Entry 4: Danny
A dragon bursts from the ground. A pure blue dragon with a spiked snake tail, small wings, and a mouth with a large amount of rotating teeth floated a few feet off the ground. Most likely it was still quite young. I grabbed it with my feet and slammed it into the ground landing on the ground across from it. I growled as I circled it slowly. It twitched and I blew green fire below it. The young dragon stared at me with wide nervous eyes. It was going to panic. So, I did the best next thing. In an echoed tone my voice vibrated to it. Sit and stay and you won't get hurt. Slowly the dragon landed and rested on the ground looking like a scolded puppy. I was quite surprised it actually understood me. I mean, I had basically just thought it. I spotted a fish on the ground and brought it over to the young dragon. Its tail started to dance on the floor as it ate and I let out a halfhearted purr. Looking around I spotted another fish and sat down to eat it across from the new visitor.
Now as I finished the fish the other dragon started to get up to stretch it's wings. With a lot of concentration I asked the other dragon, Phantom… You? The dragon stared at me interested as well as the others I noticed. River-rush the dragon replied. I nodded my head. I got up and strode over to the humans and stared at them with a tilted head. They looked at me back. They started talking again and I let out a huff. Why does Clockwork have to put me somewhere that doesn't speak English. I mean he could at least let me understand what they are saying. "In time" I heard a whisper vibrate through the air. So did all the other dragons as well, because they all looked everywhere for the speaker. Of course I didn't there was only one being in the multitude of universes that is that annoying. Clockwork.
An explosion sounded inside the town and I did the only thing that came naturally. I turned invisible. Huh, my bad. Didn't mean to do that in front of everyone, but it was reflex. Then another explosion sounded. I flew outside the arena and then became visible again. Then I let out a roar. Everyone turned around and looked at me. I beat my wings and nudged my head towards the town.
When we arrived a nasty sight greeted us. There were many holes in the ground and many dragons that looked like the one I had met in the arena. River-rush then flew to my side and stared at the disaster area. Brothers stop! I heard River-rush plead to his siblings. They all stared up at us. Brother! They roared in happiness. I smiled. So, it was just a search party.
Bye, phantom! River-rush called as he left with his family. I landed on the ground and went over to Stoick. Soon Hiccup came running over. They talked for a while and then Hiccup went over to me. He rubbed my scales and took the clock off my neck. I let out a puff of smoke and laid my head on the ground, as I watched the two converse.
Then Stoick went to walk away with the clock. It started to glow. Oh no! I shot a blast at his hands and the clock dropped. I flew over quickly and caught it in my mouth before it hit the ground.
Today was just getting better and better. The glow then flashed and white became the only thing I could see.
AN: This is so awesome my third update! Okay, in case any of you are wondering what in the world I'm talking about; Monday I made a promise basically that I would update all my stories before the next monday. 3 done... 11 to go... okay so not that impressive.