Chapter 30: Endless Rage Finale
Phantom looked from the GIW, to the Hulkbusters, to his Team and he saw that they were exhausted.
So taking a deep breath, Phantom acted. "Alright."
The other Renegades looked at him like he was insane as he put his hands up. "Dude, what are you doing?!" Forge asked in shock.
"Trust me." Phantom whispered before looking at the two different Government Factions. "So which one of you two is in charge?"
"I am." Both K and Ross said at the same time causing them to look at each other in surprise.
Phantom tutted. "Now that's just confusing, do I surrender Hulk first or surrender myself?" He asked with a raised brow as humor was evident in his voice. "Come on, stop sending mixed signals here."
Speed Demon caught on to what Phantom was doing. "Yeah, which one do we do first?"
"You are to surrender the Hulk-." Ross began only for K to shake his head.
"No, you are to surrender yourself." K said glaring at Ross. "Phantom is a bigger menace than the Hulk."
"Son, you don't know what you're talking about." Ross snapped at K returning the glare fullforce.
"Forge, think you can hack one of the GIW?" Phantom whispered to Forge. "We just need to cause Mass Hysteria."
"On it." Forge whispered back as he began messing with the computer in his prosthetic arm, something that didn't go unnoticed by Ross.
"What are you-?" A blast went off as one of the GIW's tanks shot, hitting a Hulkbuster causing it to return fire and pretty soon everyone was firing. "Hold your fire!"
"Speed Demon, get as much of the Ecto Armor onto the Haven as you can." Phantom ordered quickly. "We can't let either of them get their hands on it."
Speed Demon gave a nod and ran as Phantom turned to the others.
"Get Banner on the Haven." He said as he focused and opened a Ghost Portal underneath the Giant Fenton Catcher, causing it to fall into the Ghost Zone.
He figured better there than in the hands of the GIW.
That action along with Ray's speedy moves caused the GIW and some Hulkbusters to fire at them causing Nyx to throw up some shields but it was clear that she was straining while Talon was carrying Bruce to the Haven that Forge had park.
"Hurry up." Nyx shouted as she could barely block the hits, some of them managed to hit the Haven, much to Forge's chagrin.
"Almost done." Speed Demon said moving as he grabbed piece, by piece of the Armor, throwing it into the Haven.
Having enough of both the Hulkbusters and GIW firing at them, Phantom shot ecto rays, aiming for the barrels of their weapons to render them useless.
He then smirked and fired at the dirt in front of the GIW, causing them to be covered in dirt.
Then he saw cracks appearing on Nyx's shields so he threw his hands forward applying Ecto Energy to the mix as the cracks disappeared.
"Think you can hold it?" Phantom asked as Nyx smirked.
"Try to keep up." She shot back.
Speed Demon sped back to the Haven with the last of the Suit as Talon sat Bruce down on one of the seats. "That's all of it." Speed Demon said looking to Forge who was at the Pilot's seat.
"Damn it, it's always something." Forge said in annoyance.
Not liking his tone, Talon looked over. "What's wrong?"
"One of the blasts that hit the Haven messed with the systems." Forge replied looking grim. "I need time to fix it."
"We don't have time-." Talon snapped as Speed Demon ran between them.
"What do you need to do?" Speed Demon asked quickly.
"I need you to open the panel underneath the Haven and rewire it." Forge told him placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him from speeding off. "They have to be done in a specific order."
"Got it." Speed Demon said as he ran to the underside.
Phantom winced as he felt low on ecto energy.
What was taking them so long?
If they didn't leave soon he'll turn back to his human form, not only exposing his secret identity but he would lose the others because the only reason the shield hasn't fallen were because both his ecto energy and Nyx's chaos magic were working together.
If either of them ran out of energy, they wouldn't stand a chance.
But giving Bruce Banner up to the Hulkbusters wasn't an option.
"How are you holding up?" Phantom asked Nyx who was sweating from the sheer pressure as the GIW and the Hulkbusters stopped firing at each other and were focusing on the shield to try and destroy the Haven.
"I'm fine, what about you?" Nyx asked looking worried. "You used a lot of energy."
"I've had better days." Phantom admitted as one blast nearly caused him to lose focus with cracks appearing. 'Come on, keep it together.'
If he could he would reopen the portal to the Ghost Zone in order to escape but he wouldn't be able to keep it open for long and he wouldn't be able to do it enough times to get everyone out.
… Unless he used up all of his energy to get everyone out at once and leave him.
The GIW just wanted him, not everyone else.
"Nyx." Phantom said to her. "I want you to get to the Haven, I have an idea."
"What, but you need me to keep the shield up." Nyx began only for Danny to cut her off.
"If we don't do something, we'll all be captured, trust me on this."
Nyx was quiet before giving a nod as she slowly backed away towards the Haven, being sure not to drop the shield.
Talong was surprised when she saw Nyx backing into the ship, still keeping the shield up. "What are you doing?"
"Danny ordered me back to the ship, he said he had a plan." Nyx told her, the strain of keeping the shield up evident on her face. "What's taking so long."
"Ray you need to move the red wire to the right." Forge said on the com link they set up. "Then remove the green wire and replace it with the orange one."
"You have five different orange ones!" Speed Demon shouted back. "And three different green ones, which one do I use?!"
"The dark shaded ones." Forge said quickly as he made sure that despite them being the same color, they were different shades in order to tell them apart.
"... Got it."
"They're fixing the systems." Talon said before they saw the Ecto Energy part of the shield disappearing.
"What?" Nyx's strain was more evident before they saw Phantom flying towards the ship before he held his hands forward, them glowing.
Talon's eyes widened underneath her helmet as she recognized what he was doing and from the look on his face, he wasn't going to be joining them causing her to run and get the com link from Forge. "Ray you need to get away from the Haven now."
"What, but I'm almost-!"
"No, Danny is putting us in the Ghost Zone, you need to get him once he does."
The implications of what Danny was doing quickly set in on Speed Demon. "I'll get him."
Speed Demon began running out from underneath the Haven as a portal opened up to the Ghost Zone, beginning where he was as it began to expand, catching up to him quickly.
'No.' Speed Demon thought putting more effort into running as he was trying to outrun the portal. 'I'm not fast enough.'
He was slower because he was crouching due to being underneath the Haven before it began to tilt, the back end falling into the portal.
Standing up fully, Speed Demon ran faster as he was almost pulled in before the Haven fell through, the portal snapping shut as Danny began to fall towards the ground the rings beginning to appear.
Knowing he didn't have much time, Speed Demon ran and snatched Phantom out of the air and ran as quick as he could without burning Phantom up as he managed to get quite a distance when he changed back to Danny.
Forge cursed as the Haven was spinning in the Ghost Zone and he began typing. "Ray I hope you managed to get the wires we need in." He said trying to start it.
"Nyx put up a shield." Talon ordered the girl not wanting anything bad to happen to them.
"I'm trying." Nyx shouted as her magic wasn't responding. "I used to much earlier."
"Come on." Forge muttered before the engines roared to life. "Yes!"
Grabbing the controls, Forge pulled as the Haven barely missed the ground, shooting up past the different islands of the Ghost Zone causing him to let out a whoop of excitement from the adrenaline.
"W-What?" Danny muttered a little out of it due to lack of ecto energy as he focused to see Speed Demon carrying him as he was running with the GIW and Hulkbusters in full pursuit. "Ray what are you doing?"
Speed Demon didn't answer as he kept his pace up moving to the left to dodge a shellfire from one of the tanks.
"The GIW were after me." Danny said as Speed Demon kept moving now through the trees to throw off some pursuers. "Why didn't you stay with the others."
"You are a big idiot." Speed Demon snapped as he made a quick stop in a nearby cave, miles away from where the fight with the two armies were, placing him down. "You really think it would've been better if we let you sacrifice yourself for us?!"
"I'm one life compared to you and the others." Danny snapped back as he stood up. "Half a life anyways, as long as you guys are safe it doesn't matter what happens to me."
Speed Demon ripped off what was left of his mask to glare at Danny. "That's fucking bullshit!" He shouted surprising Danny because Ray was rarely one to curse like that. "You think you don't matter?!"
"No I-."
"Who was the one who brought us together?!" Ray interrupted loudly as he used Superspeed to push and hold Danny into the wall. "Who led us when things seemed bleak while Nyx was in danger from the Vampires?! Who kept us together when we had our own moments of weakness?!"
Danny went to say something but Ray cut him off.
"You are the whole reason the Renegades even exist." Ray said angrily tears threatening to escape. "The reason each and every one of us have something to live and fight for. You think you don't matter?!"
That was when the tears finally escaped from Ray's eyes.
"You think any of us would forgive ourselves if you died?" Ray shouted at him. "I'm not losing my best friend because he thinks he doesn't matter!"
Danny blinked in shock at that last part. "Wait what?"
Ray chuckled a bit as he looked away, letting Danny go. "Yeah, I guess I'm also being selfish here." He said rubbing his eyes. "Before the Renegades I didn't have any friends, hell I barely believed in anything before coming here. I always thought I didn't matter until you confronted me about my interference with the war in Middle East."
"Ray I-..." Danny looked down.
"You're more important to the Renegades then you think." Ray said his eyes still wet but they were glaring. "We need you."
"I-." Danny closed his eyes and smiled. "Ray, thank you."
"It what friends do." Ray said returning the smile as he placed a hand on Danny's shoulders. "You ready to head home?"
It didn't take long to reach the Base in Bayville due to Ray's speed as they were in the lab when Danny began powering up the Ghost Portal.
"Uh you do realize that the Haven won't fit in here right?" Ray asked knowing that Forge would more than likely fly it through the portal.
"I know." Danny said as he flew to the wall that separated the lab from the outside. "I just need to time this right."
Ray realized what he was about to do and quickly got out of the way as the Haven shot through the portal.
Eyes narrowing, Danny focused as he turned the wall intangible with the Haven flying outside as it crashed to the ground, kicking dirt up with it skidding.
"Forge isn't going to be too happy with the paint job." Ray commented as Danny snorted.
"No he won't." Danny said with the speedster running through the intangible wall before Danny let go and phased through feeling physically and mentally exhausted.
Talon was climbing out with Forge, both of them carrying an unconscious Bruce while Nyx used her Chaos Magic to get out as she had a small energy disc under her.
"So I managed to get the right wires?" Ray asked causing Forge to let out a bark of laughter.
"You did Ray." Forge said shaking his head. "Although I'll need to repair it."
"And make some upgrades?" Nyx joked with a smirk.
Danny slowly walked towards them and Talon looked over with narrowed eyes through her cracked visor as she let go of Bruce causing John to support him some more and walked over there.
'Oh crap.' Danny thought realizing that Talon was pissed.
"I should punch you." Talon said once she was close enough. "You didn't tell us about the dangers of that suit and for what you tried to do a few minutes ago. We almost lost you a couple of times today."
Danny winced as she said that before she did something that surprised him.
Talon pulled him into a hug.
"Don't do anything like that again." Talon said and Danny heard a sniffle and realized that she was crying underneath the helmet.
'You're more important to the Renegades then you think. We need you.'
Ray's words echoed through his head as Danny closed his eyes and returned the hug.
An awkward cough caused both of them to remember the others as they quickly separated.
Nyx had a knowing grin as Forge and Ray looked a little awkward.
"Uh right." Danny said his face red a bit as he and Talon looked away from each other. "Come on let's get Dr. Banner inside and check on Taz."
Fury was on the Helicarrier looking at the various News Reports documenting the fight between the Hulk and Phantom's team.
"Renegades, Strike Him Down!" Was heard throughout various clips letting everyone who was watching to know what to call them.
"These 'Renegades' have desecrated a National Park." A man was saying in one video.
A little kid was in the other. "They were like pow and the gray guy was like Rragh!"
"Who are they and why were they fighting?" A woman asked.
"Since when was the Hulk gray?"
"I recognized that man the Hulk turn into." An old man said. "That was Doctor Banner."
"When does Phantom have a team?"
"They're the ones who stopped AIM a few weeks ago, I saw them!"
Fury turned the screens off and looked away.
The secret was out.
Phantom just confirmed for the world that there were other people like the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man and yet managed to keep a lid on the existence of Mutants at the same time.
But his hands were tied with getting Phantom away from the GIW and the Hulkbusters.
Not only was it out of his Jurisdiction due to Phantom being a Ghost to others, but he had to speak with some people in Congress to keep everything calm.
If Phantom's Half-Ghost Status became public he would have the jurisdiction to help him but doing so would cause more harm than good at the moment.
Miles away from everything a man in the shadows watched the events played out with the Renegades fighting the Hulk as he was hacking SHIELD to get who they were.
"Daniel James Fenton AKA Danny Phantom. Team Leader. Ecto Energy makes him unpredictable along with known Fenton Tech. Threat Level: High. Laura Kinney AKA Talon. Clone of Logan James Howlett AKA The Wolverine. Adamantium Skeleton and Powerful Healing Factor. Threat Level: High. Jonathon Silvercloud AKA Forge. Powerful Technopath with the ability to create Advanced Tech. Threat Level: High." A computer calculated as it showed 3-D holograms of each of them, both in costume and out of it. "Ray Gabriel Chan AKA Speed Demon. Can be anywhere within a matter of seconds and could possibly break the Sound Barrier. Threat Level: High to Possible Extreme. Natalie Creed AKA Nyx. Powerful Magic User despite her Age, possible to grow more powerful in the future. Threat Level: Extreme."
The man stepped out of the shadows to show he was in metal armor with a green cloak over him.
"Is that all of them?" The man asked his voice filled with power and confidence.
"No, files indicate a sixth member."
"Show it." The man ordered.
Now Taz showed up. "Alexander Diablo Mage AKA Taz. Rumored to be half-werewolf and close friend to Blade the Daywalker." The Computer calculated. "Heightened Reflexes and Senses. Threat Level: Medium."
The man frowned.
"Recommend immediate termination."
"No." The man looked away as Magneto entered the room. "You aren't going to touch them."
"You dare tell Doom what to do?" Victor Von Doom asked in a dangerous tone looking at the Mutant with cold, yellow eyes. "After the help Doom gave?"
"I meant no disrespect." Magneto said with a frown at the Leader of Latveria. "But Phantom is needed alive."
"They could pose a threat to your plans with Asteroid M." Doom warned him.
"Or they could be the strongest of allies." Magneto told him. "Phantom was spoken in a Prophecy."
Doom gave a deep chuckle. "Fate doesn't concern Doom." He said giving Magneto an amused look.
Magneto wanted nothing more than to wipe the arrogance out of Doom, but despite his Titanium Armor being metal, it was forged with magic, enabling his Magnetic Powers over it null.
"You can relax Erik." Doom said turning away. "If anything, Doom is intrigued."
Magneto paused.
If Doom was intrigued it could work to his advantage, but he was wary of how much he would trust the man.
True, if it weren't for Doom he wouldn't have been this close to his dream of Mutant Supremacy.
But Doom's reputation told Magneto enough to know that making a deal with Doom was like making a deal with the Devil itself.
Doom always has a reason for anything he does.
"Why does this team intrigue you?"
Doom chuckled. "You misunderstand Doom, it is not the Renegades who intrigue Doom." He said as Danny's image came up. "It is Phantom."
Hulk was by himself inside the mindscape as the memories of everything that the Grey Hulk did went through his head.
The fear he caused in another world along with the pain he gave to others.
"Hulk, it wasn't your fault." Bruce Banner's voice spoke up.
"I hurt them." Hulk whispered. "Puny Banner was right I am a monster."
"No you aren't." Bruce said with a glare.
Years ago he would've agreed but seeing Hulk like this and seeing the things he's done despite being hated has changed his mind.
"You aren't a Monster Hulk." Bruce said walking up to Hulk. "If you were you wouldn't be feeling regret for what happened."
Hulk snapped. "Doesn't change what I did." He growled at Bruce.
"No it doesn't." Bruce admitted looking down. "But we can make things better by not forgetting."
Hulk frowned as he looked away while Bruce disappeared.
Bruce Banner opened his eyes with a sigh.
It seemed that Hulk wouldn't be in a talkative mood for a while and after everything that has happened, he doesn't blame him.
"You okay?" Bruce looked over to see Danny had his arms crossed looking at him.
"I should be asking you that." Bruce said sitting up only for Danny to place a hand on his shoulder.
"You need to rest." Danny told him. "The procedure that fused you and Hulk back together left you exhausted."
"Is everyone alright?" Bruce asked as Danny gave a nod.
"Yeah we're all here." Danny said with a smile before he frowned. "But you were caught on camera changing back-."
Bruce gave a sigh as he had a resigned look. "It was bound to happen eventually." He said sounding older than he looked. "I'm amazed it took this long."
Danny looked at Bruce. "You know you can stay here if you want."
Bruce gave Danny a surprised look.
"This is a sanctuary for anyone who needs it." Danny explained to him. "And I'm willing to extend it open for you if you want?"
He held out his hand and for a second Bruce was tempted to take it.
Years of being by himself made him miss being near other people but then images of Hulk fighting the Renegades flashed through his mind and he could feel Hulk shaking his head.
"I appreciate the offer, but my path is my own." Bruce said declining it. "In fact I'm going to be leaving tonight."
Danny looked a bit disheartened but he gave a nod. "Alright but if you ever change your mind, you're welcome here." He said to him.
Bruce smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
Unknown to either of them, Taz was awake and listening in as he watched Danny leave, having to feign being unconscious as Danny looked towards him in worry.
Once Danny left and he saw Dr. Banner wasn't paying him any attention, Taz frowned.
He has made his decision.
To Be Continued…
Finally done with this damn Arc.
I am sorry it took this long to do this Endless Rage Arc but I'm glad that many of you enjoyed it as I've typed it.
Now I'm still deciding on what to do next with this story and I may be introducing the next possibly Renegade member soon.
And sorry for not updating any stories in awhile, life caught up with me.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the Finale and here's the answer to some Reviews!
Spiderman1fan: Thank you and I hope you liked how I had the Renegades deal with the aftermath of the fight with the Hulk.
Shugokage: Thank you, it was fun to type it.
Danifan3000: Well it was still more destructive than how the cartoon showed it.
Coldblue: Uh yeah sorry about not putting enough description for the Ecto Armor but I'm happy you enjoyed the fight of how Phantom took on the Hulk. Yeah the rematch between Hulk and the Renegades definitely went a lot better than the first fight as well as showing how much their teamwork has improved. Yeah, despite how powerful Frostbite, Wulf, Dora and Poindexter have gotten in this story they were clearly outclassed against the Hulk. Hopefully how they dealt with the GIW and Hulkbusters in this chapter was pretty good.
Now for your Questions. 1) Just Meta's for now because they don't know anything about Mutants. 2) I think this chapter answered that question. 3) Originally I was going to have the Reality Gauntlet Arc happen a few days later but I think the Renegades deserve some rest after everything that happened so far. 4) Yes but it won't happen for a few more chapters. 5) Just Magneto in this one. 6) You'll find out soon. 7) A bit of both. 8) Yes he will. 9) Eventually yes. 10) Good ideas. 11) Possibly. 12) For now. 13) Yes they will. 14) Nope, not yet. 15) I'm sorry it took me so long to answer this particular question. I want to type that story but I've had trouble as well. 16) Interesting idea, it'll definitely work better than the original mask that's for sure.
TheWhiteTitan: Well it wasn't really a talk but I hope you enjoyed what happened.
DannyPhantom619: Actually Nyx is the same Nyx from that story, just a different version of her. Nightmaster000 gave me permission to use her as she was his character.
Matt: His upgrades will come during Asteroid M.
AllThingsWeird07: Yeah because honestly the Hulk doesn't really have any limits, so he's extremely hard to beat. As good as the Renegades are and will undoubtedly get better they are far from being able to beat the Hulk in a fight like that.
KuriMaster13: Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
The Richmaster: Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 1) True but I think it was in his character to do so. 1.1) Nope. 2) Well that will come later. 3) Exactly. 3.1) Yes. 4) Intangibility doesn't really work on the Hulk in this story as shown when he could still hit the other Ghosts, so chances are it wouldn't work as it was supposed to in that way for him. 4.1) He was trying to end the fight as quickly as possible so he was using his more powerful attacks rather than that one. 5) I'll show what he was doing at a much later point in this story. 6) Thank you. 7) Well Phantom was always Public Knowledge, but people outside of Amity Park just thought he was an Urban Myth until now. 7.1) I hope you liked the small sample I've shown. 7.2) Oh Jameson will be shown eventually. 8) They were cracked but they still worked. 9) The after-effects will be shown much more as this story progresses.
Phantom Fan: Thank you and I hope you enjoyed how I had Ray and Laura talk to Danny in this story about all of that. Now as for the suit, I figured with Ray they would be able to get it out of there faster. Thank you for the idea on making the GIW and Hulkbusters fight in the beginning. I may have Stark talk to Danny about that in the One-Shots. Both the X-Men and the Brotherhood respect Danny because he helped both sides but stayed out of their conflicts entirely leaving him the neutral party between the two.
Taz-the-monster: A new costume for Taz? Sure that would be interesting to do.
Nightmaster000: Yes they will be gaining a lot of attention for what they did. As for the team being explained, people will be giving theories in the story until Mutants are revealed. Yes both the X-Men and Brotherhood will attempt to improve themselves. Yes the world knows that Hulk and Bruce Banner are the same person. I hope you liked how they got out of the ambush. I'll have to do some research on Black Queen Selene but thank you.
Guest23: Sorry for the wait.
Dion ComicWiz: Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed the fight between the Renegades and the Hulk. 3) Yes I'll try to make Madeline more heroic than her comic counterpart but she won't appear for awhile. 4) She will be a part of the Renegades and the Avengers in the future. 5) I haven't heard of Edward Kelly, I'll have to look him up. 6) I'll come up with something. 7) Maybe. 8) No they'll still stay out of it so the X-Men will fight their own battles but they will lend a hand every now and then.
Ciestess84: Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Jj: I plan to.
Richard1081: Possibly.
Guest24: Thank you.
Wayne933: Thank you and I hope you liked this chapter.
Gabriel Novak: Yup.
Fuciaheart218: It's far from finished just so you know.
Alright I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time.
Oh and I was bored and found a song that I think went perfectly with the Renegades if you want to hear it look up 12 Stones 'We Are One'.
Alright Spidey Signing Out!