Authors note: To clear any confusion up I'm updating this chapter,. I re-read it and found a few flaws. Changed Vlad from a blubbering baby to a pissed off mama bear(kinda). If some people didn't know this is a yaoi. The main people I use are mostly male and once of the tags is ROMANCE. didn't really think i needed to put maleXmale action in the description. I will be going through and cleaning up this story. It may be just cleaning up spelling errors or changing how a character acts. So if there is major notice of OOC, let me know. i am trying to keep to the character as much as possible. So expect changed in this story. Also there will be a SEQUEL! I ended the story here for a reason. Also if you don't like my storm, you can close the story and pretend you never read the story.I will not take offense if they take this route, not every one likes the same pairings as I do.

Vlad picked the boy up and headed towards his personal medical wing. He left Skulker to clean the bed. He didn't mind cleaning, it was fun to see the neko come undone. He didn't like how skinny the boy still was but, in their care the boy would be at a healthy weight.

Vlad set the boy on a table, with a scanner above him. Pressing a button to start the scan, in five minutes they would have how sever the boys injuries were. Looking over the boy, he blushed reminiscing about their playtime. They both loved the boy and were glad to get him away from that place. Skulker came down, he saw Vlad's back. Smirking he creeped closer, wrapping his arms around Vlad's waist earning a yelp.

"Gotcha!" He nuzzled Vlads neck.

"Skulker!" Vlad tried to sound mad.

"Ding." Went the machine, Skulker released Vlad, much to his disappointment.

"So found how bad his shoulder is?" He came beside the boy, pushing a few strands away from the boys face.

"Just a bruising," Vlad turned to see the small gesture of affection,"You care for the boy, don't you?" Vlad smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Wha...N-no.."Skulker pouted.

"Well, if not we could always send him back...,"Vlad began to joke but, was interrupted.

"I knew it! I knew you two were toying with me!" Danny jumped off the table and bolted for the stairs.

"Daniel! Wait! I was kidding!" Vlad yelled after the boy,"Great! My joking screwed this up." Vlad pounded his fist on the doorway wall.

"Vlad, we'll talk to him and explain."Skulker tried to reassure his mate.

Back at the circus, Freak show yelled for his best minion.

"Jason! Get in here!" Freak show yelled from his train car.

"Yes, Freak show?" Jason replied coming up through the floor boards, behind freak show.

"Ahhh! Don't do that!" Freak show yelled,"I have something I need you to bring back for me. You know that freak neko, the one a pair of parents sold to me many years ago. It seems he is at Vlad Masters's home, where ever that hovel is. I need you to track him down, make both of them forget the other. Bring the boy back to me, complete this and you'll have a go at the boy." Freak show, bargained with the other ghost,"His name I think it was is, Danny."

"Whatever." Jason, took the orb and strapped it to his his, leaving to find the boy.

Danny ran through the forest, wind and rain blowing like the sea during a storm. Looking back he missed a root, tripping over it and rolling down a hill. He hit a fallen log, laying there to get his barringS. His chest rising and falling quickly, trying to get up his arms were shaking. Crawling to seek shelter crawled in the log and looked out. The wind hitting the log, Danny cried. Crying for believing any one wanted him, crying for believing others and crying for having hope. Putting his head in his arms, tried blocking the world around him.

*Why does Freak show even want the kid? I say kill the damn thing! If it means getting freedom for a while, why not?* He shrugged,flying trying to find a town.

A few days later, Jason flew into Amity park. As he flew in, undetected heard talk of Mayor Vlad resigning. Smiling at the juicy gossip, followed the person who stated this. He entered the town hall, reporters and news crew bombarding him with questions.

"As I stated why I have to step back from being major, I'll say it again. To many ghosts and ghost hunters destroying this city. I need piece and quiet," Vlad calmly stated, messaging his temples,"That is all. I'm leaving right now." He made to leave but, was blinded flashes of the camera.

"Get out of my way." He calmly said, trying not to snap at people.

"Let Mr. Masters through!" The police stepped in. They guided him through the crowd.

"Thank you." Vlad got in and drive off, once a safe distance away he transformed and flew through the roof.

Concentrating on finding the boy, he met with skulker.

"We have one more area to check, he has to be there." Skulker informed Vlad, who was very worried over the boy.

*Shit! Freak show never mentioned a third party, oh well. I'll just get of Vlad and grab the boy.* Jason grinned, stating a safe distance away.

Danny peeked out from his hiding spot. Crawling out, he looked around and found a small stream. Walking over to it, saw his reflection. His hair hung limp and stringy, covered in dirt, webs and moss. Crouching down, he cupped both hands together and dipped them below the running water to drink.

Vlad and Skulker flew above the trees, looking for a clearing. Skulker pointed down below to a dot, all three landing. Trying to be quiet Skulker and Vlad creeped quietly but, Jason had other plans. He raced forward, circling his arms round the boys waist and placed the staff in front of the boy.

"Look at how the red swirls. Let your mind go." Jason whispered in to his ear. Spinning them round to face Vlad and Skulker, with a smirk.

"Let him go!" Vlad yelled, looking at Daniels eyes go from a blue to red.

"Now why should I? We get a tip as to the where shouts to this boy." Jason caressed Danny's face.

"Leave the whelp alone and I won't hurt you!" Skulker bellowed.

"You want to look at the orb, don't you, Vlad?" Jason looked at the other two.

*Who would want a freak like you? No one. No one but master. He'll protect you, care for you and love you. Forget Vlad and go back to master.* The voice swirled around in Danny's head.

Jason felt Danny relax, setting the boy down leaning against a tree. He looked over and saw Vlad with his hands in his hair.

*Why need the boy? He is useless. A freak. He will only bring you down. Let the boy go. For get him.* A voice hissed inside Vlad's head. He gripped his hair, shaking his head.

"Vlad? Vlad get a hold of yourself," Skulker shook Vlad,"Leave the whelp alone!" Skulker turning to see Danny with a dazed look.

"Now why would I do that!" Jason spat out, his eye trained on the gun coming form Skulker's wrist.

"Danny, look at me," Skulker trained a gun on Jason and walked to the boy," We didn't mean to hurt you. We were joking. I like having you around, I'm glad you bumped into me. I'm glad we saved you from that blonde Neanderthal." He caressed the side of the boys face.

*Gotta get the brat out of here!* Jason panicked a bit. Grabbing the staff, swinging the end of the staff over Skulkers head and grabbing the dazed boy, he order the puppet to sleep he flew off.

Flying high and fast, he contemplated why anyone would want this boy. Shifting the boy, he felt the tail wrap around his arm.

*What the! Freak show owes me big!* Jason grumbled, picking up speed.

With Skulker, he kept shaking Vlad. Vlad was having an inner battle, trying to get that voice out. Skulker grabbed Vlad's face with both hands and smashed his lips against Vlad's. Looking in to his eyes, he saw the red haze begun to clear. He disconnected their lips, allowing Vlad to ask questions.

"Skulker, not that I don't mind you kissing me but, where's Daniel?" Vlad looked around the clearing, hoping to him.

"Vlad, that ghost took him." Skulker pulled him towards his chest and rubbed circles on his back.

"We need to go get him! No one steals whats ours!" Vlad yelled, struggling to get out of Skulkers hold/

"We will, believe me, we will. We will make who ever took him pay." Skulker vowed.

Landing in front of Freak shows quarters, shifted the boy so he was being held bridal style. He knocked on the door, stepping back and waited.

"What...ooooh yes! My precious is back!" Freak show made grabby hands at Jason.

"Here." He handed both the boy and staff to Freak show.

"Finally!" Freak show felt Danny shift, he felt hands grab his jacket, a tail wrap around his leg and a head nuzzling his chest.

He stepped back and shut the door, leaning the staff against the wall across from his bed. Setting the boy down on the bed, he began to undress the boy. He left him in his boxers,grabbing a throw cover covered the boy and waited for him to wake up. A few minutes later, he heard the whimper and mumble.

"No!" Danny shot up in bed,"M-master?" Danny looked around till his eyes met with Freak shows, jumping out the bed and ran over to him."Master! I-I..."Danny nuzzled the waiting man.

"Shhh, it's ok. Everything is fine. Your safe, I've gotcha." Wrapping his arms around the distraught boy,"Does the name Vlad masters mean anything?" He asked ruffling the boys head.

"Who?" Danny looked up, confusion written on his face.

"No one important. Let's get you back into bed." He walked to the bed, turning around he saw Danny near the door,"Where do you think your going?"He walked over to the now shaking boy.

"B-back to my cage?"Trying to not anger his master.

"No, your hurt. Your sleeping here. With me." Picking up the boy and walked back to his bed,"Sleep, precious, just sleep." He ordered the boy, he watched as the boy tried to fight.

"S-so...that...was all..a-a dream?" Danny nuzzled his masters side.

"What was?" Combing the boys hair.

"I was...,rescued and a mansion w-with"His voice going softer and softer with each breath.

*No my boy that was real. You'll never see him ever.* Freak show thought with an evil smiled.

It ends here but, remember a sequel will be coming. I want to finish It started with a letter heres a spoiler *cough*malexmale*cough* So no confusion. Also look at the tags and characters, for me that helps to get an idea of who the parings are. Again I will be going back through this story and clean it up. I may also do this to trick or tree, or write a new one and improved one. Let me know what ya think.