A/N: So here's my first story! Woo! Party hard! Okay so. This is only a pilot chapter and may be subject to changes depending on how everything else turns out. Anywhozies, tell me what you think. Feel free to give me ideas because I only have a basic outline at this point hahaha. Also CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism helps a lot. Key word Constructive. In case you didn't notice the big ass bold letters. Whelp. On with the show!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, blah blah. All characters belong to Masashi Kishimotto.


"I'll kill you!" One Kyuubi chakra infused Naruto yelled as he rushed the ice mirror in front of him, breaking through it effortlessly with a single punch. Haku screamed as he was pushed out of her mirror, little shards of ice digging into his skin.

Before he could move Naruto was on top of him. His rage induced mind making a single decision in a split second. A loud snap was heard throughout the bridge as Haku's neck was broken like a twig, Naruto stood there. Breathing heavily as the Kyuubi's chakra receded and his thoughts became clearer.

He looked down at what he had done and immediately turned around to throw his stomach contents on the ground. He couldn't believe it, he killed Haku... What would Sakura think? What would Sa- SASUKE! Looking up he squinted his eyes to see through the thick mist and quickly spotted the prone boys figure in the distance. Without a second thought he ran towards it, unaware of what was happening only a few meters behind him...


Sakura was scared, no wait. She was terrified. A real-life shinobi battle was happening only a few meters in front of her and all she could do was stand here and protect this old geezer while her team mates were off fighting some crazy ice kid. Speaking of old geezer, she took a look around her and noticed he was gone.

"Where did that idiot go? He knows it's dangerous..." Suddenly she heard a noise, turning towards it she raised a kunai in defence and waited. What she saw next made her stiffen in fear, Tazuna's head rolled forth and stopped at her feet. She could see the fear frozen on his now very much dead face.

Then the mist started to let up, what she saw this time made her scream.


"Wake up you bastard!" Naruto was sitting by Sasuke, shaking his body and constantly denying what he was seeing in front of him. "You stupid ass-hole! Who am I going to fight with now? Huh? Who am I gonna train everyday to try to surpass? You selfish bastard! Fuck you! Fuck you..." He closed his eyes and tried not to cry as the reality set in... The bastard was dead...

"...Considering it's you... You have to train a lot if you want to beat anyone idiot..." Naruto's eyes shot open in shock as he looked down at the dead Sasuke. The very much alive and weakly grinning dead Sasuke.

"SASUKE!" A bright smile adorned his face as he looked down at his teammate in happiness.

"What?" A fist crashed down on the boys face.

"You're an ass-hole!" Sasuke sat up, holding his nose in pain

"What the hell you idiot?" Before Naruto could respond Sasuke spoke again "Where's Haku?" Naruto looked down at the ground at this and quietly spoke.

"Dead..." The other boys eyes widened at this before settling into their focused natural look again

"Ah, Kakashi got him huh?" The blonde shook his head and spoke once again

"No, I did..." Sasuke was about to ask how when they both heard something that snapped their heads towards its general direction. "Sakura!" The mist was lifting and they could both make out her shape a few meters ahead. A few seconds later and they could make out what had made her scream.

A few feet in front of Sakura laid Tazuna's headless body, a few paces in front of that was Zabuza. His sword going through one side of Kakashi's chest and out the other. They could hear his muffled laughter from his bandaged mouth as Kakashi's dead body slid off the blade and he turned towards Sakura.

Naruto and Sasuke were at her side in an instant. Sasuke slightly slower due to being injured. Zabuza laughed harder at this as he took a step forward. "You think you fresh little genin can take on me? I'll crush you like I did your sensei!" Naruto grit his teeth as he remained by Sakura's side. As much as he wanted to cream the bastard, he couldn't leave her. Said girl was shaking so hard it looked like she was going to have an anxiety attack. Sasuke's voice brought them out of their thoughts as he spoke

"What do you guys have?" Naruto quickly checked his pockets.

"A few shuriken, kunai and instant ramen" Sasuke rolled his eyes at the last part then looked towards Sakura, who quickly snapped to attention and checked her pockets.

"Shuriken, kunai and a custom paper flash-bomb my parents bought me..." Sasuke looked at the bomb in question

"Custom?" Sakura nodded

"Yeah, it blinds and lets out a loud noise to also deafen the enemy" Sasuke let out a small grin

"Perfect. Naruto, create a few of those clones." The whiskered boy nodded as five clones appeared.

"Right! We'll clobber the bastard!"

"Wait! Have them disappear just as they get to him" Naruto stopped at that.

"Huh? Why?" Sasuke just smirked

"I have a plan, Sakura, as soon as Naruto's clones disappear throw the paper bomb at Zabuza" The girl nodded and got ready. "Naruto, now!" The boys clones ran forward, getting ready to do as they were told. Zabuza laughed once again as he swung his sword

"Is this really all you've got?!" He was caught off guard however when the clones went up in smoke before his sword could even touch him "What the?" He was equally surprised when a small paper bomb landed in front of him and quickly went off "AHHH!" meanwhile, over at team seven, Sasuke took Zabuza's yell as his cue.

Rushing forward to the cloud of smoke, he went through hand-signs before inhaling and breathing out a large fire ball. Then they heard screaming again, this time much more horrid and inhumane as a burning figure came out of the smoke. It quickly went to the side of the bridge and leaped off the edge.

"YES! We did it!" An excited Naruto jumped around shouting, while Sakura relaxed and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. They were interrupted however when Sasuke spoke up

"No. There's no way that took out a jonin. He'll recover and be after us soon. We need to gear up and get out. Find our way back to Konoha before he finds us again" Both Sakura and Naruto reluctantly nodded at that. The pink headed girl looked at Kakashi's body and spoke

"What about Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke shook his head

"There's no time, the longer we stay here, the more of a trail Zabuza will have to follow when he recovers" He was surprised when Naruto moved forward towards their sensei's body "Idiot, didn't you just hea-" he stopped when Naruto simply went through the dead mans pockets, pulling out two scrolls and a few small, square papers that he quickly tucked into his pockets. He then took the rest of the mans shuriken and kunai and put them away as well. He stood up and turned to Sasuke but was surprised to find Sakura right in front of him.

"Sakura? Wha?" He found a hand across his face before he could say anything else.

"Naruto! What is wrong with you? Do you think it's right to steal from the dead huh? Don't you have any respect? I guess not, I forgot you don't have any parents. Typical of you, you're still just an idiot. You don-"

"SHUT UP!" Sakura was shocked when the blue eyed boy yelled in her face two words she thought she'd never hear him say. She was even more shocked when he continued

"One thing I learned while growing up on the street for most of my life is that scavenging can sometimes save your life." At this he glanced at Sasuke then turned to make eye contact with Sakura "and sometimes it can save others lives too" he then turned and started walking towards the end of the bridge.

"Naruto I'm sor-"

"Save it, it's whatever" he kept walking as Sakura turned to Sasuke for comfort, only to look down at his look of disapproval. He started walking after Naruto and turned to the pink haired girl.

"Come on, don't fall behind" The girl nodded as she quickly ran to catch up to her crush, both walking in Naruto's footsteps. As they passed their sensei's body, Sasuke glanced at it before stopping. Making one hand sign, he used a simple flame jutsu normally used for starting a camp fire to set the body on fire. The flame quickly consuming the body as he offered a quick prayer then turned to catch up to Naruto, Sakura doing the same.

And so their journey began. Team seven, on a mission to reach Konoha. Before the fearsome Demon of the Mist caught up and did unto them as he had did their sensei. It would be a journey of epic proportions. Hardships and what not awaited them. However... there was one, tiny, little problem with that.

"HOW THE HELL DO WE GET BACK TO THE MAINLAND!?" A young blonde yelled.

They didn't know water walking yet.


A/N: ANNNND, CUT! Alright good show everyone, pack it up and lets go hit the bar. Drinks on me. By that I mean you buy the drinks to give to me!

So how did you like that ladies and... other people... I thought it was alright. A little straight forward but only because I'm just trying to move the plot to where I want it. Then I'll spread out and add in a little spice. I'm a fan of comedy... among other things if you catch my drift. But that's aside from the point. For those of you who might think "Ouuu, Sasuke is way too smart all of a sudden" Well ya. He's rookie of the year for a reason. Sakura could have easily came up with a plan or figured this stuff out as well if she wasn't pissing her self in fear for the last like 30 minutes.

And as for Naruto being kinda OC at the end there, he just got his first kill and hasn't had time to deal with it. Add in the fact that his sensei just died and Sakura hounding on him? He snapped for a second there. But obviously this is Naruto were talking about. He'll be just fine.

Well it's like fucking 6am here so I should probably go to sleep. I could at least... but I wont... But I could!.. But I won't.

Until next time my sexy friends! Insanity out!

P.s. I know A modern Flash-bomb already blinds and deafens. But in the Naruto world, shit operates on seals. So you'd have to get custom seals to get both results. Hence why its a custom flash-bomb.