...
"Not as sorry as I am, Hokage-sama." Jiraiya said as he walk out of the room and close the door firmly behind him.
~~~End of Flashback~~~
~~~Time skip (another flashback)~~~
Jiraiya was cursing under his breath as he looked at every ally over the hidden leaf village, he had just heard from an informant that the caretaker of the orphanage where his Godson was living had thrown him out into the streets in hopes of him dying off. Jiraiya quickly disposed of the informant(He deserved it for calling his Godson the demon brat) and hurried to the village seeing it was almost christmas time and the weather was getting colder. Jiraiya has searched almost the entire village for his Godson and was now searching the allies, in hopes of finding him before the weather got worse, just as he was about to go look for his Godson in another ally he heard a few whispers deep inside the left ally. Jiraiya quickly follow the voices and saw something that made his heart clench, their in a small box was his Godson, he knows it's him because he looks a lot just like his student looked. The worst part was that his face was smother in dirt and his cloths were dirty and thin, his tiny frame was shaking from the cold... still his attention was drawn away from his Godson to see the other people that were standing next to where his Godson was sleeping, a man with brown hair and Byakugan eyes was saying something to the small girl next to him. Jiraiya couldn't hear what they were saying, but he was wary of them, seeing as the man was from the Hyuuga clan, and he was standing close to where his defenseless Godson was sleeping.
Jiraya continue to watch in silence as the little girl move closer to his godson, in her arms was a heavy looking blanket, she gently place said blanket on top of the shivering boy. Jiraiya watch as the girl gently touch his godson cheek and draw her hand back quickly, a blush forming on her cheeks and a small smile played on her face as she saw the boy stopped shivering. Jiraiya raise an eye-brow at the scene, still watching everything from the shadows, he watch as the man next to the girl give her a small basket that she put next to the box. Jiraiya eyes soften seeing that these people where actually helping his Godson instead of attacking or something else, so with that in mind he came closer to where the two where and he cleared his throat, startling both the people. The man had quickly activated his Byakugan and was standing protectively in front of the young girl while said girl step in front of the box that held his sleeping Godson, blocking his view from the boy and effectively keeping her gaze lock on his; her gaze was wary and it held suspicion...
Jiraiya smiled.
"Hello, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I'm Jiraiya, the toad sage, and who may you be?" Jiraiya asked quietly and he watched with amusement as the man froze and his eyes open in shock while the little girl gave him a confused look.
"Jiraiya-sama, I'm Ko Hyuuga and this is Hinata-sama the heiress of the Hyuuga clan. What are you doing here, Jiraiya-sama?" Ko said not really knowing what else to say or why the famous toad sage was here this late.
"Well you see I came here for the boy." Jiraiya said as he pointed to the box.
Ko eyes widen and than narrowed dangerously, he really didn't care about the demon kid, but he did care about the young heiress and kami knew that they were no way he could convince the young girl to leave the boy. He already tried and failed miserably. Ko cursed inside his head, he couldn't take down a sannin, but at least he could give the young kids time to get away... hopefully. Jiraiya had to fight back a smile when he saw that the young man took a fighting stance, but he decided he had wasted enough time here, he needed to get his godson out of this weather now.
"Calm down, Hyuuga. I just want to get the boy out of this weather and get him inside some place warm." Jiraiya said as he came closer to the two kids.
"You came for the de- I mean you came to help the boy?" Ko asked in confussion.
"Yes, I have and if you don't mind I will like to asked for a small favor." Jiraiya said as he knelled in front of the box, his hands went to grab his godson and gently lifted him up, without having to wake him up.
"Yes, what is it, Jiraiya-sama?" Ko asked curiously.
"I must asked complete silence over this meeting. I don't want anyone to know I'm here at the village, can I trust you enough to keep silence?" Jiraiya asked as he stood-up from the ground with the small boy in his arms.
"Yes, I can do that, Jiraiya-sama." Ko said nodding his head.
"Good, now I must leave. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I will also like for the young heiress to accompany me. I have a few things to asked her." Jiraiya said as he began walking towards the girl and smile down at her.
"No, Hinata-sama is supposed to be in bed. I need to take her back to the compound." Ko said firmly.
"It's seems to be that the little girl wasn't even supposed to be here. If Hiashi found out that you took the girl away from the compound he will be pretty upset. You shouldn't mind if she stay with me for a few more minutes. I promise I will have her home and in her bed before anyone will notice." Jiraiya said inwardly smirking when he saw the guy paled and he saw him nods.
"See that wasn't so hard. Now go back to the compound while Hinata and me take a walk." Jiraiya said and began walking away from the ally, he smiled pleased when he heard small footsteps behind him and soon enough the small girl was walking besides him. Jiraiya smiled at her and she looked-down shyly, but glance back quickly looking at the boy in his arms with a concern look.
"So, Hinata, can you tell me what you know about this boy." Jiraiya asked the girl next to him.
"I-I-I don't k-know m-much about him, J-J-Jiraiya-san. I-I-I know that I w-wacth him ran away from some villagers that were chasing him, t-t-they were yelling at him cruel names and t-throwing rocks at him. Ko-san told me his name was N-Naruto, and t-that I-I should stay away from him, b-but it's almost c-chritmass and nobody d-deserve to be t-t-treated that c-cruelly. So, I convince, Ko-san, to brink him something t-to keep h-him warm. N-Naruto-kun I-its homeless and t-the villagers h-here are so c-cruel to him..." Hinata said softly, her eyes welling-up wit tears as he recall the way the poor boy was treated, she didn't knew him, but nobody deserved to be treated that way.
"I see." Jiraiya said thru clench teeth and he took a deep calming breath to help maintain himself from going an a killing spree.
"J-J-Jiraiya-san, where are we going?" Hinata asked as they kept walking.
"We're going to see a friend. Later, I'm going to the Hokage while you stay with Naruto." Jiraiya said as he turn to the left and finally stop in front of a house.
"Hime, can you knock on the door? My hands are full." Jiraiya said and watch as the girl nodded shyly and knock on the door softly. Jiraiya sweat-drop, the girl wasn't knocking right, if he wanted to wake-up the person inside the door need to be practically knock down. Jiraiya decided to take matter into his own hands or rather legs, he gave the door a kick that nearly brought down the door. Jiraiya smiled in satisfaction while Hinata eyes widen in shock and the blonde boy in Jiraiya arms stir and mumble something in his sleep, but didn't awake much to Jiraiya's relief. After a few moments the door was open, and a sleeping looking white hair man open the door. His eye widen in surprise, but then he quickly step aside and let the three enter his house.
"Master Jiraiya, not that I'm not grateful for the visit, especially this late at night, but mind telling me what's going on?" The white hair man asked as he rub his visible eye.
"Kakashi, I'm sorry to intruded, but do you know what happen in the village?" Jiraiya asked as he laid Naruto on the couch of the living room and made a sign for Hinata to sit-down.
"I have no idea seeing as I just got back from a mission week-long mission just a few hours ago." kakashi replied as he gave the man a tired look.
" I see, well the caretaker of the orphanage were my godson was staying decided to throw him out and he on the street since. I need to talk with the Hokage and you're babysitting the Hyuuga heiress and Naruto while I talk with him about the situation. " Jiraiya said as he make his way towards the door and open it.
"Master Jiraiya, wait! You can't leave me with them! I don't know anything about taking care of kids! What if Naruto wakes-up?" Kakashi asked desperately, he was a train shinnobi that could handle enemies easily, but taking care of kids not so much...
"He won't that Kid could sleep thru a storm with the day he had. Don't worry you will learn, there is a first time for everything, Kakashi. " Jiraiya said as he close the door and left leaving behind a terrified looking Kakashi...
~~~In the Hokage office~~~
Hiruzen sigh, it was late at night and he was stuck doing paperwork, and by the looks of it he will have to spend the night to get the paperwork done in time. His day couldn't get any worse...he was wrong. In the next minute he had an angry looking sannin standing right in front of his desk, Hiruzen blink, and stare up at his student in surprise. Wasn't Jiraiya supposed to be in the Suna, gathering information for the village?
"Jiraiya, what are-" That's as far as he got because his student decided to punch him and the impact made him fall of his chair, the room quickly fill with ANBU that was currently trying to restrain a furious sannin.
"Danm, you Sensei! You promise to look after Naruto while I was gone! How dare you lie to me." The enrage sannin spat at his Sensei and fought off some off the ANBU that was currently holding his arms.
" Jiraiya, I don't know what you're talking about, calm down, Naruto is perfectly fine in the orphanage." Hiruzen said as he wipe the blood from his mouth and sat himself back in his seat.
"Perfectly fine in the orphanage?! Oh, so who the heck is the look-alike I got back in Kakashi's place? A clone? Dammit, Sensei, Naruto was kick out of the orphanage a few days ago!" Jiraiya snarled and tried to lundge at his Sensei again, but couldn't move away from the ANBU all the ANBU that was holding him.
Hiruzen felt his blood froze, Naruto was kick out of the orphanage?, he really didn't know that. The ANBU he send to watch over Naruto while Kakashi was away on the mission told him the boy was perfectly fine at the orphanage. Hiruzen eyes darken, he would have to have a talk with the caretaker and ANBU that had lied to him, but for now he would have to calm his student down. Hiruzen sigh and close his eyes to calm himself a bit and then he open them again.
"Jiraiya, I'm going to tell my ANBU to release you and leave us alone, but you have to calm down, alright?" Hiruzen asked as he look over his student and he saw him slowly nod, he made a motion for his ANBU to release and leave them alone, and a soon as they did, Jiraiya lunge for his sensei again. He grab his from the front of his robes, and started to shake him.
"Jiraiya, calm down! I will have a talk with the caretaker off the orphanage and she will be punished so. Naruto will also have more ANBU watching him there, I promise not to let anything like this happen again." Hiruzen said trying to calm his student, but his words only seemed to anger the enrage sannin more.
"Punished accordingly? I want that woman's blood! She was hopping that my Godson died! She can't get away with it! You want my godson to go back to that place? Over my dead body! He needs another place to stay! More ANBU looking after him? Their mostly the ones that want him dead! Fix this now sensei!" Jiraiya demanded as he release his grip on his sensei.
"Jiraiya, that's enough, I know you're upset, but that's no way to talk to your Hokage. I never meant for this to happen, but I give you my word it won't happen again." Hiruzen said calmly.
"I know it won't, I will be here every once in a while to make sure of that, Hokage-sama. Make sure to tell your ANBU, the council, and everyone that I won't handle anymore more violence to the boy. Kami help them all if I see even a single scratch on him. Get him his own place, and I will deal with Kakashi being the one to look out for him." Jiraiya said as he went to the door, ignoring his sensei's voice telling him to come back, and slam the door.
That night Hiruzen didn't sleep, he spend the entire rest of the night taking care of the ANBU and caretaker of the orphanage, he even manage to find him a place to stay...
~~~Back at Kakashi's place~~~
Jiraiya sigh as he open the door to Kakashi's place, not bothering on knocking, as he strolled inside. He inside Kakashi was reading one of his book (that made Jiraiya grin a little) in the left seat of the couch while Naruto was sleeping on his belly and hugging a pillow to his chest and Hinata was looking at the blonde boy as he slept, she also seemed to entertain herself by playing with his godson's hair... Jiraiya laugh softly, the girl seemed to like his godson, he was proud that his Godson seemed to have already a female friend. Kakashi look at him and gave him a look, the witch he return, Kakashi sigh and went over towards the kitchen where Jiraiya followed him. Kakashi look at Jiraiya seriously while the toad sage told him everything he knew and the things that happen while he was with the Hokage. Kakashi ran a hand thru his hair and nodded his head in consent, he would look after the boy so no more harm could come to him and if he had a mission he would tell Jiraiya so he could come and watch over his godson himself.
After a few minutes, they both went to the living room and saw that the girl hasn't move from his spot on the blonde side. Kakashi raise an eye-brow because of it, but Jiraiya just smirk. Hinata eyes seemed to drop slightly, she was tired, but she didn't want to go to sleep. She like watching the boy, he look so peaceful sleeping, almost like an angel...Hinata couldn't phantom why the villagers treated him the way they did, she heard whisper calling him demon, but she didn't understand them. How could this innocent looking boy be a demon? It made no sense! Hinata didn't believe it, the boy look like an angel than a demon... Jiraiya cough and Hinata was startle out of her thoughts. He smiled softly down at her and motion her to come with him, she hesitated not wanting to leave the boy alone with the other white hair man, but when Jiraiya gave her another smile she did as was requested and follow him outside.
"You seemed to like my Godson, don't you, Hime?" Jiraiya asked with a small smile.
"G-G-Godson? N-N-Naruto-kun, it's your g-g-godson?" Hinata asked in shock.
"Yes, the Gaki is my godson, but you didn't answer my you want to be his friend?" Jiraiya asked and he watched in amusement as the girl blush darkly and started to play with her fingers.
"I-I-I-I-I wish t-to b-be. H-H-H-He seemed like a n-nice b-boy." Hinata replied shyly while looking down.
"That's good! That means I can asked you a small, but very important favor." Jiraiya said as he smiled down at the girl.
"W-W-What favor, Jiraiya-san?" Hinata asked as she look-up at the man.
"Watch Naruto for me, will you? If you accept, then next time I come back I will want a full report on how he is doing. Alright?" Jiraiya asked as he gave Hinata a grin when she nodded her head rapidly.
"H-H-Hai!" Hinata replied a she blush even more darkly.
"That's great, Hime! Thank you! Now let's get you home." Jiraiya said as he lifted the heiress up to his arms making Hinata let out a small 'epp'.
"B-B-But what about, N-N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata said as she wraps her arms around the sannin neck as she glance back at the house where the blonde boy was sleeping inside.
"Don't worry he will be safe there. Trust me. Right now I need to get you home before that Ko guy dies from a heart attack." Jiraiya said chuckling as he jumped on the rooftop and began his quest towards the Hyuuga compound, the time he pretended he didn't see Hinata looking towards the house they just left his Godson in...
Jiraiya laugh and kept a steady pace towards the compound ignoring the girl question on why he was laughing.
~~~End of Flashback~~~
Jiraiya finish telling his story of what happen when he was force to leave him, and also he told him about the time he first met Hinata. So, with that done, he look over his Godson and his girlfriend where sitting, wanting to see their reactions... Hinata like he guess was looking red as a cherry and she was trying very hard to hide in Naruto's jacket while said boy was trying to process was he just heard. Naruto blinked. he remember that day, he woke-up to in a house he didn't even know and he was about to panic, but then the third Hokage was there next to ANBU wearing a dog mask. They took him to his apartment and he has lived here ever since than. He didn't know what to feel, so every weekend, week, or year his godfather was watching over him? that explain why the villagers had stop physically abusing him and settle for ignoring him. Wait... if Hinata and his Godfather knew each other did that mean he told her about the fox? Naruto slowly look at his girlfriend that was trying to hide in his jacket and then towards the man who was waiting for some sorts of response. He mouth to the man: 'Does she know about the fox?' his Godfather answer was a shake of his head. 'No, of course she doesn't know or else she would have have never love me... he could love a monster?' Naruto though to himself relieve and slightly disappointed. Naruto sigh and was about to speak when he heard a small cough from the girl in his arms, she hold both of her hands to her mouth and cough again this time louder, concern Naruto looked at Hinata, but she just kept coughing and when she finally stop she look a little pale.
"Hime, are you alright?" Naruto asked in concern.
"I'm fine just a little tired." Hinata said as she quickly windrow her hands from her mouth and hide them from Naruto's view.
"Then you can take a nap in my room while... Jiraiya and me talk about some few things. Let's go." Naruto said gently as he pulled her up and showed her to his room, and when she sat-down on the bed he cover her with a blanket. He was about to leave the room, but Hinata voice stop him.
"N-N-Naruto-kun, are you m-m-mad at me?" Hinata asked quietly and she kept her gaze on the blanket, she looked so sad and fragile, Naruto's eyes soften as went to sit next to her. He gently grasped her chin and made sure she was looking at him in the eyes, she gave her a small smile and shake his head.
"I'm not mad, Hime. I'm a bit confused and really sick of something's, but I'm not mad at you. I would be a hypocrite if I was mad at you for hiding something from me when I'm hiding something from you." He said softly looking as her eyes turn curious.
"W-W-What are you hiding, N-Naruto-kun." Hinata asked, but she then cough into her hand and laid back in the bed.
"Later, Hime, we will talk everything out later. Right now I just want you to rest." Naruto said as he gently kiss her forehead.
Hinata nodded and closed her eyes while Naruto stood-up and walk out of the room.
If he stayed longer he would've notice the blood that was currently on Hinata's hand.
~~~Back in the living room~~~
Jiraiya sat there waiting for Naruto to come back, he knew Naruto had more question the which he probably couldn't answer, at least not today, it's too soon for him to know everything in one day. Jiraiya had hope that he could clear everything up with Naruto and work for his Godson forgiveness and maybe even bound with him, well he at least thought he made progress seeing as Naruto call him by his name instead of 'Bastard' that's a start. Jiraiya came back from his thought when he saw Naruto walked into the room and he looked serous and right there Jiraiya knew what Naruto was going to asked...
"Who where my parents?"
The end of chapter five my longest chapter ever! Lol, I hope you all enjoy and review. P.s. No, Hinata doesn't know about Naruto's parents and neither those Hiashi.