Hello people! I'm back with a little Ross & Rachel fic. It was initially a one-shot but it got too long so I divided it into chapters. It is based on a Jenvid fic I wrote several years ago and posted it on FriendsCafe, so if you ever read that one this one may sound familiar to you but I've changed many things to fit R&R relationship. I hope you enjoy it and please, I would like to know your opinion, it only takes a few seconds. Thanks in advance! :)
Ross left his office with the biggest smile on his face; today would be a great day, a very special one. He inserted his keys on the door and entered his house, happy to be there after a long day at work. He heard voices coming from the main bathroom and headed toward it. He knocked quietly and opened the door to find his two girls having a bubble bath together.
"Daddyyyyyyy!" his almost 4-year-old daughter yelled thrilled the moment she saw her father. Ross smiled widely and got closer to the bathtub to greet them.
"Hi princess" he leaned to kiss her head and then turned to his girlfriend "hi honey" Rachel smiled while receiving a gentle kiss on the lips. "How have you been today?" he asked, taking seat on the edge of the tub.
"Good" she sweetly said bringing him down for another kiss.
"Mmmh I see" he said looking into her eyes and smiling.
"How was your day?"
"Okay…but long! I was eager to come home and be with my girls…Where is the baby, by the way?"
"With your mom, she came to pick her up like an hour ago." She pouted.
"You know she's in good hands."
"I know, but she is so little…" Ross let out a chuckle.
"Honey, She's gonna be one soon."
"Exactly, she is too young." Her little daughter coughed to catch their attention.
"Daddyyy!" she said loudly in an insinuating way as she raised her chin up and smiled widely, hoping he would notice what had happened. He looked at her sweetly and soon discovered something different on her.
"Oh! Hey…what happened to your little tooth?" he said crouching by her side to have a better view of her chipped mouth "it's not supposed to fall yet, is it?" he asked Rachel.
"Nu-uh, she tripped this morning while running and she hit her mouth against the floor…it was awful," she explained, remembering all the blood coming out of her daughter's mouth.
"I had my mouth all red daddy, and it hurt a lot!"
"Well it wouldn't have happened if someone had obeyed mommy when she told you not to run in your socks." Rachel said looking at her serious. Emma looked down ashamed. Ross saw this and felt compassion for her, she was just being a normal child.
"Did you cry, sweetie?"
"A bit…".
"She did, but as soon as I told her that "tooth fairy" would come and give her a present if she put her tooth under the pillow she stopped instantly." the little girl looked up at her parents all happy again.
"When is she coming, mommy?"
"Maybe tonight…you never know," Rachel winked her eye at her.
"Honey, Can you take her out and put her pj's on? I want to enjoy this bath a bit longer…"
"Sure! Come here sweetheart." he ordered his daughter as he held a towel open to wrap around her. He lifted her up in the air and placed her over the toilet. Relieved, Rachel extended her legs and rested her head on the curb of the bathtub as she closed her eyes, being finally able to relax.
"And how she knows my tooth fell?" Emma asked full of curiosity while her dad dried her body and hair.
"Tooth fairy!"
"Oh…because she is magical and knows everything."
"Like Santa?"
"Yeah, like Santa."
"And Can I wait for her up? I wanna meet her!" she exclaimed jumping on the toilet excited.
"Easy little tornado!" he grabbed her to stop her jumping and sat her on the toilet to put her pajamas on "and no you can't, she won't come unless you're sleeping like a baby."
"But I'm not a baby anymore!" she grumped.
"It's just a saying, honey. You just have to sleep; if you stay awake she'll never come."
"But…how you know she exist if nobody saw her?"
"Ugh!" Ross exclaimed in frustration "When is this "asking phase" gonna end?" he asked annoyed turning to Rachel, who simply chuckled and shrugged her shoulders not bothering to open her eyes. Emma was ready to open her mouth again but the ringing bell interrupted her. Ross smiled feeling 'saved by the bell'.
"That must be your auntie Monica that has come to pick you up."
"YAY!" Emma yelled excited, forgetting the whole tooth thing.
"Give mommy a goodbye kiss and let's go pick your things" He said, leaning towards Rachel with their little girl in his arms.
"Bye mommy" she said, sweetly kissing her mommy's lips.
"Bye honey, be good with auntie Monica!" she warned.
"No!" the little girl exclaimed between giggles as her father took her out the bathroom.
After a brief conversation with Monica and saying goodbye to his daughter, Ross returned to the bathroom. He still found her there, relaxing in the bathtub listening to the soft chilling music that came out of the piped music. He smiled and silently took his sneakers, socks and trousers off. He tiptoed until reaching the bathtub and got into the water. Rachel sat up startled by the sudden movements of the water.
"Shit! You scared the crap out of me!" she said with wide eyes, touching her chest where her heart was beating wildly. She arched an eyebrow when she noticed he was getting in with his clothes on.
"What the hell are you doing? You're all dressed!"
"I know…" he sat in front of her and smiled.
"Is this supposed to be hot? Because it's not…I'd rather have you with no clothes on" she said with a naughty smile.
"Well, why don't you just come over and take them off yourself?" he teased her; Rachel bit her lip.
"Aw…I get it now, that was your purpose from the beginning, wasn't it?" she asked as she slowly moved closer to him and sat on his lap.
"Maybe…" Rachel chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips brushed his very softly. The kiss slowly began to turn into a deep, hot, passionate one that left both of them breathless.
"I missed you…" she whispered into his mouth.
"I missed you too, terribly…" he said in her same tone. His lips traveled to her neck while his hands smoothly stroked her bare back.
"The day is sooo long and boring without you here..." she murmured as she tilted her head to one side to let him know she wanted more; at the same time her fingers started unbuttoning his soaked shirt.
"It feels the same to me…" he lifted her head to look into her eyes and pulled her a little closer. "But I promise once I'm done with this project I'll be all yours, night and day…"
"Mmmh I love the sound of that…" she smiled as she brushed her nose against his and unbuttoned the last bottoms of his shirt. She then took it off and threw it outside the bathtub, not caring about the amount of water that was spilled in the process.
"And will you take me on a 'sexy' vacation?" she said as her hands explored his now naked torso.
"Yeah! Whatever my woman wants." he whispered as his hands slid from her shoulders to her chest, caressing her silky skin. "you look so beautiful…" he confessed hypnotized by her shiny blue eyes. Rachel smiled shyly and leaned in to kiss him as a thank you for his compliment. Her arms found their way around his neck; leaving no possible room between their bodies. "Happy anniversary," she murmured in a husky tone before sinking in another kiss. She unconsciously began to rock her hips against his body, making him moan throaty. The friction mixed with the slow kiss was driving him crazy. He tried to keep himself cool; he had something important planned and if they got carried away there would be no way he would carry out those plans. Not able to take it anymore he firmly gripped her hips as he let out a gasp.
"What are you doing?"
"Can't you figure?" Rachel replied, arching an eyebrow.
"I do know what you are doing, but you seem to have forgotten that we have a table booked for 7pm and you aren't even dressed yet." Rachel groaned in annoyance.
"Since when is that a problem for you?"
"Uh…since…it's our anniversary."
"Exactly, and the house is completely empty," she said in a sensual voice as she kissed his lips again. Weakened by her charms he got lost in her sweet kiss again, but soon enough, despite her grunts, he stopped her yet again. "Ross!" she whined, arms crossed.
"Don't look at me like that! I want to…too, but I've something planned and it cannot be put off" Rachel's face softened.
"You've something planned, apart from the dinner? What is it?" she inquired full of curiosity.
"Uh…you'll have to wait."
"Oh come on! Tell me!"
"Stop whining and go get dressed, now! It's my turn to enjoy the bath." he said, grabbing her arms and lifting her a little so that she had to get out of the bathtub.
"Uh…that's how you treat your girlfriend? I think someone won't be getting any tonight" she said sticking out her tongue as she wrapped her body in a towel and left the room faking rage. Ross chuckled amused.
She walked into her dressing room and after applying moisturizer on her skin she picked up the dress she would wear for their special date; a short, black, strapless dress that fit her body perfectly. With matching black shoes and her long blonde hair loose on her shoulders she was ready to go.
When she entered her bedroom again to pick up some jewelry items she stopped in her tracks. On the bed there was something that she hadn't noticed there before: a photo album. She looked around confused and then slowly walked toward the foreign object full of curiosity. She sat on the bed and took the thick, light blue book between her hands. A smile appeared on her face instantly as she understood what it was. She smiled wider when she saw the cover, where, mixed with the light blue color of the book there was a picture of her and under it, written in black letters, the words "My World".
The fic is almost finished so I'll post the rest of the chapters within this week.