Title: A promise
author: Cindy Ryan
category: oneshot, missing scene
timeline: slightly AU after RF
notes: This was a writing challenge to myself to see if I could do a drabble. Turned into a failure since it's 203 words but a friend thought I should post it anyway.
summary: Slightly AU (I'd like to think Sherlock would ask Mycroft to look after John and not Mycroft doing it on his own) spoilers for keeps a promise.
Mycroft Holmes sits in a wing-backed leather chair in an apartment across the street from 221B. He had a million things to do. Things his brother scoffed at; national security and saving the world. Instead he was in a dark apartment at seven at night; alone. Why? Because of a promise.
'I have no right to ask anything of you, but I'm asking you this: look after John."
Sherlock's words, his last words to Mycroft before going undercover, echoed through the government official's thoughts. Mycroft understood that John was family to Sherlock in turn that made John family to Mycroft. It was a week since his brother's fake funeral. A week since John Watson had watched his best friend jump to his death. To say the man was not doing well was an understatement. Mycroft lowered the binoculars with a sigh. As much as it pained him Mycroft would keep his promise to his brother. He would look after John. It was clear the man needed family. At least until the entire family could be reunited. Checking the time on his phone Mycroft stood; gathered his things and left the apartment. He'd be back; keeping watch until Sherlock came home. As promised.