There just aren't many Alex/Richard fanfictions out there and I wanted to try and write one of my own.

Something To Live For

Chapter 1:

Alex ran far and fast. Her heart pounding so hard she thought she would have a heart attack. She could barely breathe. Keamy was after her. She was going to die. She knew it already. Why did she even bother running from the soldier? He had killed her mother and Karl. It was only a matter of time before he caught up to her.

She tripped over vine just as she heard the sound of screeching metal. Alex tried hard to keep from screaming in fear. The smoke monster…

Alex didn't even notice she was bleeding as she scrambled up and started running harder than ever.

Run Alex run!

Don't let him get you.

You have to live!

What for?


Alex couldn't think of anything to live for truly. Ben didn't truly love her as his daughter. He always kept her locked away.

A tree fell a few hundred yards away and she whimpered.

Alex turned behind her to see the smoke monster. He was still far away from her but if she didn't keep running he would be upon her in a flash.

A jutted up root violently tripped her and she fell hard to the forest floor. Her face hitting a pair of black boots.

White hot fear shot through her and she trembled afraid to look up.

She was dead.

"Alex," she heard her name spoke softly.

Alex didn't look up.

She distantly heard the screeching metal noise.

"Alexxxx!" the voice was familiar but she couldn't place it.

Gentle arms held her. She felt warm and safe. Was she in heaven?

She felt herself floating in the air and then she was sat down on her feet.

The mechanic screech filled the air loudly and Alex's eyes popped open in fright. No she couldn't be in heaven.

"Sssshhh," a male voice whispered into her ear.

Alex looked up quickly into the eyes of Richard Alpert.

She fainted.

If anyone wants an update please review

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