A N: Right behind you. (I don't own Community)

A N 2: Allison Brie has stated that J/A will not get together this season. *DEEP BREATH* No, no, I'm fine, let me just… just elaborate this for a minute.

A N 3: I will not write SMUT. Period. Why? Because I suck at it. And not in a good way.

The study group minus Jeff and Annie were sitting around the study table, as always trying and failing to study.

"Have I ever told you of that time…?" Pierce began before being interrupted by his friends groaning.

"Yes, Pierce…" Britta said, exasperated by the man constant interruptions of their studying, "… You've already told us about that time you banged Eartha Kitt on an airplane, that time you met Buddha during an acid trip in the sixties and that time you caught Jeff making out with another man without however having any kind of proves to support that! Can we please study now? We need to be prepared if we want to pass the Biology finals!"

Everyone stared at her.


"Annie, why are you inside Britta's body?" Troy asked with a serious tone.

"Ah-Ah, very funny." Britta replied sarcastically.

"I was serious, why is Annie inside Britta's body, Abed?" Troy asked his best friend, genuinely believing that what he was asking was a possible thing.

Pierce snickered, "Eh, Inside Britta's body…"

Britta grunted in disgust.

"I have many theories about that…" Abed began, detached as usual, "… Maybe we instinctively fill the roles that miss from that table when some of our friends are late; this meaning that probably some of us will soon turn in a jerk with a heart of gold…"

"I don't care about your nerdy stuff, pumpkin…" Shirley began half-mindedly, her glaze down on her biology book, "… But I still secretly support your dreams and hopes" She side whispered to him.

"… See. Or maybe during the time they've passed together as Fake-Sisters-Who-Are-Tricking-Each-Other-To-Reveal-The-Location-Of-Their-Phone they must have activated some sort of Freaky Friday course…" Britta stiffened for a moment, "… Which is ridiculous because if there will ever be a Freaky Friday plotline it will involve me and Troy…"

"Damn right…" Troy agreed, doing their handshake with Abed.

"… And it will probably be made only by some unimaginative Season Runners or by a genial writer of Fanfictions."

Annie chose that moment to enter the study room, slam her backpack on a side of her chair and unceremoniously slump herself on it. She grunted a greeting, wide circles around her eyes.

"Annie, pumpkin…" Shirley began, motherly concern overpowering the uncharacteristic behavior from before, "… Are you alright?"

Annie gave a bitter laugh, "And of course, the first person in the whole day to ask Perfect Little Annie if she's alright is Shirley, the mother hen, not the two idiots…" she casted a glare toward Troy and Abed, who both gave a "Who, me?" look at her, "… With which she lives and must have probably heard the most terrible night of her life!"

Troy looked confused before realization hit him, "Oh, so you were the one doing all those screams last night! I believed it was our landlord watching one of his weird films."

Abed cocked his head aside, staring at her.

Annie scoffed, "What are you looking at, Abed?" Abed didn't move a muscle, still staring at her.

"We're Genre Shifting." Abed said, his eyes widening.

"Oh, yeah, of course Abed the thinking machine will cope his roommate emotional breakdown and incontrollable hunger with some geeky stuff, because is so cute when two probably gay morons are so much inept in everything concerning real life that their slave of a friend is forced to do everything for them" Annie scoffed, slumping further into her sit.

"Now, Annie, I know that you're upset, but there's no need to insult your friends to…"

"Fuck you, Shirley, you're not my mother!" Annie yelled, interrupting her.

Troy looked confused.

Abed was still staring wide eyed at Annie, silently repeating the word "No" with his mouth over and over again.

Britta was staring at Annie in shock.

Shirley hided her hurt.

Pierce looked resolute.

"Now, listen here Annie, because I will not repeat myself…" He began with his most serious tone, a hard glare casted toward her, "… You know you are my favorite and stuff, but I will not accept, no, I will not tolerate such behavior from ANYONE in this group toward ANYONE else in my presence. We are a family and, despite our many issues, I still think of us as that. Now, apologize to Shirley for your words, and let's study!"

Annie grunted.

"I make a motion to expel Annie from the study group. Where is the deck of cards so we can vote her out?" Pierce said, still glaring at her.

Annie gasped, "You, Pierce, of all people, YOU, are trying to kick me out? After all that I've done for you?!"

"Yes, and it pains me do it, but…"

She tried the Disney Eyes, "I don't want to leave you guys."

"So apologize to Shirley and promise to check your behavior!" He bellowed at her, not affected by her trickery.

Annie begrudgingly looked at Shirley, "Sorry Shirley, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just…" She sighed, casting her gaze down, "… Last night was very hard and…" a soft grumble was heard, "… I'm still hungry despite all the pork I've eaten for breakfast."

"Aw, pumpkin, don't worry, I forgive you." She said with a Forgiving-Yet-Condescending tone.

"Pork, Annie?" Britta asked, confused, "Weren't you Jewish?"

"I know…" She whined, "… it's just that, all of a sudden, I want to eat any existing kind of meat…" She casted a look to Britta, beginning to literally salivating, "… Speaking of which, Britta, what have you done to your hair today, you look delicious."

Britta gave her a forced smile as she tried to distance herself as much as possible from Annie.

Pierce sighed, "If I wasn't still mad at Annie I would have made a lesbian joke."

The others ignored him.

Jeff chose that moment to enter the study room, slam his bag on a side of his chair and unceremoniously slump himself on it. He grunted a greeting, dark shades covering his eyes.

Five of his six friends were staring at him, the sixth one engrossed in her now open biology textbook.

"What?" Jeff asked, a bit more annoyed by his friends than usual.

"I've got the weirdest sense of déjà-vu." Troy whispered to Abed, who was now staring at Jeff, his eyes wider.

"Jeff…" Britta began, trying to sound normal, "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? You're not drunk, right?"

Jeff gave a bitter laugh, "Oh, I've tried to get drunk last night, Britta, after hours and hours of thirst, and yet, even after the fourth bottle of scotch, it didn't fucking work!" Britta winced at his friend's outburst.

"As for the sunglasses, apparently, my eyes cannot even handle the damned Colorado's sun without fucking burn!" He yelled, pulling off his glasses and revealing red, bloodshot eyes.

Everyone stared silently at him.

"So, I guess you didn't have a good night then…" Annie said, still looking at her textbook.

Jeff glared at her, "Of course I didn't have a good night, kid, but maybe you're too stupid to understand that." He scoffed, slumping down his sit.

"Jeffrey!" Shirley reprimanded him.

Annie gasped, looking up at him from her textbook "At least I don't spend my nights hitting brainless sluts at bars, you rotten jerk!"

"Annie!" Britta reprimanded her.

Jeff turned toward Britta, smirking.

"Britta, I've suddenly realized how much of an idiot I've been on letting you go, why don't we reenact our finest moment during the first paintball war? I believe the audience will not complain." He said while side-eyeing Annie.

Britta gaped at her friend while Troy was glaring at him.

Annie gave to Britta what everyone was pretty sure was a deep growl.

Abed started to slowly put distance between his chair and the table.

Annie turned toward Troy and Abed, smiling sweetly.

"Guys, I'm sorry for having insulted you before. To make things right, I will not only reconsider that sex-scene in that movie you proposed me last week, but I will also pay for a professional cameraman, you know…" She winked at them, "… If Abed wants to join in too."

Troy's and Abed's jaws fell down.

"Well, I have to go…" Jeff said, rising from his chair and knocking it down, "… Alan and I are going to hit some strip-clubs tonight, so…"

"Maybe if I run…" Annie said while abruptly rising from her chair, "… I can always try to get a fly to Delaware and…" She didn't manage to finish her sentence as Jeff grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall. She yelped.

"You're not going anywhere." He hissed at her.

"So give me a reason to stay, big boy…" She whispered to him.

"And then Jeff saw beneath Annie's new and old layers her pleading look…" Abed began to say, desperately trying to stop the inevitable escalation by the use of a running gag.

Both Jeff and Annie were still locking eyes.

"… All of that while Annie was seeing beneath Jeff's old and new layers his insecurity…" He said, still trying to save the situation.

"Give them some slack, A-bed, and let them have their moment…" Pierce began to say before being interrupted by Annie's retort, both she and Jeff now unaware of the outside world.

"Of course, if you think you're not man enough to do it, I can always tackle someone inside a supply closet. I bet that if I don't give him enough time to think even Rich would…" She was cut off by Jeff roughly crushing his lips on hers.

She reciprocated quickly.

Their five friends stared at them in horror.

"Ehm, Hel-lo…" Shirley began, trying to grasp their attention, "… We're still here, you know?!"

Their kiss deepened as Jeff hands began to wander through Annie's body.

"It's official…" Abed said, rising from his sit and slowly backing away, his voice having a slight hint of panic, "… Ladies and gentlemen, we've officially Genre Shifted. I suggest to don't panic and leave this room ASAP."

Troy's eyes bulged out as he too rose from his sit and went on Abed's side, silently panicking.

Their three friends were still staring at Jeff and Annie.

Jeff mouth went from through her jawline toward her neck. She let herself escape a soft sigh as she closed her eyes.

"A-bed, cut your nerdy crap…" Pierce said, still staring at his friends, "… you're ruining the porn here."

Jeff softly kissed her neck.

"Eww, Pierce, we're not watching porn, those are our friends!" Britta said, her eyes too locked on her two friends.

"Our friends while they commit a very immoral act!" Shirley snapped, rising from her sit, "I'm going to stop them!"

And that's when Jeff raised his head in the air, his mouth open. His canines elongated themselves of some inches.

His mouth went down on her neck, biting hard.

She made a sound in between a moan and a scream.

"What the hell, Winger?!" Britta said, rising from her sit and trying to run toward Jeff to separate him from Annie.

She was stopped by Abed's skinny yet strong arms.

"Abed, let me go, he's…" Words died in her throat as she saw Annie open her eyes, now yellow.

Fear paralyzed her.

Abed quickly brought her away from the room as Annie threw Jeff away from her, making him fall on the ground.

The last thing they saw before closing the doors of the study room behind them was Annie jumping on top of Jeff, biting his right shoulder.

"What the hell happened?!" Britta asked to Abed as they were now safely outside of study room F.

He was barring the glass door with one of Greendale flag-poles.

Loud bangs were heard from inside the room.

"Abed, answer me, what…" She stopped, realizing now that they were missing some heads.

"Oh my God, Troy, Shirley and Pierce are still inside there!" She hit Abed on the back, "… Why have you saved me? You should have thought of them first!"

"Don't worry, Britta…" Abed began, turning towards her, "… In case of emergency, Troy is tasked to escape from the other glass door with Pierce and Shirley and then bar it. He will be here soon."

As on clue, Troy passed a corner, running toward Britta.

And then surpassing her to hug Abed.

"I missed you…" He began, his face on his best friend shoulder.

"GAY!" Pierce shouted, trying to get anyone attention. He failed.

Other loud noises were heard from the room, moans, howls and crashes being the most common ones.

"For the love of God, What's happening in there?" Shirley asked worryingly to her friends.

Abed departed from his hug with Troy.

"Shirley, maybe is better if you sit down…"

"Why?" She asked, a suspicious look casted toward Abed.

"Usually, when in movies someone has to give a Soul-Shattering news like "Shirley, Annie is become the same werewolf who I prophesized will chase you to death", they ask people to sit down first."

"Annie is a what…?!" Britta asked shocked.

"I knew it…" Shirley said, slumping on one of the sits right outside study room F, "… I knew I was going to die by werewolf!"

The others sat near her.

"A werewolf. I suspect it happened during our last adventure, probably like I predicted back in our first year, with Annie as the target instead of Troy" He stared at Britta.

"You predicted that I was going to be turned in a werewolf?!" Troy asked shocked.

A memory hit Shirley's mind, "Britta…" She slowly turned toward her, "… There is nothing you have to tell us?"

Britta shifted uncomfortably in her sit, "W-what, Nooooo, absolutely nothing, why I should tell you that I've accidently cursed Annie because she didn't want to let me have my phone back…" She received four hard stares, "… Whoops."

"You've cursed Annie instead of me?" Troy whined indignantly, "… Ugh, Britta, that's hard to swallow down."

"I didn't believe it would have worked! I just did it to scare her off, and the site where I found it was publicizing it as a very fake, very ineffective spell!"

"Ugh, Britta, pumpkin, only you can Britta'd up a fake spell by making it work."

"Sorry…" She said, slumping in her chair.

"You shouldn't be sorry, Britta…" Abed said matter-of-factly, "… Your deed has, in fact, counterbalanced another grave event that happened on that same night…"

"It has something to do with Forehead being more dickish than usual?" Pierce asked, confused by the whole turn of events.

"Yes, Pierce, because I suspect that that same night, before his return to our apartment, Jeff as been attacked…" He dramatically paused, "… By a vampire!"

"DUM! DUM! DUM!" Troy sang to highlight the importance of the revelation.

Their three friends were dumbstruck.

And then Jeff's very naked, very bloody body went flying from one of the windows of the study room, crashing on the ground.

His friends watched him in horror as he instantly returned to an upright position with a swift movement of his ankles.

"GOOD LORD, I LOVE THAT WOMAN!" he jumped back into the study room.

No more muffled by the glass, Jeff's and Annie's piercing moans and grunts were now audible to everybody in the whole building.

"Alright, Abed, now you will explain me why those two are screwing each other in the Study Room, and you will tell me this with words that even Pierce could understand!" Shirley began with a dangerous tone.

"Thank you for your consideration, Shirley." Pierce said, flattered by his friend apparent care.

"There are many reasons…" Abed began to explain, slightly wincing as he heard his friends slamming their bodies in the wall right behind them, "… Their usual UST, the final stage of their transformation happening, vampires' well known unnatural magnetism, werewolves' well known desire for dominance, Jeff's jealous and possessive side, the fact that Annie is probably in heat, but I'm not sure about that, I have to check the urine samples I took this morning…"

Before anyone could realize what he had just admitted, a massive crash was heard.

Abed put a hand on his heart, "And here it goes our beloved study table, last legacy of our past days as a comedy…"

"What are you talking about, A-bed? We're not dead yet…" Pierce frowned, "… Right?"

"It's already beginning…" Abed began to explain to his friends with a faraway glaze, "… Jeff and Annie were the first domino that needed to fall. It will now happen a chain reactions that will lead on a drastic change in both our format and genre. Our whole lives will be affected by this. We're doomed."

"Geez, Abed, I don't understand your pessimism…" Britta began with a forced smile, "… They've now became a social minority, we shouldn't be afraid of them, but instead understand them and treat them as our equals." She looked around, "Wow, nobody interrupted me, that's new."

"They waited for their friends to reemerge from the study room. For two hours, they stayed outside the study room, putting up with things that couldn't be unheard, things that couldn't be unseen. At the beginning of the third hour, they gave up their hopes to outlast the stamina and the libido of two unstoppable undead monsters, and went back to their homes, pondering about the situation."

Troy glanced expectantly at Abed, who was somberly driving their car.

Abed remained silent.

Troy sighed, sadly casting his gaze down.

"Cool exposition, Troy, good work."

Troy smiled brightly at that.



Sometime after midnight, Jeff and Annie were laying on the floor of the now destroyed study room.

Half of the windows had been crushed because of blunt force trauma, the other half instead shattered because of one of Annie particularly piercing screams.

All the eight chairs of the study table had been smashed, the table now reduced to splinters.

One of the couches was shredded to pieces, the other severely burned because of the friction caused by their bodies.

All the shelves of the room were severely damaged, their content messily scattered around the room.

The walls were covered in cracks, the air vent obstructed by a fallen segment of the ceiling.

Jeff's and Annie's bags had been torn apart, broken purple pens lying around the room, Jeff's smashed telephone stuck inside one of the walls.

Jeff fondly glanced at the very naked girl still in his arms. He grabbed her tightly.

"So, that just happened…" Jeff said.

"Yeah…" She sighed, "… that just happened."

"Hey, Annie, hey, what's wrong?" He cupped her face, making her look at him.

"It's just…" she began to sob, her Disney eyes in full force, "… I'm finally here, with you, and all that I can think is how much of an asshole I was to the rest of the group…"

"Hey, hey, shhhh…" He said, hugging her face to his chest. She began to calm herself, slowly breathing on his abs.

"Don't worry Annie, the group will understand…" He began to say before frowning, "Of course, they will do it if we are not lynched by an angry mob armed with stakes and silver bullets first."

She swatted at his chest. A loud crack was heard.

"Ouch, Annie, you've just broke some of my ribs…"

"Oh, don't be such a baby, I've done you worst things tonight…"

They stayed in silence for some time, Annie still breathing on his chest, her overpowered hearing carefully listening to his faint heartbeat.

"Jeff…" she raised her eyes to look at him, "… What happens now?"

"Well…" He began, smiling at her, "Now I say to go to our respective homes, take a shower and try to justify ourselves to our friends…"

"Oh…" Annie deflated.

"… Then I say that tomorrow night I'm going get you around 8 PM and bring you to a fancy restaurant, maybe one provided with many kinds of meat."

"Oh, I don't know, Jeff, maybe I'm not ready enough for a relationship." She said with a teasing tone.

He looked at her with an incredulous face, "Are you kidding me?"

She smirked at him.

"It's official, Woman is evil."

She laughed, "You seemed pretty evil before too."

"Annie…" He said, gesturing to his body, "… I'm hands down the most handsome and badass vampire of history, of course I'm evil."

She winced, noticing now something on his body "Jeff, promise me not to get angry."

He looked confused, "Don't get angry at what?"

"Just promise me."

"Okay, I will not get angry."

"Good. Now, do you remember when, at the beginning of our… intercourse, I bitted you on the shoulder?"

"Annie, you basically trashed my body tonight, I cannot remember of a single bite…"

"Yeah, but, you see, all the other wounds had regenerated, while this one…" She trailed off.

Jeff casted his gaze down on his right shoulder, the silvery scar of a bite shining on it.

He took a deep breath.


"You promised me not to get angry."

"I'm not angry, Annie, it's just that…" He casted his gaze down on her neck, smirking, "… I didn't knew how to get even with you."

She put a hand on her neck, feeling two hollow holes where Jeff took his first bite of her flesh.

She smirked at him, "It appears I've been branded as property of Jeff Winger."

He smirked back, "And it appears I've been branded back as property of Annie Edison."

"Well, don't get used to it, I'm not yet convinced by your request for a date." She said teasingly.

"Oh, yeah, I wonder what could make you change your mind…" He teased back.

She gave him a sly smile as he cupped her face, bringing it closer to his, "I believe we will find out soon enough, Milord."


The Dean was sitting in his office, writing the report about that day fracas in the Study Room F.

Jeffrey had been adamant, it was clearly all Chang's fault. And when a very naked, very sweaty Jeffrey Winger tells you that the fault lies on an Evil Asian leader of an army of mid-schoolers, who was him to dean-y it in front of the authorities.

He heard the door of his wardrobe open. He turned toward it, finding himself face to face with… Himself.

"Hello." His double said, shooting at him with a tranquillizer gun, sending him to sleep.

He made his usual dream about Jeff being the coach of the water polo team and him his assistant.