Hey Guy's so this is my first One shot for Pandora hearts.

It might have a chapter added to it later on, but for now it's just a one shot. I hope you guy's like it and please review x x

Thanks x x

I don't own Pandora Heart's.

The Chain And The Blond.

Part One.

Alice was staring out of the window, watching the snow flakes falling from the pale white sky. Her memories may still be yet to be unfolded, but she was happy for once in her life. It had been such a long time since she felt like this. Since him. Jack. Jack Vesallious. She's out of Abysse, she was far away. Even that made her happy. But she had people that cared about her now. She hated Gilbet, but he was family now. Or that's how she though of him. Break the Clown. Pushy Sharon. The too optamistic Oz. And Oz's Family ; Ada and Oscar. She was glad that she had evry single one of them.

"Alice?" A voice muttered her name. A concerned voice. Alice turned to face the voice. Near the warm fire that was burning in the middle of the room. The voice belonged to the blond that she had recently become ever so fond of. Oz.

"What's Wrong?" He asked as Alice moved from the window, falling into his arms. Hugging him tightly.

"Will i ever find myself? Find who i really am? Why i exist? Will i find my memories?" She muttered. He pulled away from her.

"You know who you are!" He began with a bright smile. "You are My Alice. B-Rabbit. Not a Human nor a Chain. You're not affraid to cry and you're the strongest girl i've ever met. You find Break creepy. That's not suprising actulary." He stopped to giggle, as did Alice. "Sharon considers you a little sister and you always fight with Ada and Gil. But we all love you because you are Alice. You're sister may be off her head but you're perfect." A pale blush had appeared on Oz's cheeks, his hand had reached her cheek, without him realising.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, blushing a bright red.

"B-Rabbit?" Alice shook her head and then realised there position. Their bodies had become a lot closer.

"I called you My Alice." Oz whispered before kissing her. Suprising poor Alice.

Gil opened the door, his eyes widened with suprise. Ada followed him and giggled causing her brother to pull away from Alice.

"Young Master?" Gil said confused.

"Gil, call me Oz Already!" Oz seemed to be even happier than normal. "I've already told you, that you are my best friend. "

"Yes Oz." Gilbert's expression turned into a soft smile, as did Ada's.

"Don't you think it's Cute?!" Break said, his head popping out from under the table.

"Where did you come from?!" Alice complained. Break got up and just chuckled.

"Jack..." Alice muttered still in Oz's Arms. That's who Oz reminded her of. Jack Vesallious. Is that the reason he made her feel this way?

"I love you Oz..." 4 Little words alice muttered, so only Oz could hear.

"I love you too..." He replied softly, smiling brightly at the beautiful girl in his arms.