All we have

The feels from this latest chapters my dear, ugh my kokoro.

I thought of a plausible "canon-esque" ending of the war

There would be a sequel I think but for now here are some feels

The humble beginings of KakaSaku (not that it hasn't started but you know what I mean)

The hot shards of sand ebbed coldly on her lacerated cheeks. The revelation of victory was displaced in the hallow battle ground. The cause of this lack of triumph was the cemetery of unburied bodies scattered and strewn in the cracked earth.

She stood in front of two. Her grasp on any visible emotion was beyond her reach at that point. People spoke words at her and placed soothing and knowing hands on her shoulder, yet she had gone deaf. Her ears ringing as her moon and her sun had taken their leave in her life, leaving her world all but black.

Their bodies' were flocked by other living bodies. All of which cried and moaned at the loss.

For some reason she couldn't find herself to do the same. All she could do was remember.

Remember when whiskered cheeks were not so hallowed and bruised, but plump and decorated with a childish grin. He had nothing, but he became something. Something that even a Hokage could not rival, he gave many people a purpose – a pursuit of sorts to continue their lives. He was the epitome of love and determination; he gave a new meaning to being a shinobi. One that shook the very grounds his and her ancestors walked. He had so much going for him, he was so young. He was so precious.

She never lied about loving him. The context may have been not correct. But she did whole heartedly love him.

Her eyes shifted to the one who claimed her heart first. His skin still retained the slight tan he had despite the loss of warmth in his skin. He still held the boyish charmed features on his face that made her fawn over him in her juvenile years. The last Uchiha. He struggled and fought for his life till the bitter end. The young man next to him had gone before him. She fretted over him thinking that she could at least save him. But that look in his eyes he gave her so gentle and fleeting, and with his remaining strength grabbed her hand and croaked the words, "Thank you" before his blood stained eyes closed a final time. She knew in her mind this moment would haunt her for the rest of her life.


They both lost so much in life, they deserved so much more.

Their families died in vain for them.

These two had been what consumed her life for the past ten years. They were all she knew.

Was it childish and naïve of her to think that after this whole conundrum that they could all go back to Ichiraku's just for kicks, and live happily ever after?

The thought of team seven together shook Sakura back to reality. Her body moved frantically causing people to look up in alarm. She couldn't lose the rest of them too. She couldn't lose him. He was the only living proof that the original team seven actually existed.

She started running in a panic through the throngs of people, her eyes darting left to right. A few minutes later she sought out the ink master and the wood master ninja receiving medical attention, with a sigh of relief she noticed it was for minor injuries. She unfortunately didn't find a familiar shock of white hair. Which once again sent her heart sputtering.

Fatigue started lacing with her bodily functions, but she pushed on.

The sun was setting upon the blood soaked battlefield.

All because of one man and his hatred. All these lives thrown out of balance because of that.

The groups of people regrouping was thinning out as she continued her search for him.

Her emerald eyes widened as she took in the scene before her.

The final remnants of the reanimation jutsu fading the form that held the copy ninja tightly. As she walked closer she realized it was the fourth Hokage. Her mind was confused as to why was the man not mourning his son's loss while he still could. But then she realized that they'd soon be reunited soon enough. She also realized that the copy ninja stood rigid as he was embraced, his hands still at his sides. His fists opening and closing.

Then he disappeared with a final smile that paid homage to his late son. It was only then he noticed her. For the first time the years evident on his face. He held his hand out to her, "Looks like it's just you and me."

Her eyebrows knitted as she ran up to him. His eyes softened as she grabbed at his torn flak jacket, burying her head into his stitched middle. He wound his arms around her shoulders and looked down at her dusted locks.

"You did well." He spoke softly, "I'm proud of you."

She started to sob at that moment. And he let her.

He knew this loss all too well, the bitterness and resentment that clung to his tongue and heart all those years. Now had finally dissipated, but lingered slightly looking at her small form.

"We can't have you turning into a sad old man like me now can we?" He spoke thoughtfully.

She laughed through the tears, "Trust me, I won't grow a fetish for those silly books of yours."

He chuckled slightly as they shifted so that they were supporting each other as they trudged towards the crowd of people. As he eyed many worried individuals walking towards Sakura and their newer additions to team seven. He gripped her shoulder softly. She stopped and looked up at him like all those other times. She gave a wistful smile; he was reassuring her like all those times. Her eyes stung with tears.

"We'll get through this together. That's what teammates are for." He spoke quietly

As the crowd of people moved to envelop her she looked up at him anxiously, "Please don't leave me, you're all I have." She said breathlessly.

"Never" He said without missing a beat, he smiled gently.

His words reassured her as she let her body relax and gently fall into unconsciousness. The people around her began to panic. Kakashi held his hand up calmly as his other arm moved to support her, "She's been through a lot. She's just tired."

A few sighs of relief filled the air.

He moved to carry her. Her head lulled on his shoulder.

Maybe he never had a chance with his old team seven, but this time as he looked down at her, he vowed to never let anything happen to her as long as he was alive and kicking. She was the heart of the team. And he would never let team seven die.

Or her.

Because he had nothing left.

All they had was each other now.

And that's all that mattered.

Oh and here's a thought:

Even though Sasuke was her moon and Naruto was her sun. Kakashi is her stars. Always fleeting and brightening the darkest of nights. Always surrounding her. The copious numbers never making her feel alone.

May stay as a one shot but I'm planning to make it sort of like an anthology or drabbles of how their relationship progresses through the years. I want this to be more relaxed – the 'chapters' will be short but the content will be worth while….atleast I hope so.

Oh and I'm sorry for the lack of updates but college & new country ya know?

I'm thinking hopefully maybe sometime next week I'll update White Knight fingers crossed

I love you all

Much love