Yeah...sorry for updating so very late...the hospital called me back for 8 days. Jeshh they just love me don't they? Anyway my bad again, I will try to update at least every week or more.

Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Here is Chapter 5. I do not own Fairy Tail, Mashima Hiro does. Enjoy!

Chapter 5:Bloody Pranks

Kynn tore through the large tree branch in his hands, devouring it in mere seconds; regaining some much needed magical energy back. His arms had transformed into branch like limbs, legs had become root like, and his long green hair looked like willow tree leaves. He was covered in countless bruises and gashes; blood matted his leaf like hair and dripped endlessly from discarded wounds. His gray eyes glowed in desperation as he tried with all his might to heal the wounds of his falling comrades.

Blood continued to soak the ground around the eight mages, who were frantically fighting for their lives. One veers eight, and still an unfair battle. Every move they made was countered, every effort was a waste. Yet they continued to fight the losing battle. Bursts of flame, flashes of iron, streams of wind, glows of green, sparks of ice, shines of light, beams of darkness, and splashes of blood decorated the battle field. One by one the eight fell, then rose glowing green, wounds healing from the magical leaves Kynn made. Without Kynn the fight would have been over in a matter of minutes, however with his heals the beaten mages were able to fight longer.

"Kynn heal yourself!" A girl with two long gold braids yelled back at him; her hands shined white, hurling a thousand stars toward the opponent.

"This fight will be boring if you do not look after yourself, we are not the only ones fighting!" A large man with dark purple spiked hair bellowed as he looked over the tattered nature dragon slayer. Kynn was looking worse with every heal: his face was pale with blood loss, sweat covered his body mixing with the blood that continued to drip from the neglected wounds, his eyes were glazed over with fatigue, and yet he still continued to heal others and ignore himself.

"Don't you dare die on us!" A different girl with long brown hair shouted as she picked herself up from a pool of blood, her body glowed green as the leaves healed a large gash on her abdomen. Once fully healed she charged head first, throwing a giant ice lance that speed toward the enemy.

"Please Kynn...We need you!" Wendy begged, collapsing to her knees, all magical energy spent.

"I'm...fine..guys" Kynn panted as he reached for another tree branch.


His arm stopped just before he could grasp the branch, then went limp. The others looked at him in horror as blood streamed from his mouth. A large claw had impaled him, lifting him off the ground like he was a doll, and was abandoned like one to the wind. His lifeless body collided with the ground, twisted in an unnatural way. He lay there as blood gushed out, pooling around his spiritless body.

A deep, dark, malicious laugh roared through the air and surrounding mountain.


Charley woke with a start, sweat beaded her forehead as tears formed at her eyes. She looked over at the half naked, green haired, nature dragon slayer as he slept on a tree branch. He looked peaceful sleeping: he was in one piece, no blood, no gashes, no gaping hole where his belly should be.

'It was a dream right?' She asked herself, tears running down her face as she curled into a ball. 'Only a dream. Only a dream. Only a dream.'

But how could this be only a dream. When she saw dreams as vivid as this one, they became truth; A magical power she was born with to see the future. A cursed one if you asked her, they always predicted death, pain, sorrow, never a happy moment.

Charley lay there silently weeping, begging, praying, that the dream was only a dream.

Lucius POV

I lay in my bed; a gray bed sheet intertwined with my limbs as I sent my stupid, black, exceed into the nearest wall. He had the look of pure satisfaction, and was grinning like the idiot he is.

'The fuck! Why is my mouth on fire?' I gingerly touched my lips.

'The fuck did that idiot do to me?'

I saw a glass of water on my bed side table, picked it up and downed it all in one go. Bad mistake. The burning sensation grew at least five times worse and spread down my throat. My taste buds were dead so I did not realize that the water was actually vodka until it was too late. I glared menacingly at Barga, he just laughed at me holding a bottle of extremely hot, hot sauce. Annoyed with the situation, I forced myself up and briskly walked to the bathroom. At this point I knew better then to do something without looking. Slowly turning the tap water on to the bathroom sink, I watched as green goo poured out. I then proceeded to the kitchen, only to find that the sink there was also full of green goo. I opened the fridge to find what all liquids had been replaced with vodka. There was no water, or any other liquid not alcohol in my apartment. I was pissed, not only had I been woken up, my mouth was on fire because of my stupid pranking exceed, and there was nothing in my apartment to make it better.

"Barga!" I growled, slamming 3x the normal gravity on him. His satisfactory smirking was quickly replaced by pain.

"uncle...uncle" He called.

"Where the fuck is the water?" I demanded. He just let out a feeble laugh. Glaring at him I increased the gravity from 3x to 6x.

"In...the ...cabinet..." He weakly pointed to a cabinet to the left of the fridge. I released the extra gravity on him and darted to the cabinet.

I opened it, finding all the nonalcoholic liquids; grabbing the nearest jug of milk, surprisingly still cold, I drank the whole thing. Again bad mistake. The cold liquid soothed my burning mouth and throat. However my pain was not over.

"You just drank a gallon of milk!?" Barga looked at me with wide eyes at the empty jug of milk in my hands.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I'll..I'll put away the mess I made!" he suddenly volunteered; his red eyes looked scared. He rushed to the cabinet and started to move all the liquids to their proper place.

Brushing him off, I decided I should go back to sleep. Just before I reached my bed, I turned and headed straight for the bathroom.

'Fucking asshat' I cursed at my idiotic exceed as I regurgitated the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

After I had regained control of my digestive system, I proceeded to watch Barga slave over the sink.

"So when are we going find the guy who has Odin?" He asked, scrubbing vigorously at the green goo.


"How soon?"

"Whenever I say so, soon"

Sighing loudly at the stalling conversation, he asked. "So where is he exactly?"

"A mountaaaiiiinn" I yawned." about a day's walk from here."

"What mountain?" Still scrubbing away.

I closed my eyes and put my feet on the table top. "Gwyllion Mountain"

Charley's POV

I woke up to the smell of iron: Not Gajeel iron, Not metal iron, but blood. The mental image of my comrades bloody and beaten flashed through my head. I jumped up, tears building in my eyes.

'No...NO! This can't be happening!'

The "gluncth" part is a stabbing sound. And sorry if the milk description is wrong too, I don't drink milk because I'm allergic.

If you haven't done this prank, its a killer. You put hot sauce/rub hot pepper on sleeping persons lips/mouth, put clear alcohol near them and watch the show. They will wake up mouth/lips on fire, think the alcohol is water, drink it(alcohol makes hot stuff worse), then proceed to die...Its flipping funny to watch, I just made it a bit more worse because Barga loves to pull more then one prank at a time.

Also if you have never seen the "milk challenge" I suggest you go look it up. Drinking a gallon of milk is very hard to do, and it is even harder to keep it down.

I have one more OC to introduce, aren't you guys excited? Things are starting to come together? No? Well you will just have to wait and see then!

Sorry for it being shorter then normal, and later too.

Hope to update soon and review if you want.

Thanks for reading!
