Disney Princess Mini's: A Fanfiction

This FanFiction is a spin off from a previous fanfiction, 12 Worlds: A Disney Fanfiction

Once again dedicated to syrensong

World 1: Duets

For this first contest Snow White decides to host a singing competition. She has invited Alicia and Alex to be her fellow judges.

"Mind if I sit with the judges?" Merida asked.

"You're not preforming Merida?" Snow White asked.

"No, I don't have a partner, and that's okay. Gives me a chance to relax." Merida responded.

"Are you really sure? You don't have to sing a love song, Elsa and Anna are singing their version of "Beware the Frozen Heart. That seems like an odd choice now that I think about it." Alicia said puzzled.

"What about Kristoph? I am sure he is willing to compete." Alex suggested.

"He is… with Sven." Merida said looking at the sky.

"Oooooh." Alex and Alicia said together.

First to preform were Aladdin and Jasmine. Together they performed "A Whole New World."

"I've always loved that song." Snow White said wiping a tear away.

"Me too." Alex responded.

"I don't know, Aladdin sings most of it. It's not really a duet." Alicia replied as Alex rolled his eyes. "Hey don't do that, it's rude!"

Next Aurora and Phillip sang "Once Upon a Dream."

Snow White applauded and cheered "Bravo!"

"One of my favorites." Alicia said warmly.

"'Not really a duet' though. Is it Alicia?" Alex said. She glared at him briefly.

Later Rapunzel and Eugene sang "I see the light."

Even before the song ended Alex was starting to stand and applaud.

"Alex sit down." Alicia said as she pulled him into his seat. "You're showing favorites."

"It's a competition and they are my favorite so far!" Alex responded.

Last Pocahontas and John Smith preformed "If I Never Knew You." Unfortunately before they even finished Alex and Alicia had started their argument.

"You're saying I have favorites? Have you listened to anyone after Aurora and Phillip?" Alex demanded.

"Yes I have. But I wonder if you have, you gave nearly perfect scores to Mulan and Shang for their version of 'A Girl Worth Fighting For.' I agree it's nice they dedicated it to their friends but really? It's a bad match?" Alicia scolded.

"Bad match? You did the same thing didn't you? Now I agree Tiana and Naveen did an eerily good version of 'Friends on the Other Side' but seriously? Do you know who Facilier is?" Alex demanded.

"You take the cake on this one, you said Anna and Elsa singing 'Beware the Frozen Heart' Ariel and Eric singing 'Under the Sea' were all good choices. You even argued to let Kristoph and Sven compete when Kristoph is singing both sides of the song!"

"The winner is Merida!" Snow White announced.

"What!?" Alex, Alicia and Merida all yelled.

"Well you were both arguing so much I decided to pick the winner myself and since everyone except Merida has had fun so far I think she should have her turn in the spotlight." Snow White said.

Alex tried to disagree but his brain refused to let him argue with Snow White. Alicia also tried to object but couldn't bring herself to start arguing with her. She looked at Alex and found him already looking at her. The hugged and apologized to each other and the others.

"That's wonderful, but as the winner I want a prize." Merida said with a scheming smile. "I want you two to sing."

Not much longer Alicia and Alex stood on stage. The others sat in front of the stage egger to hear. As the music began they sang:

"Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh…"

Wondering who Prince Alex is, or Princess Alicia? Or how they know the Disney princesses? Check out the Twelve Worlds: A Disney Princess Fanfiction for the full more serious story.