Billy watched the newcomer carefully, trying to gauge her abilities. She didn't look like much; she was a bit on the skinny side and currently looking at Tommy as if she hadn't noticed him standing there the entire time.

He took a step forward. The woman's attention immediately shifted to him. She looked wary, as if watching a lazy tiger that could spring awake any minute.

Billy dipped his head in greeting before speaking. "Welcome to the Arashikage. Would I be correct in assuming you are a new student?"

The woman stared back at him in mute shock before looking at Tommy in confusion. "Nani?" he heard her murmur.

Billy blinked as he listened to her talk. She didn't seem to have understood him.

He waited as Tommy responded and answered her questions in Japanese. From the snippets of words and phrases he managed to catch, it appeared that the woman had started to learn English in school but stopped for some reason. Maybe it was the difficulty of learning a new language; Billy couldn't tell. He'd had his share of struggles learning enough Japanese to live in a ninja compound.

Finally, the conversation stopped. The woman was fidgeting. She cleared her throat quietly and took a breath. "Yes, I am a student. My name is Akita Junko."

Billy dipped his head. "Pleased to meet you, Junko. We will have a room and equipment ready for you," he said, more slowly than usual. A part of him worried that he was mocking her, yet another part argued that, if she was having difficulty with English, then he would be doing her a favor by speaking slowly.

She ducked her head and gave a timid nod, although Billy doubted her actual timidity. Tommy had a reason for everything, and this girl was no exception. She was here because he thought she would be a good student, and Tommy liked his students with a bit of confidence.

Plus, it was always, always the quiet ones you needed to watch out for.

Tommy watched his apprentice with a hint of amusement. From the looks of it, both Billy and Junko would need to touch up on their languages if they wanted to communicate efficiently. Junko knew a bit of English, but not quite enough. And Billy's heavy accent and incorrect grammar whenever he tried to speak Japanese reminded Tommy of Snake when he was training at the Arashikage.

"It's late, Billy." Tommy finally said, breaking the silence. "You should get some rest. Thank you for your help. Tomorrow, when you have time, I'd like you to review your Japanese. Ask Kimi for help on pronunciation."

Billy's smile took on a pained edge. "Yes, sensei."

Tommy turned to the ninjas. "And you four are dismissed. Good night."

With another deep bow, the four ninjas dematerialized into the shadows.

With one last nod to Billy, Tommy turned on his heels and started walking towards the infirmary. "Come, Junko," he called over his shoulder.

Junko seemed to snap out of the daze of finding herself surrounded by ninjas and hesitantly followed him. After a quick glance to make sure nobody was around, she quickened her pace until she had passed him. Then she turned, planting herself directly in his path and crossing her arms, glaring up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.

He gave her a look of mild disinterest. "You said you wouldn't believe me if I told you I was the Young Master, so why would I waste my breath and tell you I was?"

"That... That was-" She made a noise of frustration. "I thought you were joking!"

"Well, I wasn't." He took her arm and resumed walking, ignoring her struggles. "Quit that, would you? We need to get you checked."

"Checked? For what - cameras? Think I'm a spy or something?" She tugged, trying to free her arm.

"There are individuals called 'doctors' I'd like you to see," he replied wryly. "They're very good at patching people up. I think you should see one to get your ribs and other injuries checked." He released her arm, but kept walking forward.

Grumbling, Junko followed a little ways behind. "Smartass," she muttered.

"I heard that."

"I know you did," she sighed, before falling silent. This wasn't how she'd pictured their road trip ending, although she wasn't quite sure what she had been expecting. What does one exactly expect upon being brought to a ninja clan?

A sleepy assistant (or at least Junko assumed he was) snapped awkwardly to attention when they entered the infirmary. "Master!" he blurted in surprise.

Tommy nodded in greeting. "See to this young woman, please. I'll return for her in the morning." He patted Junko on the back. "You'll be fine. We have excellent doctors. Good night. Sleep well." He turned to leave.

"Wait-" She grabbed his arm; he looked at her questioningly. "You're just going to leave me here?"

"... Yes. I need rest too." He tilted his head. "Why do you ask?"

"I... I just-" She found herself fumbling for words.

Tommy cocked an eyebrow. "If you're worried about safety, know that this is one of the safest places in the compound."

"That's not it," she replied weakly.

"Then are you afraid of being alone? If you are, one of the doctors can stay with you until you fall asleep."

She shook her head. That was almost it. "No need for that. I really don't want someone watching me sleep."

"Then what is it?" He stared at her curiously. Junko suddenly became all-too aware of her pounding heart. Even her own breathing sounded too loud and noisy in her ears. When had it become so quiet?

At first, Tommy looked puzzled. Then his face lit up and a horrible, knowing smirk stretched across it. "Or," he chuckled. "Do you not want me to leave? Is that it?"

Junko felt an overwhelming urge to slap that smug smile off of his face. And it really didn't help that the traitorous part of her mind piped up that, hey - maybe he's right. Instead, she fixed him with a glare despite the knowledge that her cheeks were turning more than a healthy shade of red. "Don't flatter yourself," she hissed.

"Don't fret. I'll be back in the morning," he laughed. "You can sleep without me in the same room, can't you?"

Maddeningly, her cheeks heated up more. A slap was too good for him, she decided. He needed a punch. Instead, she took a deep breath to try and calm herself before answering, "Of course I can."

"Excellent." He looked at the assistant, who now looked shocked and a bit pale. "She's all yours. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, master," the young man managed to say before Tommy disappeared out the door.

An awkward silence settled in the room. The assistant cleared his throat and turned to her. "Alright, Miss... uhh..."


"Right. Akita." He glanced around nervously. "Please follow me. We'll see to your wounds."

This clan sure has questionable doctors.

That was the one thought that stuck in Junko's mind as she was poked, prodded, and asked questions. The 'doctor' tending to her - a particularly young-looking one - kept on turning to an older man for help every five seconds. Junko doubted he was qualified to care for patients. At least the older one seemed to know what he was doing.

"There you go," the older doctor said appraisingly as the younger one finished wrapping her last wound with fresh bandages. "Well done. It took you a while. You're too nervous."

"Sorry, sensei." The man bowed. "Thank you for getting up to assist me."

So the man tending to her was an apprentice. Oh. That explained a lot.

"It's nothing." The mentor dipped his head in response. "Dismissed. Get some rest." He turned to Junko. "Miss, come with me."

With a slight wince and an awkward jump down from the examination table, Junko followed the doctor as the apprentice disappeared into thin air. Or, that was what she thought had happened. What kind of human being disappeared that quickly?

... Oh. Ninja. She'd almost forgotten.

The doctor slid open a door and stepped aside. "You'll be staying here for the night. The restroom is down the hall. If you need anything, press the button on your bedstand. Got that?"

All she could do was nod.

"Good. Rest well, Akita-san. I heard Young Master is coming for you in the morning, so you'd better be prepared and alert."

Junko noticed his eyes briefly sweeping up and down her body before he bowed and left. She felt herself bristle. He'd just sized her up! What was his problem?

Mood slightly sour, she made her way to the bed and slowly laid down on it with a small sigh. It wasn't as comfortable as, say, the safe-house's bed, and the scent of unknown herbs floated in the air. It lacked a sense of security, which set her on edge.

She wished for her parents. Or her oneesan. Or, yes, even Tommy. They all had their own ways of making sure she felt safe.

She balled her hands up into fists. Oh well. There was nothing she could do about tonight. Better get some rest while she could.

Once she had squirmed into the position that hurt the least, she drifted off into a heavy, exhaustion-induced sleep.