Epilogue: "It's time that you won."
"Leonard!" Penny leaned back out the door, calling for him down the hallway.
"Yeah?" Leonard's voice shouted back.
"I finished the closet, come look!"
Placing the last box set into the shelf beside the television unit, Leonard turned to go past the kitchen, making a left turn to go up the hallway to the very end, where he found Penny leaning against the doorframe with a grin on her face.
It had been Penny's idea to get the three-bedroom apartment. She had told him that they could use the two spare bedrooms: one as a guestroom-slash-office, and the other as a large closet and storage space. He'd told her that they could do without, and she'd responded by telling him that maybe in the future, they would most likely need those rooms and wouldn't have to go through the hassle of finding another place to live. He'd been quite surprised by her answer, but they both knew that she was right. And it was logical - they both wanted to be together, and even though they wouldn't admit it then and there, they both wanted a family someday - so it was easier to just be prepared and make use of the rooms in this way until the time came.
"What do you think?" Penny grabbed his hand, leading him inside.
One wall was covered entirely by a large, white wardrobe unit with white doors. The wall the door was on was lined with shelves, and beneath the window at the end was the small couch from Penny's old apartment. Opposite the window was a large full-length mirror. The shelves were filled with mostly her shoes, but also his, along with bags, purses, hats, accessories, and any item of clothing Penny had deemed unworthy to be hung up. It wasn't entirely full, but it looked very neat and presentable. The free spaces were used for the storage of items in plastic boxes. Opening all the wardrobe doors, she spread her arms out.
"Ta-dah! That part there is all yours." Penny gestured to the middle section of the wardrobe, which was probably about a quarter of the entire thing. "Your shirts, pants, jackets, hoodies, costumes, all that kinda stuff. The doors on either side are all my things."
"I don't think I've ever seen such a well organized closet. Especially one that contains your clothes. And you have a lot of clothes... I never realized how much there was."
"Well, you know, I bought loads when I was out in London because I could only take one suitcase with me from Pasadena, and I didn't want to bother anyone with sending over my stuff. So I just have double what I used to." Penny pointed out with a shrug. "Not complaining." Taking his hand again, she began leading him out of the designated closet room, crossing to the room directly opposite - which was their bedroom. "Now, all our underwear and your t-shirts and our pajamas and stuff, they're in that chest of drawers the television is on top of."
"That's sensible."
"Yeah, I thought it was." Penny giggled. "Now, I have some good news."
"Okay?" Leonard raised his brows at her change in subject.
"While I was hanging up your blue shirt - which, by the way, I still think should count as mine, but whatever - anyway, I got a call." Penny bit her lip. "A few days ago when you went to Caltech to talk to the President of the university, I went on an audition for this national commercial. And I got it!" She squealed as she jumped up and down slightly, gripping his arms.
"Oh my God! That is amazing!" Leonard grinned, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm so proud of you! But how come you didn't tell me about it?"
"Thank you." Penny smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I didn't tell you because... the last audition I did was for the play in London. And I had a really strong motivation then but it was complicated. This time, my motivation was you - the fact that you made me happy, and from day one believed in me, and saw me in the play, and did everything you could to make me happy again. So I guess... knowing all of that gave me the belief in myself that I could do this. And I did it! I'm going to be in this big-ass national commercial!"
"Well, you most certainly deserve this big-ass national commercial." Leonard chuckled. "I am so proud of you, Penny." Holding her hips, he gave her a passionate yet delicate kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too." Penny bit her lip. "Oh, and by the by, they told me they'd like me to wear my scientist glasses in it, like I did in the audition. I think you'll agree buying that giant television for the front room was a good decision after all." She wiggled her eyebrows. "And one more thing. The college accepted my application and I am going to be a full-time student working toward my Psychology degree."
A/N - And that's that :) This was the story I wanted to tell, and I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed it! I'm quite overwhelmed by how much you liked this story, and I know some of you have been saying you want to know what happens in Nebraska, and then back in Pasadena etc. I hadn't planned on doing that but perhaps I'll do a sequel… so we'll see. This was never going to be longer than this. But I do have ideas for 'the future' of this story. So for now… thank you so much, I'm glad you all took to this so well and felt so drawn into the story, and a huge thanks for the feedback. It's so nice reading your reviews because stories like these aren't easy to write! Ta! (For now…)