Without any further delay on my part, I bring you this next chapter! Apologies it took so long! And as usual, all rights to Himaruya.

The enticing warmth of the Spring air and the clear, open blue skies overhead helped to ease England's nerves as he strolled to America's house. If his mind wasn't so preoccupied with the fact that he had made a very stupid promise to himself, he would certainly be enjoying the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, said stupid promise was chewing at his nerves, and England, for once, gave thanks to his innate obstinance for preventing him from backing out. Said promise was rather simple, at least according to the logical part England's brain; confess to the damn American. According to his emotional half, however, the plan was complex beyond the realm of possibility. At that moment the emotional side looked to be winning out.

When England knocked on the front door, it flew open moments later. America was standing there, positively beaming.

"Hey, England!" America greeted him jovially.

Rather unceremoniously, America grabbed England by the arm and started dragging him off. By this point England was used to the gesture, so he allowed himself to be guided without much of a fuss. Most of his energy was being spent keeping his stomach from doing backflips anyways.

"America," England asked after a couple of blocks, "where are we even going?"

America grinned and paused for a moment to face England. He clapped his hands together and winked.

"It's a secret," America declared mysteriously.

England rolled his eyes, but he smiled slightly as he replied, "Why am I not surprised?"

America laughed before he commanded, "Anyways, close your eyes."

"Excuse me?" England blinked and started to feel apprehensive of America's secretive plans.

America pouted slightly, "Please?"

England reluctantly did as he was told, and moments later he felt America offer him his arm. England held onto America's arm just above the elbow and followed half a step behind his new guide. America was careful to walk slow enough for England, who despite being extremely curious managed to keep his eyes closed. England felt a bit childish, but fortunately he wasn't able to see so if anyone did give him a funny look, he didn't notice. Instead, England concentrated on the feel of the sidewalk beneath his feet and the motion of America's arm. He listened to the busy city traffic and the snippets of random conversation from passerby.

"Almost there," America hummed mischievously.

Their pace sped up as England got used to being guided. Soon, the concrete sidewalk gave way to a more gravelly path and England could feel the air cool around him as they stepped into the shade. He felt America stop walking so he slowed to a halt as well.

"Ok," America said softly, "open your eyes."

England obliged. His eyes fluttered open, and as they adjusted to the light he gasped quietly. They stood on a walking path by the edge of a placid body of water that reflected the clear blue sky on its surface. More impressive, however, were the dozens of blossoming cherry trees that spread out in each direction along the path. The soft, delicate pink of the flowering blossoms was accentuated by the dark, glossy bark, and the branches spread out and hung over the path, shielding it from the direct light of the glowing Spring sun. The entire body of water, England could see, was surrounded by the gentle pink blossoms. If he wasn't mistaken, he remembered seeing a similar tree at Japan's house.

"It's beautiful," England praised with a light smile.

America nodded happily, "It's the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. We always celebrate it when the cherry trees flower like this."

"I'm glad I visited when I did, then," England noted in a subdued tone.

"Come on," America nudged him gently, "let's go for a walk."

They strolled down the path at a leisurely pace. Countless other citizens seemed to have the same idea as them, and England also spotted several couples holding hands as they walked. England surreptitiously glanced down at America's hand, but quickly went back to looking at the cherry trees. America was content for once to just walk around in silence, but every so often while England was appreciating the gentle, fragrant beauty of the trees, he caught America watching him and smiling.

They continued down the path and eventually the crowds of people thinned out. They were approaching a more isolated section of the basin when England spotted a familiar figure looking around. He was withdrawn from the rest of the smaller crowd and therefore stood out as clear as day. England was about to point out the familiar figure to America, but it appeared the younger nation had already noticed. He looked a bit surprised, but he quickly grinned and bounded ahead of England to greet the visitor.

"Yo!" America called out loudly, "Japan!"

The figure of Japan turned around to see America running up to him. He cringed slightly as America smothered him in a friendly hug but still smiled politely nonetheless.

"Hello America," Japan greeted formally.

"I didn't know you'd be here, dude! You should have told me!" America exclaimed and let go of Japan.

Japan shook his head, "I did not want to impose."

"Nah," America waved his hand dismissively, "it's totally fine!"

Japan glanced over America's shoulder and spotted England approaching. Japan smiled faintly and England nodded in place of a greeting. Japan nodded back, much more comfortable than he was with America's hug.

"What are you doing here anyways?" America asked innocently.

England noticed a brief look of concern flash over Japan's face. It was gone almost immediately and Japan looked just as collected as before. England narrowed his eyes slightly, though if Japan detected any of England's behavior he did not let on about it.

"I just thought it'd visit the cherry blossoms," Japan told America quietly, "I wanted to check up on them."

"Yeah, sure," America nodded, "they're doing great!"

"I'm glad," Japan said passively.

Japan glanced over at England again, but this time he was met by a pair of bright green eyes staring right at him. Japan quickly looked away and England huffed slightly. America seemed oblivious to the interaction though.

"Anyways," America spoke up suddenly, "we gotta go now Japan, but I'm glad you're enjoying the Festival!"

"Thank you, America," Japan bowed slightly as the younger nation bounded away, expecting England to follow close behind him.

England made to do just that, but the passive Japanese nation stood in his way.

"How are you, England?" Japan asked with a meaningful look.

England blinked, "Fine."

Japan nodded, "And America?"

"He's fine too," England replied hesitantly.

Japan nodded again. He did not comment further, which made England even more suspicious.

"Anyways," England cleared his throat uncomfortably, "good day, Japan."

England heard Japan reply under his breath as he hurried to catch up to America, "Hopefully."

Not sure what to make of that statement, England sped up until he spotted the young nation ahead of him. America had not noticed his brief absence, thankfully. He was humming a peppy tune under his breath with his hands in his pockets.

"Funny meeting Japan here," England commented lightly to try and start a conversation.

America started and looked at England blankly, "Hm? Oh, yeah, pretty cool huh?"

England noticed America's distracted behavior and asked, "Something bothering you?"

"Oh, no," America chuckled lightly, "I just had a feeling he would be here is all."

"Oh?" England was suddenly much more curious as to why Japan was there.

America just shrugged and kept on walking. England frowned and kept up the pace, but it was clear to him he would not get an easy answer out of America. He always chose the strangest times to shut up for once.

By this time, England and America were two of only a few people left on the path around the basin. The majority of the people were gathered across the water where some of the celebrations were being held. It seemed that the further they walked from the start, the quieter America became. He was staring down at his feet and chewing the inside of his lip, clear indications that something was on his mind. England was not sure whether to ask about it or not. Not only that, but how was he supposed to keep his promise to himself if the damn American would not even talk to him? Perhaps he would hold true to his promise another day...

England was acutely aware of the fact that he and America were now the only two people left on the path. The distant murmurings of the crowd drifted across the water to them, but otherwise it felt like they were in a completely different world. The light pink blossoms of the trees and the baby blue of the sky blended together to form a pastel veil, and behind it England felt very separated from the world passing by around him. Suddenly, America stopped walking and made his way over to a wooden bench tucked between two blossoming trees. He collapsed onto it with a sigh of relief and smiled. England followed him to the bench and sat down next to him.

"Are you tired?" England asked politely, yet another attempt to start a pointless conversation.

America shook his head, "Nah. It just feels good to be here."

"I suppose it's a rather nice view," England reasoned in agreement.

"You have no idea," America mumbled under his breath.

America stretched out on the bench and England twitched when one arm draped over the back of the bench, right where England's shoulders were. He debated whether or not to swat the offending arm away. Then, he realized, it would be the perfect opportunity to make right on his promise.

"Hey, England," America said before England could even open his mouth, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Oh?" England glanced at America, "I've actually been meaning to tell you something too."

America rubbed the back of his neck, "You can go first then."

England paled slightly, "America not wanting to be first? Are you sure you're alright?"

America chuckled uncomfortably, "Pretty sure I am dude."

"Either way," England insisted, not ready to say what he wanted to just yet and struggling to suffocate his last-minute nerves, "go ahead, America, what I have to say can wait."

America looked a bit alarmed, "Oh, ok."

After a brief moment of silence, England cleared his throat, "Well?"

"Well," America began slowly, "I dunno how to say it... I guess... I mean, I do but it's kind of hard to, you know? Like, um–"

"Come on America," England pressed him forward, "spit it out."

America gulped slightly and turned to make eye contact with England. The blue more brilliant than the sky above them filled England with a new sense of tranquility. It was like a reassurance that yes, he was making the right choice. He just had to wait for America, who coincidentally was trying to convince himself of the correctness of his choice too. Eventually, his brain grew tired of struggling and gave up. At that point, America just went for it.

"I really like you, dude," The words tumbled out of America's mouth before he could stop them.

England watched as America's face slowly transitioned through the spectrum of red until it settled on a nice, even tone of pale red to show just how embarrassed America was. England stared and felt like his ears were playing tricks on him. Was this really going to be that simple? Surely not?

"Um, England," America mumbled shyly, "can you stop staring at me like that? Its freaking me out."

England blinked and pulled himself away from America's blushing complexion. He opened his mouth slightly and finally crushed the apprehension that had been chewing at his nerves all day.

"Sorry," England mumbled.

America's eyes widened, "Now you're smiling. Why are you smiling? Dude, England, you're freaking me out here! Just tell me you don't like me so I can go hide somewhere ok?!"

England rolled his eyes and leaned closer to America. He curled one hand behind America's head and brushed it through his golden blonde hair. America opened his mouth to say something, probably just as panicky as before, but England stopped him by pressing their lips together. Their first completely sober, completely on purpose kiss, and America could not be more surprised. Of course, America gladly let England take his time, though after a while England realized he still needed to breathe. England reluctantly let go and pulled back slightly, smirking at the mixed look of shock and utter pleasure on America's face.

"Did- Didn't you have something you wanted to say?" America asked England weakly.

England sighed in content and shook his head, "I think that said pretty much everything."

America nodded numbly, "You're really good with words..."

England felt America's arm around his shoulders again and smiled, "You're not so bad yourself."

A gust of wind shook the cherry blossoms around the figures of the two nations leaning into each other on the wooden bench, and a single blossom freed itself from its branch and floated down onto their laps. America glanced down at it.

"Hey England," America spoke softly, "have you ever wondered if we're just characters in a story?"

England smiled at the familiar line of questioning that he had grown so accustomed to. He allowed himself a moment to ponder the idea before replying.

"If we are," He said, "we got a bloody good ending."

America grinned and picked up the cherry blossom with his free hand, "Or a pretty sweet beginning."

"That too," England nodded.

The wind blew the cherry blossom sitting in America's hand away, and it drifted down the path until it landed near the feet of a certain Japanese nation. He took one look at the two nations on the bench and smiled.

"I told you, Canada," Japan turned to the nearly invisible nation next to him, "Cherry blossoms allow everyone to overcome their difficult times."

Canada shrugged with a mischievous smile, "Whatever gets the job done."

Back on the bench, America and England shared one more tender kiss before they stood up and decided to call it a day. It was a suiting end to start their new beginnings.

And with that, I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who has read this story of mine! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! The story ends here, as I'm working on finishing up a novel of mine this April and I did not want to drag this out too much. After April though, I have a couple new projects in mind you might like... ;)