
"You have something that belongs to me," a gentle but sinister voice boomed through the massive throne room.

From atop the regal throne, the old, decorated king sat frozen with fear as a dark, menacing, crimson-hooded figure approached him. The figure's fell wand crackled and snapped in his hand.

"H-how dare you!" he stuttered and wheezed. "Who do you th-th-th-think you are?"

"Oh, nobody in particular," the hooded figure replied. "Just someone here to claim what's rightfully mine."


"Didn't I just explain it to you? Do you even know what kind of power rests atop that booster seat you call a throne?"

"Booster seat?!"

"I thought not."

The figure's amber bead eyes crept up from the king's aged, bearded visage to the massive, white crystal glowing above his crowned head. With little so much as a flick of his wrist, he summoned the air around him to grasp a sneaking knight clad in gray armor by his throat, strangle him, and launch him into the doorway to the barracks beneath the throne. For good measure, he also sent a stray arrow after the hapless knight.

"Now, before we are again so rudely interrupted, your majesty, let me tell you exactly what it is I want..."