A/N: Sorry it took so long to update.

Chapter 5 - Benson's Accident

Just when things were getting worse for Mordecai, they got even more worse. At first he was depressed because he had to choose between the two people he loved besides his parents: Rigby and Benson. The depression increased once he witnessed Benson's accident. And it increased more when Rigby was heartless about it.


"Do you want to go for a walk?" Benson asked as he walked downstairs from his too quiet office. It was to quiet for his liking so he decided to leave the work for later. Mordecai said nothing after a while then spoke up.

"Sure. Were to?" Mordecai stood up gingerly while turning off his game system and grabbing his coat. It was still quite chilly out. With him being a bird he should be resting in a nest, but instead he lives a human life.

"Just around the park. I don't want to go to far. I needed to talk to you anyway." Benson grabbed his keys but left his jacket. Mordecai gave him a questioning look. "What?"

"Nothing, just thought you would want your jacket. It's still cold out and I don't want you to freeze." He smiled like an angel. At least Benson thought so. Benson shrugged and grabbed it anyway. They headed out into the cool 3:00 daylight.

As they walked Benson noticed a shiny object in the road. He went to grab it but checked for any carts going by with teenagers on them. They were never careful, they always stole the keys too. He saw a cart rushing towards their way and stayed to the side. Mordecai must have saw it too 'cause he went to go grab it without checking for cars.

"Mordecai look out!" Benson ran and pushed him out of the way and Mordecai fell onto the grass, stomach on the ground. Benson couldn't move fast enough and the cart hit him and he fell down. The teens drove away laughing probably not even noticing the accident.

Mordecai groaned in pain and tried to flip over on his back. He did that and rested their for 3 seconds and sat up. He gasped when he saw Benson looking lifeless on the road. He ran over screaming, "NO NO NO! Please be okay."

He was on the verge of tears when he checked his pulse. Luckily it was there, but it was barely there. That worried him. He looked at Benson's face and noticed a crack in the glass. His mouth was bleeding and he nose was bent.

"Oh my god." He whispered with wings covering his open mouth. He cried his heart out, not even caring if someone saw him. At least if someone saw him they would ask what happened and possibly call an ambulance.

"Hey dude. What's-" He froze on his tracks when he saw Benson nearly dead and Mordecai crying heavily. "Dude, what happened?" He looked towards Mordecai's crying form and saw him look up. He stopped crying and wiped away his tears.

Mordecai told him what happened and Rigby agreed to call an ambulance. Before the raccoon left to call, he asked Mordecai a question he thought was important.

"Mordecai, if Benson died would you go out with me then?" Mordecai looked at him with a furious look. Rigby then realized it wasn't a good question to ask.

"What? You think because Benson would've died I would automatically choose you?" Mordecai screamed at a scared as hell Rigby. All the harsh words hurt Rigby. As he heard more and more insults he was about done and was gonna refuse to call the ambulance. That is until he heard one comment that broke his heart into a million pieces.

"In fact Rigby, I never wanted to date you. I never loved you as more than a friend. I said yes for you to shut the hell up. I was gonna choose Benson all along." Mordecai fell to his knees and cried near Benson's almost lifeless body.

Rigby couldn't stand the pain in his chest so he ran off somewhere so he could be alone. When Mordecai saw him runaway with tears in the brown eyes, The eyes that Mordecai loved, he realized he shouldn't have said that. He lied, he did want to date him. But Mordecai liked Benson just a bit more.

The ambulance came, so Rigby must have called. The paramedics took him away with Mordecai following.


Mordecai was sitting in the hospital chair next to Benson's bed. Benson looked lifeless, like he was alamost giving up on life. Mordecai couldn't let that happen. He stayed at his bed side everyday sense he heard Benson was in a coma. Hearing that was the hardest thing Mordecai had to handle.

Mordecai talked to him, kissed him anywhere he could and rubbed his cold hands into his warm wings. He knew his answer to who to take on the date. He wanted to take Rigby, but he acted as if Benson didn't matter to him. In Mordecai's mind, he acted like a complete asshole. Plus Rigby was he best bro, dating him would ruin their friendship if they ever broke up or fought.

He decided that Benson would be the lucky guy to go on a date with Mordecai. Now he had to figure out a way to tell Rigby without breaking his heart even more. Just as he was finished with his thoughts, the door opened revealing Rigby. His red eyes, messy fur and blood on his wrists, was noticeable to Mordecai's eyes. He didn't know he hurt him that much.

"Mordecai, I'm sorry...about earlier. I do care about Benson, but ever sense you had to decide between us two I felt as if I needed to be selfish. I guess that didn't work out to well." Rigby looked down as if he was ashamed to look into Mordecai's eyes. As he rubbed his arm he whimpered.

"Rigby, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean one word I said. I still would like to date you and I do love you." He paused to see Rigby's reaction.

"Would you still go out with me though?" He asked with excited eyes. He brought the puppy dog face. He eyes big and brown. It was too much for Mordecai, but he had to tell him the truth.

"I'm sorry but...I'm taking Benson." Rigby's eyes grew small again and filled with tears.

"I understand. I guess us dating would ruin our friendship. I'll try with Eileen then. But I hope you know, I'll always love you Mordecai." Rigby kissed Mordecai on the cheek and left the hospital after saying goodbye to Benson even though he coudln't hear him.

Mordecai left later on after giving Benson a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I love you Benson."