Chapter 8

*knock, knock, knock* Chloe heard a furious fist banging on their apartment door, stumbling lazily over her own two feet as she tried to open it, a confused frown forming her pale forehead as he came face to face with Stacie.

"Stacie, I told you we were almost ready to go. What are you doing here?" The red head questioned; the palm of her hand rubbing at her neck as her intensity was evident. She was feeling light headed and weak.

"You don't look so good little rosy" The bubbly brunette's eyes wandered up and down Chloe's fragile looking figure. "Are you alright?"

Chloe quickly faked a smile, shrugging her petite shoulders that seemed to have gotten bonier by the day. She really was feeling ill, and thinking about food made her feel worse. "I'm fine, Stacie. Although I might be skipping out on tonight's party. Think I'm coming down with something"

"Yeah, right..Coming down with the Beca Mitchell germ sounds like a better interpretation" Stacie grinned from ear to ear before she forced herself through the door; heaving a quiet sigh. "So, where's that roommate of yours at? Thought we could go together, spare some fuel. For our cars, I mean. She won't have any once I'm done with her"

Chloe's soft chuckle echoed in the living room but abruptly faltered as she heard a voice clearing behind her. As she turned her head she saw a very flustered Aubrey standing behind her, trying her best to seem unfazed by Stacie's comment.

"Stacie.." Aubrey stared at the brunette, her brow rose in warning as she held the door open. "Let's get going.."

"Aye jaye, Captain" Stacie smirked, winking at the blond as she strolled by, adding an extra sway to her hips in attempt to distract her object of affection.

"Later, Chlo. But are you sure you'll be alright? I could always stay you know" Aubrey's face was painted in concern as she carefully watched her friend.

The redhead's hand waved towards the exit. "You go have some fun. I'll be here, chilling. I might just be tired so don't worry, alright? And behave yourself"

"Don't I always?" Aubrey gifted a playful smirk before she closed the door, leaving a distraught Chloe behind.


"Ahhhh, Captain Posen and little Miss Hugh Heffner" Fat Amy sung delightedly as the two walked into the party. Her already alcohol infected figure walking towards them with two beers cradled in her hands. "Wait, where's Red?" She questioned disapprovingly as she handed them drinks, her head scanning the room in search of her friend.

"Not coming..She's feeling sick so I thought it would be a good idea to let her rest. You know, with everything that's been going on lately I think she needs it"

Beca, who's been standing a few feet away from them couldn't help but overhear the conversation. She had seen Chloe earlier that day and she looked a little pale. To say she was worried would be an understatement.

"Go, Beca" Jesse sensed the wheels spinning in his friend's head, thinking she might need a little help to realize that's where she should be. "Who could it hurt? It's just helping out a friend. Letting them know someone cares. And as much as you try to deny it, you do"

Beca groaned at this. She knew he was right. Caring about Chloe seemed to have invaded her closed off existence. And if she was honest, not being able to show it, killed her more than anyone would ever know. So maybe being her friend for now won't be such a bad idea. And she'd get to fill her empty hole.

"Since when did you start making sense?" She questioned playfully; bumping her shoulder into his.

"Since I saw how wonderful you looked with her at your side. Now please, do leave" He ushered her forward by pushing her towards the door, patting her shoulder for comfort. Beca just shook her head at his antics before she made her way over to Chloe, but not before stopping to get the redhead's favorite vanilla ice cream.


*knock knock knock* Chloe groaned irritably as another loud knock disturbed her quiet nature. With a huff she flung herself from the couch. When she opened the door, her throat went dry; palms became sweaty as she saw her favorite person in the world.

"Beca..i uhm..what are you..what are you doing here?" Chloe stuttered like a school child, nervously shifting on her feet as she failed to meet Beca's eye.

"I came baring gifts" The brunette smiled as she held up Chloe's ice cream.

To be continued.