Disney Princess Mini's: A Fanfiction

This FanFiction is a spin off from a previous fanfiction, 12 Worlds: A Disney Fanfiction

Once again dedicated to syrensong

World 12: Anna's Dangerous Dares

"So let me get this straight Elsa," Alicia said as she and the other princess stood on the side as Anna spoke to the princes. "Anna is going to do a stunt with each prince and the last one to quit wins?"

Elsa nodded with a wicked smile. Meanwhile Anna tied a rope around her waist as Alex did the same. Not far away Kristoff anchored the end of the rope.

"So what's the dare Anna? We hang on the rope until we can't take it? We repeal down the cliff? What's the deal..? Anna? Anna?" Alex looked for Anna but only saw her end of the rope uncoiling down the cliff. "Oh… no…"

As the line went taught Alex was pulled down the cliff along with Anna. His own scream of terror drowning out Anna's excited cheers.


"I guess Alex is out," Alicia said quietly.

The other princes had to follow Alex. Among them Naveen and Adam were eliminated by the Anna's cliff jump.

Next, the princes lined up at a small stream. Close by they could see Wandering Oaken's. As Anna turned to face the princes with a smile, the task was painfully obvious.

"So all you have to do is roll in the stream once and walk to Oaken's," Anna said calmly.

"Are you going to go first?" Eugene asked?

"I already did it once, so yeah, have fun."

"Umm… I pass." Eugene said hopping over the river and joining the princesses and disqualified princes at Oakens. "What? It's cold. I am not gunna get frozen."

"Is it cold? I hadent noticed," Elsa said softly.

"Me neither," Alicia added.

"Magic users have it easy," Eugene mumbled to himself.

In the end of the contest Aladdin, Henry and Adam were eliminated, though they did try.

As they entered, Oakens to defrost Anna took a count of who was left. Florian, Phillip, Eric, John Smith, Shang, and Kristoff. A mischievous smile appeared on her face causing the remaining competitors to experience a chill that had nothing to do with the cold.

"Does anyone smell a set animal?" Jasmine asked.

"Sorry, that's me," Adam apologized.

As the others looked at him Adam cleared his throat and prepared to explain. However he decided not to explain himself. Finally Cinderella broke the silence.

"I see, you were in the stables a long time before coming here weren't you Adam," she said.

As Adam remained silent, it was Belle who explained, "Well no, Adam was not in the stables at all today. He also… wasent around any animals…"

The group remained silent.

"So that's just the way he…" Alex stopped himself. "What's next Anna?"

"We sled down the mountain blindfolded! It's also a race!"

Kristoff pulled Elsa to the side and in a whisper, "Elsa shouldn't you stop her? Isn't this getting a bit too dangerous?"

Elsa only smiled mischeviously and left Oakens without a word.

"These sisters are dangerous… I feel bad for you," Alex said with a sympathetic pat on Kristoff's back.

At the top of the mountain, the final six prepared to race down the mountain. At the bottom of the hill Anna waited to welcome the winners. Snow White and Cinderella placed the blind folds on the remaining competitors while Alex and Alicia noticed something odd.

"Alex, where's Elsa?"

"She's… where is she?"

As they searched the princes began their blind downhill sled race.

"This is soooo stupi-" Kristoff said as he disappeared down the hill.

As the princes flew down the hill it seemed like Shang was a guaranteed winner. Even blindfolded he avoided obstacles and weaved between competitors.

"Mulan, he is amazing," Pocahontas said as Shang gained a commanding lead.

"Don't give him too much credit. I gave him my lucky cricket so-"

"Mulan is this yours?" Ariel asked revealing Crickee.

No sooner had Ariel revealed Circkee they all heard a loud slush followed by a low whimper. Shang had crashed into a large mound of snow around a tree. Not long after John Smith was on a crash course with Shang. Suddenly a mound of soft white snow appeared in his path.

"Found Elsa," Aurora said pointing her out.

Elsa's role became clear. As each prince came close to danger Elsa used her power to give them the softest possible landing. A few of the princes managed to free themselves from the snow, such as Shang who unburied himself only to accidently turn wildly off course. As his sled came to a slow gradual stop he tried to turn his sled around but he realized he didn't know which way to face.

"General Shang, I think your out of this race," Elsa said taking off his blindfold.

Meanwhile Kristoff and Florian were neck and neck. Until their sleds collided. Kristoff spun several times before hitting an impromptu ramp and launching into the air. Florian however constantly spun wildly out of control. He continued to pick up speed until he once again crashed with Kristoff. Their sleds now locked together (and Florian's facing the wrong way) they mercifully crossed the finish line and Anna ran up to them.

"The winners are Kristoff and Florian! Okay so next you guys will run across a frozen lake, build a snowman, run back across, give Sven a carrot and-"

"Anna no!" Kristoff yelled taking off his blindfold. "I get this is fun and all but seriously this is worse than fighting the bad guys. At least I felt like I could survive that! I had a lot of fun and all that, but seriously I don't know if I can survive this much longer. I am out. Sorry but I am out. Florian can have this win."

"Okay than congratulations Prince Florian you win this round! Prince Florian? Hello?" Anna lifted the blindfold off his eyes and discovered he had passed out. "Huh well I guess the winner is the unconscious Prince Florian."

Snow White immediately ran to check on him and as she did the others reminisced on the last several challenges. Suddenly Alex shuddered violently.

"You okay?" Eugene asked.

"No I just realized… there is one challenge left… and I don't know if any of us can survive it…"

"That bad? But, who is left?" John Smith asked.

A laugh echoed behind them. Suddenly a red glow over took the surrounding area. Fire swirled in the air and the everyone looked back in terror.

"I hoped, I prayed this wouldn't happen," Alex said quietly.

"That's right my darling," Alicia said with a wicked smile. "It's time for the trivia challenge!"