AN: Look everyone, I wrote another story! Yay! This was gonna be a oneshot but now I think I'm gonna make it a chapter story. If this is good, you guys can review and tell me about it. But enough talk. Time for the story! And btw has anyone seen the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles commercial? That kid Casey Jones reminds me of Zuko!

In this fic here are the ages and grades of people: Katara-15(she will have a birthday in a later chapter), 10th grade: Zuko- 17, 11th grade: Sokka- 16, 11th grade: Suki/Ty Lee/ Song/ Jin/ Mai- 16, 10th grade: Toph/Aang/Teo: 14, 9th grade

Chapter 1: First Day

My alarm clock went off at six 'o'clock. Instead of being upset that I had to get up so early, I was really excited. It was my first day at Four Nations High. This morning I had woke up, done my hair, and was trying to pick out an outfit when I decided something very important. I vowed that I would not, and I repeat not, be the geek I was at my old school, North Waters High.

At North Waters, I was always top of my class, something that wouldn't change, but I was also bullied. If you looked at me, you would think, why would anyone bully her? Well, the problem being, I was the new kid. Me and my brother had just transferred from South Waters. As you probably guessed, North and South Waters, have a HUGE rivalry going on.

It all started with their differences. NWH was big on sports and SWH was all for academics. They would always try to beat the other in their strong suit. So, for my 7th and 8th grade years, if there was a spelling bee, science fair, social studies fair, quiz bowl, or anything like that, I would enter. More often than not, I would win. My brother, Sokka, always went for the sports. While he was pretty good at them, he was nothing compared to the guys on NWH's team. Coach Bato and Coach Pakku also had a rivalry. Honestly, it was more like a grudge Pakku held towards Bato. I don't know all the details, but it involved a woman, them, and death threats. LOTS of death threats.

Anyway, so after I moved to NWH, everyone knew where I was from. This resulted in taunting, name calling, and too many dirty looks to count. The only real friend I had was Yue. She was different just like me; only it was her hair that made her so. It was pure white, and the strange part is, she never dyed it! She was born with it and she wasn't sure why. She was also the principals' daughter and led a very sheltered life.

One of the reasons we had to leave NWH was my brother. First, since he was from the rival school, they wouldn't let him play any sports. Second, was that he was completely in love with Yue. When he found out she was dating Shi, a guy her dad picked for her, he went into a rage. Sokka demanded that Shi fight him for Yue. He agreed and soon the two were brawling in the courtyard. When Yue and I finally pulled them apart, they both looked pretty bad.

Shi had a black eye and a busted lip. Bruises covered his arms and legs, and there were multiple scratch marks all over him, some of which were bleeding. The left side of his chest was caved in a bit, so he had probably broken a rib. Sokka didn't look much better. He too had a busted lip and a gash on his cheek was bleeding profusely. His ankle was swollen, and possibly broken. Even more bruises covered his arms and there was a piece torn off of his shirt.

That's when the principal showed up. He took them both to the office and we didn't see them for the next three periods. Finally, in seventh period, Yue and I were called to the office to tell our version.

"Ok, now ladies, neither of you are in trouble. I just want to know what caused this fight to happen," the principal said.

"Didn't you already talk to the boys, dad? What did they say?" Yue asked her father.

Letting out a chuckle, he father replied, "Well, I tried to talk to them, but the only things they said, were insults, directed at one another."

That does sound like Sokka… I thought mentally smiling.

"So would you please tell me what happened?" Principal Jui asked.

"Well, it all started when Sokka found out Yue was dating Shi…" I told him. As I recalled the story, with Yue adding in the details I missed, Jui grew more and more upset.

When I was done telling the story he said, "So this whole thing was over my daughter?"

"Yes," Yue and I answered.

"In that case, there is only one thing I can do. I have to expel both boys," he said standing up out of his chair, "Thank you for your time ladies." With that, we were ushered out of his office and back to class. Within a week, Sokka was expelled along with Shi, and my family was moving to Ba Sing Se. I didn't want to leave Yue, but my dad assured me everything would be ok. I didn't want to argue, but I didn't believe him.

So that's how I ended up here, sitting on my bed trying to figure out what outfit would make me look popular. After going through my entire wardrobe, I finally decided on light blue Miss Me jeans with about eight holes in them, and a hot pink Hollister t-shirt. I also put on my mother's necklace and a few bracelets. Then, grabbing my bag, I headed downstairs to make me and Sokka some breakfast.

Dad had already left for work, so I took it upon myself to fix Sokka's breakfast so he wouldn't starve to death. After making myself oatmeal, with fresh fruit and cinnamon-sugar, I went on to make Sokka's all meat breakfast. Last night he had personally requested sausage, bacon, fried ham, and what he calls "baby meat". "Baby meat" is actually eggs. Don't ask me where he came up with the idea for "baby meat" because, I have absolutely no idea.

Once it was done I called to Sokka and told him his breakfast was ready. A few moments later, Sokka was at the top of the steps, dressed and ready for school. I have no clue how he gets ready so fast, but I have to learn how to do that.

"MEAT!" he screamed, coming down the stairs three at a time. Running into the kitchen, he plopped into a chair, tied a napkin around his neck, and held his knife and fork up.

Rolling my eyes, I sat his plate in front of him and said, "Ok, calm down Sokka. There is your meat."

Seeing the large plate full of meat, his eyes bugged out of his head and his jaw dropped down almost to his chest, then he said, "Katara, you are the BEST SISTER EVER!"

I silently laughed as I watched him stuff his face. "Yeah? That's only because I feed you!" I told him, sitting down with my own breakfast.

"Tgat might ee rue, ut I ont care," he said with food in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and started to eat.

After we were done, I took the dishes and put them in the sink. Then, I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and hair. When I was finished, Sokka was waiting outside for me in his car. I can't get my license until Saturday, so Sokka is driving me to school 'till then. It took us ten minutes to get there, and another twenty to get our schedules and maps of the school. It's huge! The principal is really nice, but the vice principal, Long Feng, whom I have to call Mr. Feng, gives me the creeps. Once all that was done, I had been officially enrolled in Ba Sing Se High, and it was time for first period.