Author's Note:
Hello there, Zarosguth here.

It is with regret that I inform you that 'Bound by Regret will' be going on indefinite hiatus.

I've been struggling with writer's block for this particular story for quite a while now but that is not the only reason.

Other reasons include the fact that I am very unhappy with the writing style in this particular story. I also never really had a plot worked out beyond "Fate is a ghost and Nanoha is the only one that can see her." I don't like the way the storyline developed as I wanted to do a bit more of a laid back silly ghost adventures thing but it turned into something else entirely. And I'm not sure I like it, in fact I know I don't.

As such, I'm putting it on hiatus. I don't know when, or rather if I will ever continue this. For the foreseeable future it seems highly unlikely that I will.

I have closed the poll on my profile page and that means I will stick to the results it has produced. However, to prevent me from having to do this again (putting a story on hiatus that is) I want to take my time and properly work out a plot for the new story.

For now, my focus will lie with 'Broken'. If you've not yet checked it out, I would appreciate it if you did.
Fair warning: 'Broken' is rated M and deals with some pretty heavy subject material.

Again, my most sincere apologies for pretty much axing this story but I just have no more motivation to work on it. I hope you can find it within yourselves to forgive me.

*~-[ May we meet again, fare thee well! ]-~*