Chapter 1 - Benson's Confession

"OMFG, that is so funny Benson," Mordecai was laughing at the story Benson was telling him about his band experience, "did that really happen?"

"Yes it did, like I said, one of the fans gave me a bottle of cologne during a signing. I don't know if they were telling me I smell or what!" Benson was actually smiling while telling this story. When he told Audrey she didn't actually find it funny like Mordecai did. That's what Benson loved about Mordecai. Especially his blue feathers, beautiful blue eyes, long beak, big warm wings. He would love to be wrapped in those.

"Benson?!" Mordecai waved his wing in front on Benson's face.

"Sorry just...uh...daydreaming.", Benson blushed and twiddled his fingers.

"That's ok, so you said you wanted to ask me something."

"I did?," Benson didn't know what he was talking about. Did he ask him earlier?, "When?"

"When I was watching TV downstairs you said you wanted to ask me something personal."

"Oh, right... uh." He didn't know how to put it. Mordecai looked at him confusingly.

"Benson, do you want me to leave and you an tell me la-"

"NO... no I wanted to ask you if you would want to go out sometime?" Benson blushed and started sweating nervously.

"Like on a date?" Mordecai smiled and his eyes lit up. He liked Benson. A lot. So hopefully it was a date.

"Y-yea, I kinda like y-you.", Benson was turning red but not from anger but from nervousness.

Mordecai stood up and walked slowly over to Benson leaned down to where Benson was sitting. He lifted his chin up with his finger and leaned in to kiss him. It was soft and slow. Neither Benson nor Mordecai wanted it to end, but it had to to sometime. Mordecai pulled away and gazed into Benson's eyes.

"I would love to go out with you." Mordecai hugged him and Benson hugged back.


"But," But? But what?, "I can't be your boyfriend yet, i'm just not ready.", Mordecai frowned after saying that and instantly felt guilty.

"OK, I understand." Benson almost cried but he had to wait for Mordecai to be ready to date. Mordecai probably didn't want to date yet. not after breaking up with Margaret.

"Thanks for understanding." Mordecai kissed him again but it only lasted for like 1 second before he sat back down on his chair.

"What?" Benson asked. Why was he still here?

"Where are we gonna go on our little date thing?" Mordecai folded his hands in his lap and slumped down his chair.

"Oh right. I was thinking we go to Cheezer's. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great."

"Great, now get back to work I have things to do and so do you.", Benson shooed him away and returned to his work.

"Yes sir." Mordecai saluted him and smiled. He ran and gave Benson a kiss on the cheek and ran out the office.

Benson chuckled and smiled. He tried working on his work but he couldn't get the thought of dating Mordecai out of his head. He really wished Mordecai was ready.


Benson awoke to a knock on his door. He did't remember falling asleep. He rubbed his eyes and cleaned up his desk a little before letting them in.

"Come in.", Benson folded his hands on his desk and waited for the person to open the door and walk in. Benson was surprised at who it was. Rigby?

"Uh, hey Benson.", Rigby peeked into the office and looked straight at Benson.

"What do you need?" He seemed clearly irritated. Not the fact that it was Rigby, but that fact that he was interrupted. Even though he was just sleeping, he didn't want to be interrupted.

"I need some advice on asking someone out." Rigby nervously walked into the office and closed the door, but not before looking back into the hallway to see if anyone was there. He walked over to the chair and sat down, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Why did you come to me, go to Mordecai, he is your friend." Benson wondered if Rigby trusted him more then his best friend. NAH! Obviously not, why would he trust him?

"It's actually...uh...about Mordecai. I want to ask him out." Rigby looked up and blushed. He noticed the shocked look on Benson's face and immediately got confused.

"Sorry, but you can't ask him out.", Benson looked back down to his work and began writing.

"What?! What do you mean. You can't tell me who to ask out and not ask out." Rigby was angry and he raised his hands above his head.

Benson ignored him and continued working. Rigby was offically angry with Benson. So angry that he could punch him. But he and Benson both know it wouldn't do nothing.

"Fine, I don't need your help. I'll ask him myself and you'll see that I don't need any help asking people out." Rigby turned to leave then stopped and turned back around. He walked over to Benson, took his pencil and snapped it in front of his face. He dropped the pencil from the same height that he broke it and raised his arms while backing out of the room. He slammed the door.

Benson sighed and returned to his work.