Tris pov:

I hear a door slam closed down stairs and pray that Marcus won't bother me tonight, but as usual, my wish remains unheard. The door to my room slams open and I stare up in fear at the man who I am ashamed to call my father. I see a beer bottle in his hand and instantly know he is drunk.

"Stand up." He says, quietly, so quietly I barely heard him. I don't stand, paralysed by fear.

"I said stand up!" He shouts this time. Instantly I obey his orders. I am now in front of my bed. He throws the beer bottle in his hand at me and I duck, just barely missing the glass. It hits the wall behind me and shatters. He pushes me to the ground, my head hitting the corner of my desk on the way down. I feel dizzy.

"Next time you will learn to obey your father." He whispers in my ear, making me shudder. I hear him unbuckling his belt and the six words I have associated with pain.

"This is for your own good."

The belt in his hand hits hard against the sensitive skin on my back, but I don't cry out. I don't give him that satisfaction. I have learned that if I make any noise, it will just get worse.

I lose track of how many times the leather cuts into my skin, but by time he stops, I am drifting in and out of consciousness.

"I'm going to be out of town for 2 days. I expect this house to be spotless by the time I get back, and no friends whatsoever. Not that you have any." He laughs manically, then slams my head against the wood floor of my bedroom, making the black spots in my eyes take over.


My eyes open to the ground. I am lying in the same spot I passed out in last night. My head throbs, but I get up any way, my first day of school is today.

Pulling my bruised and beaten body off the floor, I make my way to the shower. Turning on the hot water, I step in. it stings my back at first, but eventually it turns into a dull throb. I wash the blood out of my hair and shave. As a final step, I let freezing water race over my back to numb it.

Stepping out of the shower, I look in the mirror. My blonde hair hangs limply, dull in colour, and my eyes are too big, my nose too long. I am not pretty, I never have been. Shaking my head, I return to my bedroom, walking to the drawer where I know the bandages will be. It is the same routine every time. Get beaten by Marcus, pass out, wake up, shower, then wrap my back.

Once the bandages are in place, I open my closet, deciding on a pair of black leggings from PINK and a white oversized sweater with the word 'love' on the front. I put my clothes on and do my makeup, covering up any bruises I have, along with black eyeliner and mascara. I decide to leave my hair down today, hoping it will hide any bruises on the back of my neck.

I walk down the stairs slowly, my body is still sore from last night. I grab a muffin for breakfast and check the time. 7:15. Perfect. I still have 15 minutes before I have to leave for school. I currently attend Divergent High School, here in Chicago. My dad, Marcus Eaton, is the mayor of Chicago, not that he deserves it. In public, he acts like a completely selfless man who lost his wife and loves his daughter, but no. Inside the walls of this house, he is a monster, who forced his wife to leave him and who beats his own daughter. I am currently a senior in high school, and cannot wait to graduate and finally get out of this hell hole.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I see it is 7:35. Shit, I think. I race out of the house, grabbing my keys on the way. Unlocking the door to my Ferrari, I quickly sit down in the seat and race out of my drive way. It only takes me about 15 minutes to get to school, and school starts at 8 so I should be good enough time wise.

I remember Zeke saying something about a new student we're getting today. Apparently his name is Tobias Prior and he just moved here from California with his twin brother and his parents. Zeke said they were our age, so they're both seniors. I wonder what they look like. Will I be friends with them? Will they like me? Will I like them? I don't know the answers to any of those questions.

My back is started to throb from the direct contact of my cuts on the seat, but luckily I am in the parking lot. I park in my regular spot, right at the front so I don't have to walk as far. It's just always been that way. I walk to my locker only to have Christina tackle me to the floor. Luckily I landed on my stomach, otherwise my back would have reopened and that would have been really hard to explain.

"HI!" Christina shouts in my ear.

"Jesus Christina, you're gonna pop my ear drum." I tell her once the ringing in my ears had faded. "Can you get off me now?" I ask.

She gets up and reaches her hand out to me. I take it and pull myself up. I unlock my locker and look at my time table, grabbing my books for science since it's first.

"So, have you seen the new kid yet?" Christina asks on the way to the science lab.

"No not yet. Have you?" I ask her.

"Yes! He is so hot! But Will is obviously hotter." She states. I laugh. She has had a hopeless crush on Will since sophomore year, and he has a crush on her too, she just refuses to listen to us when we tell her.

"We need to get you a boyfriend this year! You haven't had one since-" I cut her off.

"Don't say his name." I tell her, thinking back to sophomore year when he tried to rape me.

"Sorry." Christina says when she sees her expression. We walk the rest of the way in silence and sit in the back corner. I sense somebody sitting next to me and I look up to see Uriah.

"Uri!" I shout and hug him, which he returns and kisses my cheek. We have been best friends since 1st grade so this isn't awkward at all, besides, he likes Marlene, and I'm trying to get those two together.

"Well hi there Trissy-poo, nice to see you too." I hear from beside me and turn around to see Zeke with another kid I haven't seen before. Probably the new kid, I think to myself. I jump up and into Zeke's arms. He catches me but puts pressure on my back and I cry out. He releases me and they look at me for an explanation.

"Sorry, I fell out of a tree yesterday and bruised my back." I say. Good enough.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Christina asks, worry etched into her voice. I can tell she doesn't believe me. Christina's like that, she can tell exactly when you're lying.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I assure them. They take it, and if they don't believe me, they don't say anything.

"Oh, Tris, this is Tobias. He's the one I was telling you about. His twin is named Caleb. They're my neighbors." Zeke explains.

For the first time I really look at Tobias. The slight hook of his nose, his jaws, how his ears stick out the tiniest bit. Christina was right, he is hot. But his eyes are really what draw you in. deep, dark blue, like Marcus', but his are not filled with anger and rage, they are filled with mystery. They pass over you like they are trying to figure out all your secrets. I realize I have been staring too long and I blush. He smirks at this, and then raises his hand for me to shake. I shake it twice, then let go. The teacher walks into the room and kids scramble to get to their seats. I zone out the teacher and think of those eyes.


The bell rings for the end of 1st period and I rush out of the room, but not before Christina grabs my arm. I groan, knowing I'm going to be interrogated. She pulls me into the bathroom.

"Spill." She commands.

I sigh. "I told you, I fell out of a tree and landed on my back." I tell her, trying not to bite the inside of my cheek. She says that's my tell.

"I know you're lying. Tell me the truth." She says harshly.

"I just fell out of a tree." I say again. She can't know. Nobody can know.

"Fine, don't tell me. You know, I remember when we used to tell each other everything, because that's what friends do." She spits out at me, storming out of the bathroom. I sigh again and walk out of the bathroom, grabbing my books before heading to my next class, which is math. I know for a fact that Christina has this class with me, so when I walk in and see her on one side of the class glaring at me, I sit on the opposite side of the room.

Eventually class starts and Uriah rushes in late, muttering apologies, and sits next to me, in the only seat that was left. He looks between me and Christina, who was talking with Will.

"Did I miss something?" he asks.

I mutter a quiet yes but the teacher starts talking before he can respond.


I grab my tray of food and start to walk towards our table. On the right side of the cafeteria, there is a huge window and our table is right in front of it. It's the best table in the cafeteria. I see somebody sitting at our table though. I walk closer and see its Molly. She's probably waiting for Peter and Drew, but trying to take our table. I laugh silently. She obviously doesn't know how things work here.

"Excuse me, but you're at the wrong table." I tell her, trying to be as nice as I can be. She scoffs.

"No, I think you're at the wrong table. You see, this isn't your table anymore." She tells me, standing up. By now, the entire cafeteria is silent, watching us.

"Bullshit, this has and always will be our table." I hear from behind me. I see Christina and my mouth turns into a small smile.

"Not anymore. We're taking over." Molly says with a smirk on her face. Christina and I start laughing. By now, Will, Zeke, Uriah, Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, and Tobias have shown up.

"Oh yeah, you and what army?" Zeke asks. Molly desperately looks around, only to find Peter and Drew sitting at a table on the other side of the room. They are scared of us, and they should be after last time.


"Come on babe, I have something to show you." Peter said to me. I smiled and grabbed his outstretched hand.

"Let's go." I told him. He led me down different hallways until we reached a room where I hadn't been before. He pulled me inside and locked the door. Immediately he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I kissed back, him being my boyfriend and all. After a couple minutes, I pulled back for air.

"What was that for?" I asked him, a cheeky smile on my face.

"Just to say I love you." He told me. My eyes widened. This was the first time he said that and we'd been going out for two months. Then, I smiled. "I love you too." I told him.

"Well, if we love each other, let me show you just how much I love you." He said before kissing my neck. I took in the meaning behind his words and pushed him away.

"No, Peter, I'm, I'm not ready for that." I told him.

"This is how people say they love each other. Are you saying you don't love me?" he asked.

"No, it's' not that, it's just I'm not ready for that. I love you, I do, I just don't want to have sex just yet." I explained. His eyes turned cold.

"Well I am." He replied before pushing me against the bed that was in the bedroom. His hands roamed my body and I tried to push him off but he was too strong. He ripped my shirt off and my pants soon followed. I screamed and he slapped me. This didn't faze me; I had been through worse from Marcus. I screamed again and he punched me in my jaw. I was starting to see black spots in my vision. He took his shirt of and kissed me hard on my lips, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I bit him. He punched me in the temple and my vision was getting blurry.

I saw the door be kicked off its hinges and somebody ripped Peter off of me. I wrapped my almost naked body in a blanket and cried. My saviour was currently beating Peter to a pulp, and I couldn't help but enjoy it. When they were done beating Peter up, they came up on the bed and wrapped their arms around me. I looked up and saw Zeke. He smiled at me and I silently cried into his shirt.

End of Flashback

My eyes started tearing up at this memory but I wiped them away. I couldn't be weak.

Molly groaned in defeat. "This isn't over." She said before joining Peter and Drew. I sat down, one thought on my mind.

Oh no it isn't.

So, how do you like it? Let's get some things straight.

1. Tris is Marcus' daughter and he beats her.

2. Uriah and Zeke are twins, so are Tobias and Caleb.

3. Peter tried to rape Tris but Zeke stopped it.

That's really all you need to know. Oh, and this will be in Tris' pov only.
