DGray-Man: Fallen

"His life was an all ready path, all he had to do was find the trigger. If he had the courage that is."

Chapter 14:


"Let's start the real show."

As Fiidora gladly revealed the two men hiding from wherever, Kanda clenched his fists at the sight of a haggard Lavi and the poor little Bookman. 'So they hid them.' He thought. They've been missing for years. But it seems it reassured them.

Kanda tried his best to restrain himself and keep his promise to the sprout. "I cannot be rash." He said to himself, as Wisely smirked. "So you think of him like that?" Wisely teased while huffing. Regenerating wasn't his expertise. "What?" Kanda glared at the daring white head. "That dictator... what's so special?" He was curious. All he knows is that he's a host for Neah. "That dictator lead us." Kanda said with confidence. "Oh really? A bunch of savages?" Wisely dared to say more.

"Look, if you're really proud-"

Wisely's throat met Kanda's inner elbow as the force of two items meeting made him choke. Kanda suddenly ram towards him and almost choked him with his arm. Sherry with his free mobility of anything and everything, took control of Kanda's body and stopped him for the mean time. "Ugh... you sure are angry, huh?" That last blow got to him. He was regenerating and so this made it worse.

"Are you an idiot?" A playful tone from a brat in the shadows. As the squeaking of his sneakers got louder a kid with a large jewel upon his forehead showed. "A brat?" Wisely thought. "Haa.. not another one... this is gritting boring. If you will, Fiidora?" Fiidora unleashes his long tongue along with the blinking of eyeballs and the purple, blue and yellow irises. "I'm reaaaddyyyy~!" Mist that came from his mouth forced its way into the breathing wholes of Lavi and the Bookman.

"Nope, that won't do."

Timothy abandoned his body and rooted his should into the Noah Fiidora. Twitching, Fiidora laughed. "Haha~ An exorcist trying to control a Noah~?" He continued to laugh and giggle but as he felt a spark of pain stab his brain, he began to scream intensely. "Leave him to us, pretty boy. Get those two." Timothy's innocence told Kanda through telepathy. "Hmph. Alright then." Kanda smirked which provoked the other two. Fiidora continued to scream in agony as Timothy struggled to take full control of him.

'I managed to take his body but...!'

'Master! The parasites are..!"

'Oh right! I forgot about those bugs... ewww this place is outright disgusting!'

During his internal monologue, Kanda was busy being encoded in layers of spells just to immune himself to Sherry's ability. It would help him a lot since Sherry's ability is too troublesome, to be able to control anything to his desires. If he wanted to he could twist Kanda's body to a pose with his arms in an "M" shape above his head and bend his whole body slightly to one side and stretch his facial muscles to a cute beam of a smile. The mere thought gave Kanda the chills which was rare.

"It's done." One of the alchemists gave him a nod.

"Alright, evacuate. I'll finish this." The conjurers didn't take another second to think and did what he told them to do so.

"You think those plastic like spells can stop my ability?"

"I think it can.."

"Wisely?! Whose side are you on?!"


"Tsk anyways we better-"

Again just like Wisely, the impact on his face this time gave him the wake up call. Sherry stood his stance amd looked at Kanda with a merderous glare. "Wisely." Sherry called but as Wisely tried to read the samurai's mind it didn't work for the barrier to his ability was still there. "How impressive. Not only did those alchemists created two typed of barriers, this human was able to sustain all of those scriptures in his little puny human body." Even for Wisely this was a shock. The alchemists spells can also harm humans if used in exaggerated amounts. For immunity about a Noah's ability is huge alone but for a human to maintain well while carrying two is unbelievable. Wisely stood there a bit scared.

"Tsk." Sherry clicked his tongue at how useless his other comrade was. The ceiling began to crack as Sherry tried to demolish it on top of Kanda. Using his abilities he motioned it fall but Kanda unleashed his blade once again.

The top floor was turned into a mystic like garden. A sight that you would likely see in a Alice in Wonderland setting. Along with a nice red wood table, shinning silver wear, ceramic plates and tea cups and contrasting sweets. However the image of two boys didn't fit. Allen with his red locks flown in different directions sat beside his nephew who had dark skin and loose jet black waves.

"I knew I could never beat you in games." Allen sighed as he played with the teaspoon of his tea.

"I'm insulted. Not inviting me to a tea party~!" The earl in his human form frowned.

"Then help yourself. If you don't mind, Neah here wants to chat first." Neah glared at the Earl while the Earl merely smiled in happiness.

"Let's have a date... Road."

"This boy... never gives up!" Sherry was tired. No matter how much force he pushes towards the samurai it was nothing, "Ha..." Kanda caught his breath. "Wisely have you enjoyed you picnic yet?!" A figurative way of saying 'get your damned bum here and help me'. Wisely finally snapped out of it and tried once again. After several tried he finally passed through the barrier and read the first thing in Kanda's mind.

"Towards your right arm!" He shouted. Sherry successfully evaded him. "Left ankle!" Evaded. "Right arm again!" Evaded. "Face!" Evaded. No matter how much Kanda attacked his mind have it away as Wisely screamed what he had in mind. Finally Sherry sought this as an opportunity. Leading him on, he started closing in. Kanda couldn't do anything but evade since every move he does is being read. Sherry grinned and laughed hysterically ready to twist on of his ankles, manually that is. "Yes... finally..."


"A bug?" Wisely got distracted when a bee like insect landed on his nose. He smacked it away. When he felt marbles pierce his back. He reached for it and as his intuition failed him, they weren't marbles. Bugs as big as his thumb entered from his back and began to corrupt his mind. "W-what's this?!" He felt the insects crawl into his skin. Desperately trying to grab them off, he scratched his back. "S-sherry! Help me!" Sherry was just about to twist Kanda's bones but the scream of his ally made him look away. Using this moment, Kanda kicked his chin with his knee and again with his foot pushed the man away from him.

"Parasites, kill his brain but not him." Timothy's voice overlapped Fiidora's while he spoke. 'The kid did it.' Kanda smiled inside. "Reverse his existence!" Kanda called for a conjurer and as he appeared from thin air, the ceremony started. Distracted is Sherry, Kanda took this moment to slice his limbs, from arms to legs. He figured he could still control his power as long as his kind functioned. Cutting of his neck he threw Sherry's head to where Wisely was. Timothy jumped from Fiidora's body back to his. The three Noah's time was plowed back to when their first body weren't born.

"...Fiidora, Sherry and Wisely..." Road in a minimum volume said.

"Your men, you seemed to have prepared spectacularly." Blood tears spilled from the Earl, Road and Neah's eyes.

"9 left."

Author's Notes:
SORRRRRRYYYYYYY! For the ultra late chapter. After travelling and multiple writer's block I finally forced myself to write this. Again, I'm still hoping my errors won't stray you from reading and that it didn't go too wordy. SORRRRRRYYYYY! I forgot about Lavi again! Damn.

Haine's Talk Corner~!
Parvana: Thank you for worrying about meeee~ ;A; Well I'm fine now, but jetlag is making me insomiac. This won't stop me though ;D