The apartment seemed so cold and dark when they got home.

Slowly, Kelly shrugged off his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair...then he crossed the room to the basket of toys.

Mikayla insisted on leaving them so he and "Wes-wee" would have something to play with.

Shay came up behind him and wrapped him in a hug. As bad as she felt about the little girl leaving, she knew it was a hundred times worse for him. That's just the way Kelly was. He might come off big and tough...but really, he was the biggest Teddy Bear she'd ever seen.

"Come here..." she whispered. "I've got something to show you."

She took him by the hand and led him over to the couch. She curled up in the corned and pulled Kelly down beside her.

"What?" he asked...suddenly feeling completely wiped out.


Shay dug into the pocket of her hoodie...and fished out her phone. She started playing with it...and in a few seconds she had what she was looking for. Then she handed it to her roommate.

Kelly gave her a strange look as he took the phone and stared at the screen.

He saw himself...and Mikayla.

Leslie reached over and pressed the arrow to play the video and Mikayla's laughter suddenly filled the room.

Kelly couldn't help but chuckle himself as he watched the video Shay had shot of him playing Barbies with the munchkin.

And when it was over...he cued it up...and played it again.