A/N: I saw Frozen for the first time three weeks ago and saw it again two weeks later. I have a problem. That's ok, though. March 19th couldn't come faster…!
Anyways, this is a Helsa fic…I always seem to love Disney villains even when they hurt my favorite character…Hans is one of those villains. Let's forgive him, shall we? ;)
The dreary cell was cold. For more than one reason. Queen Elsa of Arendelle drearily sat up and looked around her prison. Her head pounded forcefully, causing her to wince back in agony. She attempted to place her hands on her head, as if that would yield some of her pain. Instead, she felt cold metal hit her skull. Glancing down, she saw the steel handcuffs cover her hands.
And then it all came back to her.
She had no time to contemplate the past two days as a most familiar man abruptly walked into her cell.
"Hans?" She blinked. "Why am I in here?"
He sat down beside her on the hard stone 'bed'. "My Queen…you really don't remember, do you?"
"Remember what?" She pleaded with force.
Hans sighed deeply. "I figured you would awake inquisitive." He stood up and paced with his hands behind his back as he prepared to explain. "Anna had followed you up to the mountains, you recall?" Elsa nodded. "Well…there was an accident."
"What sort of accident?" She demanded impatiently, banging her chained hands against to stone bed.
"I'm not sure exactly what happened, but by the time I got there, Anna was lying motionless on the floor. Cold as ice." He watched Elsa gasp, her eyes watering. "Your Majesty, you froze her heart."
"I remember now…she wouldn't go. She wasn't safe there…I can't control my powers, I knew she would be harmed! I knew it! And now…and now she's…is she alright?" She stood up, walking as close to him as her chains would allow.
"Elsa." He stared intently at her. "Anna died in my arms."
Elsa collapsed to the floor with a 'thud'. Her arm drew across her face, wiping her tears as best as could. Anna…her little sister…she'd been killed. And not by just anyone. Not an enemy. Not a stranger.
But by her own sister.
Conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel.
The room flurried with snowflakes, ice crystals formed on the door handle and the window.
Don't let them see.
Hans calmly strode to her side, attempting to stop her tears in order to stop the storm. "My queen…" He reached out to draw soothing circles on her back, only to have a shock of ice crystals pierce his left hand. He jumped back, screaming in agony.
This made Elsa stop crying. It stopped the storm. It stopped the forming crystals. But not her pain.
"Hans…oh no…I've done it again!" she said apprehensively. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she cautiously stepped forward to be closer to Hans. He knelt, clutching his aching hand. "Let me see it." She requested.
Watchfully, he put out his hand for her to see. Closing her eyes, she inhaled and gently kissed his hand. The pain got worse, a burning fire coursing through his entire body now. And then it subsided, a cool steadiness throughout his hand. His wound was still agape, but it was less excruciating now.
"I thought you….couldn't control…your powers?" He said, catching his breath form having endured that frantic episode.
"I can't…I can only remove its pain from minor bodily parts. A tender kiss, I know that much." She bit her lip regretfully and once again sunk down to the floor. "There's no way I could have spared Anna."
Don't let them in. Don't let them see.
"Elsa, it isn't your fault." He said gently, taking a step closer to her. "But…I'm afraid the rest or Arendelle is mourning their princess and threatening their own queen."
She looked up to him. "What do you mean, threatening?"
"They believe you killed Anna on purpose."
"No…no I would never do such a thing!" She breathed. "Never!"
"Well, my dear queen…you do appear to have harmed me as well." His voice got harder and he walked about the room, flashing his hand in the progression. "What will your people think when I emerge from the queen's cellar, also injured?"
"What do you mean?" She backed away from him, cautiously speaking.
"Elsa, the entire land of Arendelle believes you killed your sister. The troops gave them that message when they returned form the mountains with you and without the princess." Her eyes narrowed on him as his voice became cold, unconscious of feeling. "Chaining you in a cell seemed best as everyone received the news of your sister's murder. All the land is in agreement of your being put to death."
"That's not what happened, Hans. Go and tell them the truth! You know that isn't how it went!"
"Anna put me in charge when you disappeared. And you returned as a villain. I'm in charge until you take over and reign again." Elsa looked at him with furrowed brows, both angry and confused. "I can see you aren't following. If you die, there must be a new royal family. I can't become ruler just because I was put in charge for a day by the now late princess. Second in command. No, no. But I can decide if you are put to death or are proven innocent."
"You…you…" Elsa tried to find the right words.
"Cat got your tongue, Queen?" He smirked wickedly. "Yes, I decided if the precious little queen dies or not. Watching her die could be quite fun, but then I would just go back to the Southern Isles…no power or enforcement whatsoever. And you're awfully pretty, too. It would just be a shame." He sighed dramatically.
"What do you want with me?!" She shouted furiously.
"Your reign." He narrowed in on her. "Just giving it off to me, the one who declared your execution…much too suspicious, don't you think? That's why I shall clear your name. All of Arendelle shall love, forgive, and adore their ruler once again." His voice became lighter, cheerier. Not right. "They will also adore their new king by her side."
"You bastard!" She raged as she pulled at her cuffs, attempting to yank them off or put some magical curse on him.
"Oh darling, is that really any way to speak to your future husband?" He cupped her cool face gently.
"I will never, ever marry you." She spit out, getting in closer to him. "You disgust me!"
That earned her a hard slap across her cheek. The red mark stung. Painfully burning her usually cold, porcelain skin. She knew it'd leave a mark.
"You don't have to. You may either marry me, making me King of Arendelle, or refuse me, in which case, you'll die." He smirked as he stood straight and headed for the door. He gripped the handle and turned around to meet her pale blue eyes. "You have two hours to decide, Your Majesty. Two hours to decide."
"Kristoff!" A little snowman yelled excitedly, his stick-like arms waving about in a flurry. "She's awake! Ooh!"
After taking Anna to the trolls, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven brought her safely to Oaken's extra lodge; abandoned, excluded, and perfect for hiding. She had scared them all to death, for when Kristoff came to her side, she was cold as ice. But Grand Pabbie assured them that she has just been hit in the head. Her heart would have been fatal, much harder to heal.
But they couldn't go back to Arendelle. Ever.
Hans had made the claim that Kristoff had helped Elsa lure Anna to her ice castle in the mountains, her accomplice in the 'murder' of Princess Anna of Arendelle. The idea that Elsa has struck Anna purposely in the heart, eternally freezing her because Hans was too late to give her a kiss, was ridiculous.
Everyone believed him, though. So Hans had nobly sent out troops of both the Southern Isles and Arendelle, to find and capture Kristoff-either dead or alive.
Kristoff was in danger, Anna was just recovering, and only God knows what's happening to Elsa.
Trudging his best through feet of snow (thanks a bunch, Elsa), Kristoff hurried to Anna's side. He entered the lodge to see her sitting up with the help of Sven and Olaf. She clutched her head as it pounded to no end. She saw Kristoff and tried to get up, nearly tripping in the progress. Luckily he caught her before she fell face first.
"Hey, take it easy, girl." He said as he gently assisted in her sitting down again.
"Kristoff…what happened to me?" Anna hoarsely asked.
"You anger your sister!" Olaf said excitedly with a grin from ear to ear.
"What?" Anna said, confused.
"Ignore him." Kristoff rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I may be a snowman with no ears, but I can still hear, and I have feelings!" Olaf pouted, being reassured by Sven nudging him with his nose.
"Sorry, Olaf. I'm just…" Kristoff began, getting interrupted by Olaf hugging him.
"That's ok, Kristoff! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!"
"What happened?!" Anna prodded again.
"You went to get Elsa to come back to Arendelle…I don't know what you said…but by the time I got to you, you were as cold as ice." He explained as Anna gasped. "Grand Pabbie easily healed you-Elsa only struck your head-but we had to find hidden lodging so we came to Oaken's again…just don't let him know. He's still mad that I called him a crook." He smiled awkwardly.
"Wait…why do we need to be hidden?" Anna asked, frightened.
"Hans and his men want to find me…dead, or alive." Kristoff spit out sadly. Was that fear she saw in his eyes? He was never scared! Of anything!
"Why ever would they want you, Kristoff!?" Anna worried as she took in a deep, cold breath of air.
"You made us wait outside the castle as you spoke with Elsa. Hans and his men were just behind us. They fought us until they heard you scream and immediately left us to go inside the castle. They took Elsa and we overheard them saying you had died as we hid in the bushes nearby." Anna watched him curiously with watering eyes. "We waited until they left to go inside and found you, collapsed and cold, on the floor."
"You were colder than me!" Olaf added. "Oh, wait…I'm never cold!" He smiled.
"Anyways, we honestly thought you were dead, but Olaf…"
"I gave you a warm hug!" He smiled as she hugged her again, making the redhead beam.
"Uh…yeah." Kristoff chuckled. "We took you to see Grand Pabbie and he easily healed you. But Hans told everyone in Arendelle that I had helped Elsa lure you to her ice castle and I'm her accomplice. They think I helped kill you!"
"Why would Hans say that? He loves me!" Anna whimpered, tears streaming down her face now.
"It…it was all a lie, Anna. I'm sorry. I'm so…sorry." Kristoff whispered into her ear as he held the crying imperial.
"What do they want with Elsa?" Anna sobbed into his chest, tears staining the brown, snow-covered jacket.
"I'm not sure…but I know it can't be good if Hans is leading it." He sighed as he embraced Anna, who now crying even harder.
The queen sat on the cold floor, not that is bothered her anyways. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and she hugged (as well as she could with chains around her hands) them rather aggressively as she stared out the window blankly.
Either marry a man she detests, or lose her life to the man she detests. She shivered at the thought. He had turned her own people against her, declared her a murderer, and played both her and her sister with his charms and good looks. He was so kind…sweet. No one would have suspected him a liar, a cheat.
Elsa completely loathed him with every ounce of hate her heart could gather.
"So…have you made your decision yet?" The disgustingly familiar voice asked enchantingly as he entered the cell, unknowingly.
Elsa just stared at him coldly. She didn't react-not even her powers-just looked into his cold green eyes which somehow looked warm with her ice blue ones.
"I'll take that as a no…" He chortled. "Is there a way for me to sway you, My Queen?" He said, attempting to loop his arm through hers to help her stand up.
"I can do it myself." She said rather monotonously. She sat on the stiff bed. "Can you get these off of me already?"
"I'm afraid I can't. How do I know you won't pull anything?" He raised a brow.
"You don't, I suppose." She pouted, her plump lip sticking out beneath the other.
"Well at least you're speaking to me." He said, walking about the cramped room. "When I checked on you an hour ago, you acted as if I had no existence."
"You didn't to me." She brusquely stated.
He walked dangerously close to her. "You know…I can get you out of those, you know." He nodded towards her restraints.
"…If," She rolled her eyes.
"Of course there's an 'if'. Always with you. Nothing is beneficial unless it benefits you. Isn't that right, Prince?" She spat.
He growled deeply in throat. "You're obnoxious you know. I'm done playing games with you." She watched as his eyes turned angry, his jaw clenched, and his hands bunched into fists. "I've given you time. Marry me or die-I don't care anymore. As fun as it'd be to make you my wife and become king of Arendelle, watching you die would be great fun as well. Make your choice, wretch."
If her hands had been free, she would have slapped him across the face and then instantly froze him over. Sadly, neither were available options.
Marry a monster or die.
She looked up at him, showing no other emotion than revulsion and complete disgust. "My sister is dead. I have nothing to live for…"
"You are more than correct in saying that. But you have land and people to rule over."
"They hate me." Elsa stated flatly. "In other words, I would rather die than become your wife."
The look of utter shock and embarrassment on the Prince's face made Elsa feel a sense of pride, a twinge of happiness almost.
But that quickly faded.
"Very well." He began to walk to the door and stopped and turned to face her, his gloved hand gripping the handle. "You know, you might detest me, but I could have been a good husband to you." He shrugged. "I guess love, or life in this scenario, is out of the question."
She hadn't eaten the bread or most likely unclean water they had slipped under her door for breakfast. The same happened at lunch. She wouldn't make it to dinner.
She was being put to death by the wishes of her kingdom. And the Duke of Weselton. And Hans.
The hour had all too quickly struck four o'clock. It was go time.
In entered Hans with two guards standing outside the door, awaiting his signal to carry their soon-to-be-late queen to her death. He smirked at her as he unlocked the handcuffs, her hands finally being freed after a whole forty-eight hours. They stung, but she felt relieved.
"Now…" He murmured into her ear with his hot breath, "The guards think I will have killed you out of self-defense. Trying to use your ice powers on me…hmm?" He smirked as he pulled a knife out of his pocket and placed it up against her throat. "Naughty girl. You should have known better than that. I suppose I'll just have to-"
"Yes." She breathed forcefully, interrupting him.
"Excuse me?" He questioned, not moving his knife an inch from her throat.
"I change my mind." She took a deep breath and said a phrase she never expected to ever say- whether a knife was pressed to her throat or not. "I…I will marry you, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."
A/N: Is this good? Confusing? Too blunt? You tell me in the reviews please…I'm not sure how this'll go! I have a whole idea planned out…and yes, more characters will be included in upcoming chapters. I reeeeallly want to update regularly…let's cross our fingers.
Review, favorite, follow!