FireCacodemon: Welcome to The Death Spark. A Death Note and Darker Than Black cross-over. I don't own either Darker than Black or Death Note. Please enjoy. This is set after Light lost his memories of the Death Note.

The Death Spark

Light and L were working late into the night, it wasn't usual for both of them to be working so late. They were both working on the Kira case, the case which seemed to be getting more dangerous the longer is went on. L watched his computer screen before he peered back at the brown haired companion of his. His belief that he was Kira was starting to die down, still there but buried under this new Kira who had turned up. His suspicions of Light never faded; they lay dormant for the time being without any new evidence to raise suspicion. L's soulless eyes watched Light's every move, carefully biting his thumb while observing the male. His eyes scanned over Light's body without drawing his attention, watching how Light's body was like, the semi muscular body under that white shirt, red tie which was neatly tied, the dark coloured trousers. L watched as Light gently moved one of his brown coloured bangs out from his face.

Light knew that he wasn't Kira but with the gap in his memory, there was still the possibility that he was Kira, but then there wasn't something that pointed him towards the fact that he wasn't Kira. This whole case was driving him crazy, was he or was he not Kira? At the moment, he knew he wasn't Kira but then...Ryuzaki did say that Kira could have the ability to manipulate people into doing his work. Then, there was still the possibility that he was Kira. The clawing feeling in his body and soul was trying to tell him something that his mind was rejecting it.

Everything switched off, throwing everyone into darkness. Light felt the tug of the handcuff around his left wrist. Everyone was struggling to adjust their eyes to the darkness.

"Come on," Ryuzaki gently spoke, trying to attract Light's attention. He succeeded as Light's attention was turned towards the sound where L's voice came from, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see the faint outline of L starting to form.

"Ryuzaki is that you?" Light asked L.

"Yes, it is me. The back-up generator should kick in soon," L told Light in the some drone tone that he always used. True to L's word, the lights flared to life, the computers started buzzing and whirring to life.

"Was that a normal black out?" Light asked confused.

"Watari, was it?" L asked.

"No, that wasn't a normal black out. There was a massive flux of electrical energy near this building, what caused this is still a mystery," Watari told L.

"Thank you," L thanked Watari before he got up from his seat, he gently started to wander off away from the computers, Light watched him curiously as the handcuffs tugged against his skin, Light didn't need to be asked twice, getting up from his seat he followed L.

What caused the massive electrical interference? Kira couldn't be behind it, right? Kira could only kill by having a name and a face of a person. Why would Kira need an electrical surge to do something? That wasn't like Kira. L must be thinking the same thing, if the blackout was caused by something near the building, was it possible that they were caught? Are they working under Kira? No, that's impossible, Kira worked, there was the second Kira which seemed to slip off the face of the world at the moment. It wasn't possible but are both Kira just lying in wait?

"Ryuzaki, Light, what are you going to do about it?" Matsuda asked the two young males.

"Kira is our main concern, but without any fresh leads we could see what this new commotion has caused," L said, gently clearing out his right ear with his finger.

"But Ryuzaki, what if Kira escapes?" Light asked.

"Kira won't escape. Kira will be brought to justice," L told Light. "Now it is getting late and I know you need sleep Light."

"Right, after last night I could do with an early night," Light nodded as he and L retired for the night. The police force watched the two young males head off to bed; they were none stop with working on the Kira case. Light to prove his innocence while L wanted to catch Kira to bring him to justice. There wasn't going to be anything to stop the two of them from trying to stop Kira once and for all.

The Death Spark – Chapter 1

"You're under arrest!" The Japanese police yelled as they cornered a masked man, the haunting white mask with a purple lightning bolt down the right side of the mask, the thin painted smile on the mask struck fear into the police. The police cars had their lights blaring at the male. The dark shadow of the male remained on the wall. The male in front of the police remained still, calculating a way out of the situation, it wasn't easy.

"Put your hands behind your head!" The police said. The male slowly raised his hands behind his head; his black trench coat covered his body.

"Now come towards us!" One of the police members growled, the male obliged, not doing any funny business. The police officer was ready to place handcuffs on the male before a blue radiation appeared around the male's body. The police officer screamed in pain as electricity shot through the police officer, bullets sped towards the young male. He twisted his body allowing the bullets to collide with his back, bouncing off his back and onto the ground. The male threw out a wire which was soon tried around a pole, a whizzing sound could be heard as the suspect projected himself away from the situation he was presented. The police fired at the stranger but he soon escaped from the police.

Standing on top of a near building, the masked man looked over the city. One simple question formed in his mind.

Where am I?

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