Calls in the Night

Sequel to Late Night Calls.

I'm Sleeping with your Boss.

Veronica pulled into the parking lot of Eli's shop, her whole body was buzzing with excitement; it felt like weeks since she had finished her last exam, and even longer since she started waiting for her professors to post all her marks. Finally they were up and it was official, she was a Hearst graduate. Getting out of her car she hurried through the parking lot and into the shop the bell chimed making the brown haired girl at the counter look up from the magazine she was reading. Veronica couldn't remember her name; she was new and well from what Eli was saying kind of useless so she probably wasn't staying. The girl batted her eyelashes and blew a bubble before speaking. "Can I help you?"

"No you go back to your magazine." Veronica said rolling her eyes as she walked past her and headed towards the back of the shop, where the real business happened and where Eli was. "Hey you can go back there." Chicky from the desk said standing up and moving to block the door. "It's for employees only in the auto bay." A blonde brow raised and she tried to figure out if the girl was serious or not, since she didn't move Veronica guessed she was. "Look…" Veronica paused stopping to pull the girls name from her brain. "Ashley, I'm allowed in the back." She said with a forced smile, this girl wasn't going to stop her from telling Eli her news.

"I was told that only employees are allowed in the back, and I know you don't work here." She said with a huff, Veronica nodded her head. "True but I'm sleeping with your boss." Ashley looked at her blankly, resisting the urge to shake the girl Veronica sighed. "I don't believe you." Veronica muttered the one or two swear words she knew in Spanish. "Why don't you save us both the trouble and we can go back together." Ashley looked doubtful. "I'm not supposed to leave the front." Crossing her arms over her chest Veronica had to commend the girl for doing her job, however she was killing her buzz. "Then I'll go myself." "No wait, I'll take you back."

Veronica gestured to the door waiting for Ashley to go back first, following behind the other girl Veronica smiled at the familiar music that filled the garage portion of the shop; it was broken up by the sound of sauntering tools and men talking over them. Paulo spotted her first, instantly stopping what he was doing to wave. "Hey V, good to see yeah." He said drawing Eli's attention; a frown creased his brow as he spotted Ashley. "Shouldn't you be up at the front?" He asked making her pause. "I…you said only employees were allowed back here I couldn't let her just come back here." Paulo snickered before looking away from her; while Hector snorted. "She's his fiancée." Hector said making a surprised look cross the girls face.

"I did mention I was sleeping with the boss." Paulo and Hector burst out laughing, making Eli roll his eyes. "You would phrase it that way." Veronica shrugged and pointed to Ashley. "She didn't believe me." Ashley looked down and then pointed to the front. "I'll just be getting back to the front." Eli nodded his head, shaking his head when she left. "What brings you here?" Eli asked her, causing Veronica remember her purpose of coming here, pulling the papers from her bag she waved them around excitedly. "I did it! I've officially graduated from Hearst!" She jumped up and down in her excitement while Eli cleaned off his hands and walked quickly too her.

Not caring about their audience he scooped her up into his arms a wide smile on his face. "That's my girl." He said spinning her around as Paulo and Hector cheered happily. Setting her back on the ground Eli leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Let me see how you did." Eli said as he took the papers from her hand, he studied them silently, taking in the classes he already knew she had been taking…hell he had stayed up with her while she studied just to keep her company…and well she helped him with his own homework, not that anyone else knew he was even taking the three classes he was taking; however looking at hers he was overwhelmed with how proud he was of her. "This is fantastic Veronica, you did great." He said looking at her. "Hey boss, share with the rest of us whatever it is that has you grinning like a fool over there."

"My fiancée is gorgeous and smart, I'm feeling pretty lucky right now." Eli said looking at Veronica, then towards Hector and Paulo who were still looking at him expectantly. "Dude we want to see her marks too." Paulo finally said impatiently as he snacked the papers from Eli's hands making Veronica laugh. "Damn girl, no wonder you've been so MIA the last couple months. You've been working your ass off…" Paulo said whistling softly. "Here I thought Eli was hiding you away to make sure you don't change your mind about marrying him." Hector said earning a push to the shoulder from Veronica. "You really think he could lock me away?"

Hector shook his head. "Nope, though I still can't figure out why you won't run away with me. I got the looks and I'm not balding." Veronica laughed and reached out, running her hand over Eli's head. "Maybe I like the bald look, I think it makes him look rugged and handsome." Eli pinched the bridge of his nose before shaking his head. "Alright alright, enough already. You two get back to work." He said pointing to both Paulo and Hector. "You." Eli pointed at Veronica a smirk on his face. "Give me fifteen minutes and then we can go out for dinner, to celebrate." Veronica nodded her head. "Sounds good, I'm going to go tell my dad the good news." She pulled her phone out of her bag, pressed a kiss to Eli's cheek and headed to the front of the shop.

Veronica walked past Ashley, her smile back on her face. "Uh I'm sorry about not believing you." Veronica turned at the sound of the girl's voice, shrugging a shoulder. "It's not a big deal." She said truthfully, it had been more entertaining than anything else; it also proved she was as unobservant as even Eli thought. "Just one question though." Veronica said her smile still in place. "Haven't you been into Eli's office before? Or even Paulo's?" She knew Eli had one of their engagement photos on his desk and Paulo had one of all of them in it, including Marco. "Well yeah, he's my boss." Veronica nodded. "He's got a picture of us on his desk." The girl made an 'O' with her lips. "Well it won't happen again."

Veronica nodded her head. "Have a good day Ashley." She wasn't worried about it happening again, next time she'd just go through the back. Pushing open the door Veronica headed to her car, she had a phone call to make, and she couldn't wait to tell her dad.