A/N: Here's a new story that I'm writing. It actually started as a gift on deviantART for a gift exchange, but I enjoyed writing it so much that I decided to continue it. I hope you enjoy!

Riza clipped Black Hayate's leash onto his collar and picked up a bag, which went into her pocket for the dog's droppings. It had been a few months since all the commotion caused by the homunculi, so it was now safe from all the construction to go out at anytime.

They stepped out of the door, Black Hayate keeping pace right beside Riza, heeling as his mistress had taught him. They walked down the sidewalk, stopping occasionally for Black Hayate to sniff or do his business. Many people greeted Riza and Black Hayate as they went along: the baker, the florist, neighbors, and children of the street. It had been like this for a few weeks now. People were more friendly, and wanting to talk to everyone. It was almost as though they were seeking comfort from each other; like everything was okay and back to the life they knew.

Looking up, Riza saw that with out without realizing it she had led Black Hayate and herself to Central's military headquarters. Her usual walk in the morning. She decided to let Black Hayate see his first friends at the military: Mustang's team.

Walking in, she was greeted by many of her coworkers in the military.

"Hello, Haweye, good to see you!"

"Riza, please tell me that we can go to the shooting range sometime. I could really use your help."

"Awww... This your dog, Riza? How cute!"

"Colonel Hawkeye, you going to the generals devision? Good. Please take these papers."

Many more greetings where received and responses were given before Riza was able to make her way out of the main lobby. When she left, she got on the elevator, papers in hand for Mustang. He had been promoted to major general after the war; a position he was most pleased with. He was the youngest to make it this far, a great accomplishment to be sure. Everyone agreed though that if the Fullmetal Alchemist had not lost his alchemy and left the military, that Roy Mustang would not be holding that title of youngest general for very long.

Reaching the floor, Riza stepped out. Sheska ran over to greet her, squealing about her newest love: a book about the ancient language of Xerxes and how Shing's current language had derived from that. Riza listened patiently to her for a few minutes, honestly not understanding much of what she was saying due to the speed of her talking.

Gently telling Sheska that she needed to give some papers to General Mustang, she slipped into his office. Mustang was bent over his desk, working with papers spread carelessly in front of him. The papers had many arrays drawn on them. Some complete, others abandoned, and one currently in progress.

Groaning, Mustang balled up his current paper and threw it across the room, intending it to join the others scattered across the floor. Instead, it hit Riza in the face, then fell to the floor, and then attacked by Black Hayate.

Mustang looked up, startled by the commotion Black Hayate was making when he attacked the paper ball.

"Riza! How long have you been there?" He said, startled. He nervously started to gather his papers into a stack, worried that Riza would get onto him.

"Don't worry, Roy. You've been working hard, and I can see that you are very caught up in this. Leave it."

Roy looked at her, grateful that he didn't have to put all of the papers away. He quickly fixed the few that he had moved, and then looked up at Riza.

"So, what are you doing here?"

She smirked back at him and replied, "Oh, just bringing you more paperwork."

He glanced down to her hand, which held the paper work and groaned slightly. It wasn't that small of a stack. Rather large, actually. "Riza, I know I'm a general and that I shouldn't complain about more paperwork since it's part of the job, but really? Couldn't you just put it in the incoming paperwork box right outside?"

"Sorry, Sir. It has to be done by tomorrow morning."

"What? Oh fine. I'll get it done. Do I get a reward though?" At this point, he had tilted his head in a way that made his hair fall across his eyes, his hands propped up under his chin, elbows resting on the desk. He was giving Riza what he knew to be his best and most charming look; one that had served him faithfully, almost never failing.

Riza, watching him, couldn't resist. He had been working hard to help restore the country to a better standing, so he did deserve something she guessed.

"Alright, what did you have in mind?"

He looked up, his eyes going wide in surprise. Rarely did Riza agree to a decided to see how far he could take it. "Maybe a date? You're one of the few that I actually want to take out, and you're the only who won't go," he said, providing a slight explanation hoping to convince her.

He had actually liked her for a while and had asked her out many times, but she still refused to go.

"Okay, One date."

Surprised, Riza found herself agreeing to the charms of the man in front of her. Normally she didn't date military men since it usually just caused trouble, but this was Roy. Not just any guy in the military.

She watched, amused as his eyes widened further, his eyebrows raising slightly. He apparently was just as surprised as her that she had agreed to go on a date with him.

He quickly regaining composure, grinned and said, "Well, I'll be sure to finish as quickly as I can then."

Blushing lightly at that, and the thought of going on her first date in months, she walked over to his desk and placed the papers on the windowsill behind him so that she didn't disturb the research papers he had spread on the desk.

On a whim, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"You better finish quickly. I won't wait forever."

He stared into the space in front of him. Eyes wide and twinkling happily. A smile slowly made it's way across his face as she walked to the door.


"Yes, Roy?" She said, turning back so her side faced him.

"I'll pick you up tonight. 7:00?"

"Yes, Sir. That works fine."

"Wear something nice." He smirked once more, resting his cheek on an fist which was supported by his arm resting on the table.

"Alright. I will. See you tonight Roy," she said.

Closing the door behind her, she stopped for a moment. She had just agreed to go on a date with Roy Mustang.

She had kissed Roy Mustang on the cheek.

Today, she decided, was a good day.

A/N: Heehee! So what do you guys think? Please leave a review for this and let me know! Also, any ideas you have I'd love to know also!

Until next chapter!