"Sweet kami I can't stand the first day of the Season," Kagome said, flopping down on the edge seat of the limo Inuyasha holding Sesshomaru's leash. Hakudoshi closed the door behind them and immediatly opened one of the bar doors and brought out a bottle of red liquid and a glass. "Shippo take us home, I want to get our newest addition settled in today." Hakudoshi handed Kagome the glass filled with about a finger's worth of the red liquid before taking his customary spot at her right kneeling next to her so she had easy acsess to his light colored locks.

"Hai, mistress." The engine roared to life and the five of them drove out of the dark underground parking lot.

Kagome took a small sip from the glass, "Did you have any trouble while I was bussy Inuyasha?"

"No Mistress," Inuyasha said. "I was just trying to explain what it means for him to be yours now."

"Inu," she chuckeld at him. "You can't just drop that on fresh goods. It's his first time being owned, considering Midoriko got him 'wild'. It's probally a lot to take in." She took another sip from her drink rolling the liquid on her tounge, "I love the drink Hakudoshi, excellent choice by teh way."

"You always say I pick a good drink for you mistress," the young demon murmured. "Because you do pick good ones Hakudoshi," she replied, combing her fingers through his thick lilac hair like she always did, his face remained passive but his ruby eyes softened with affection.

"Wench what will it take for you to realease this Sesshomaru?"

Kagome gave the blankfaced inu youkai a confused look, "Excuse me?"

"What will it take? Money? Cars? Trips to foreign lands? Tell this Sesshomaru just what you want, wench, and I will grant you it in exchange for freedom. This Sesshomaru has no desire to belong to a filthy ningen woman," the Dai-youkai respoonded icily. " I found the idiotic hanyou, now I will return to my sire and continue my work."

Kagome stopped petting hakudoshi, with a sigh she gave him her glass a bit of red liquid still inisde. "That's not how this works Sesshomaru. You can't bargin for your freedom, for one thing you have nothing that I want, and two, I own you. Everything you are is mine to do with as I wish. I could strangled you into unconscious everyday and despite how distasteful the idea is, nothing could be done about it because you are my property now." Kagome said, a grimace oblivious on her face at the words, and Sesshomaru found that odd that a Director of the Trade found such a thing distasteful. Hakudoshi refilled the glass with another finger of liquid and handed it to her, "Thank you Hakudoshi." She took a sip before speaking again. "Be thankful that I bought you and not one of the other Directors. The A and a couple B that I know of can be at least decent to their property but lower one are quit vicious. Many arrive at the Auction missing body parts or have had their spirits crushed from lower Directors. You're rather unlucky, you've got enough looks that they'd take an interest and an attitude that would make you a challenge to tame."

"Then what are you?"

"I'm neither," she replied. "I'm a bit off even to my colleges among the A levels. I won't cause you permanant harm, nor will I screw with your mind to the point where you're numb to the world and incapable of independent function." Sesshomaru found it mildly disturbing that the wench was talking about psychological torture like it was a common occurrence. "I like my property to have their own personality, and while they are mine I do give them some freedoms. That along with what will be expected of you from now on will be explained in more detail when we arrive at my estate and Kurama gives you a examination." Her gaze hardened ad she leaned back in her leather seat, "Don't think that I'm going to let you get away with anything though Sesshomaru, you are mine and I WILL discipline you till you won't think to ever do it again."

Glaring at the dai-youkai she had a sudden thought, "What's your favorite color?"

"White..." Sesshomaru answered his icy mask cracking in confusion at the random quesiton.

"Hmm. I do'nt think I made any white ones did I Hakudoshi?"

Hakudoshi took out his notebook, flipping through the pages, "You made 9 last time: 7 you said you wanted Inuyasha to help you style for the Market in 3 days," 'The hanyou has artistic talent?' Sesshomaru questioned. He didn't ever remember his half brother being capable of creativity. "And 1 that you planned to have proofed for Hiei since his dragon keeps burning his, there was a new youkai made retardent that you wanted to try on it, and the last on was suuposed to be a low quality for Lady Tsubaki as a 'gift' to her this year for her annual ball next month." Hakudoshi closed the book, a malicious smirk on his face, "You could always use that one and make another for Lady Tsubaki."

"Haku if Mistress does that there won't be enough time to create a proper one in time for his annual party. It would barely work at all," Inuyasha pointed out.


Kagome broke out in giggles, "Hakudoshi you sadistic little youkia, you come up with the best ideas."

Sesshomaru was more than confused, thought he didn't allow it to show on his face but curiosity was brimming in his gold eyes. The rest of the trip was fairly peaceful. He didn't say much and stayed seated on the ground with Inuyasha, because the damned hanyou stil hadn't let go of his 'leash'. And he planned his escape. Occasionally he glanced up at the strage onna who now 'owned' him from time to time. She looked rather content, sometimes petting Hakudoshi or drinking her liqure or talking with Inuyasha useing terms he didn't know.

**** 25 minutes later, the limo pulled into a well worn drive way.

Kagome got out of the limo first waited patiently for Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Getting out was much harder without the use of arms than getting in. "Welcome to your new home Sesshomaru. "

Sesshomaru gazed at the house with an impassive eye. It wasn't like he was going to stay long. The moment that no one was looking and he was free from his restraints he would flee and report to his sire. Inuyasha handed his leash over to the wench and she gave a gentle tug, "Come, you can see the rest of the house and meet everyone while I give the tour. Hakudoshi, I need you to go tell the maids and cooks that we'll be having a new addition and to prepare his room for him. Also tell Kurama to get the stuff ready for him. I want to get this done as soon as possible, besides I doubt Sesshomaru can handle being flirted with another Kitsune today." 'How did she know that one had already flirted with this Sesshomaru's person?' "Inuyasha you can come with me."

Both youkai followed her instructions, and the 'tour' began.

It was a rather large traditional Japanese estate and about two storings tall from what it looked like on the outside. Inside Sesshomaru was please to see that he'd been correct. The interior was a fine example of a traditional Japanese home. A maid awaited the at the door, she took her mistress' wooden shoes and didn't pay the least amount of attention to the two scantily clad inu-youkai.

The three of the toured the house and the wench continued to speak to him the whole time. It was annoying so Sesshomaru soon turned out her words, but not her voice. She had a rather nice voice, and despite the situation he was surprised that he found it rather pleasent. Her voice was infinitely preferable to the people he'd had to deal with in the company for so many a years. Rin had a pleasent voice as well, but comparing the two int he privacy of his own mind he could help but notice that Kagome's sounded fuller somehow, more mature that his secritary.

She showed int he kitchens, gardens, koi pond with a large Sakura tree planted right next to the clear water. When he saw the roots literally in the water it surprised him for a moment. It was a rather unorthodox, but taking a moment to watch the fish swim lazily around and over the roots like a choreographed dance was charming In its own way. They contined, showing him a really substantial dojo. Outside it looked like a regual large building, inside was a simulated replica of a open air feild. The next place he was shown was his room.

It wasn't as large as the one back in his sire's manor but it would do for the night. A large king sized matress with gold and deep purple bed sheets sat on a raised platform. Next to the bed was a large window that had an excellent view of the Sakura tree and koi pond. There was a closet for his clothes, what little he would be given anyway. A medium sized desk with several drawers and his own private bathroom. Now that had been a very interesting room. The tub was large enought for his sire to fit in ti! Considering the man was almost twice Sesshomaru's width and a good 4 inches taller that was quite a feat. Whoever desighned the estate clearly thought bathing was a priority. Something that Sesshomaru was going to use at least once befoer he fled.

The three of them went back downstairs into one of the back rooms of the estate. Sesshomaru could smell medical plants and Kitsune as they approached a shoji door. "Kurama? I brought our new additon! I hope you're ready."

A squawk came form the other side of the rice paper door, and something fell and crashed against the floor. Bumps and more crashing sounds met silence. Finally the screen for opened, showing a rather embaressed looking red haired male that had very similar coloring to the Kitsune Sesshomaru had met early. The difference was this males was bright red, not rust colored, his eyes were emerald not forest green, and he a slightly awkward air about him, despite smelling of Kitsune. This male was a few inches shorter and wearing a plain brown yukata with a dark green obi tided around his waist. He also had a colloar, but no wrist restraints. "Mistress! Welcome back, I appologize I didn't sense you approach."

"Ya fell asleep tweeking with your plants again didn't you Kurama?" Inuyasha asked with an amused smirk.

The red haired male, Kurama, flushed lightly before giving the hanyou a unamused look, "If you must know Inuyasha I was working on a new formula to treat burn wounds and I fell asleep late last night."

"I don't suppose you heard Hakudoshi then?" Kagome asked, "I asked him to get you to prepare the things I need for Sesshomaru."

The Kitsunes expression turned confused before his eyes widened in understanding, "Oh, no Mistress, Haku did come by, I can smell his scent in my work area. He must have seen that I was asleep and prepared the materials for yiu." His face turned Solum and apologetic, "I'm sorry for not doing it myself Mistress."

"It's fine Kurama," Kagome said, "you and Inuyasha will just have to help me."

"Oh... good."

"Yeah, whoopdy freaking do"

Ignoreing the grumbling of the two men she tugged him inside. Part of the room looked like a war zone, papers, plants, various bowls and containers of different sizes were either set on burners or ontop of each other. Twin bookcases were stuffed with papers, and a thin, but sturdy looking, cot sat in pristine condition on the wall oppisite. Not that Sesshomaru noticed this. The moment Sesshomaru stepped inside was one of the few moments in his life where he cursed being born Inu. The scent of medical herbs and chemicals was so thick in the air it made him dizzy.

"Just set him down on the cot Mistress and I'll get the materials," Kurama said.

"Got it." She tugged and Sesshomaru was to disoriented by the smells to do much other than a weak attempt to flee from the Kami awful room. She set him down, face first into the pillow, his knees tucked under him. The angle his arms had been forceably bound to was irritating in his current position but the pillow in his face served as a small sheild against the stench that permiated the room.

"Here's everything you need mistress."

"Thank you Kurama. Stand back now you two, I don't want this interfearing with your own."

Chanting, a wave of warmth, the scent of vanilla and lavander. Something touched his neck but Sesshomaru didn't care what it was. It sliped off and was replaced with something thicker, wider, it was a light pressure agianst his Adam's apple and made breathing a little more difficult. Reiki tingled along his senses and seemed to seep into the thing around his neck. Something else shifted and his arms fell at his sides. Darkness consumed him soon after.