The final sequel is now up!

When the Moon Rises

Summary: AU Surrounded by enemies both mortal and divine, Seth Hunter goes behind the scenes of the second Titan War. Facing danger and death at every curb, the heir of Artemis soon learns that honor is a small price to pay...

Rating: T, but can also be borderline M in some chapters that are still in the works (for possible violence and psychological content)

Main Characters: Seth/Hunter, Artemis, Percy Jackson, Will Solace, Annabeth Chase, Clare Evergreen (she will be playing a bigger role in this last part)

Supporting Characters: Nemesis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Thalia Grace, Chiron, Luke Castellan, Ethan Nakamura, Jason Grace, Bianca and Nico Di Angelo, Katie Gardner, Grover Underwood, Clarisse La Rue, Athena, Silena Beauregard, and a bunch of other characters both canon and original.

Genre: Suspense, Adventure, Family, Psychological (I wish they added this tag), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship

I decided to give out a couple hints as to what you guys can expect in the upcoming plot:

1. Whatever you think you know about Hunter, be sure to take it with a grain of salt.

2. A character I mentioned in passing in this story will play a critical role.

3. Percy WILL NOT obtain the Achilles Curse. I personally never liked that Deus Ex Machina move Riordan pulled in TLO, and I believe Riordan realized it too when he conveniently got rid of the Curse later on in SON. Percy will still become powerful, but he will grow stronger by other means.

4. The Heroes of Olympus series will take place. I know some of you have asked to read how Seth's meetings with the remaining Seven (e.g. Leo, Piper, Hazel, and Frank) would go, and I will try my best to write them as canonically as possible while staying true to Seth's character.

A/N: A reviewer requested that I write out a list of Seth Hunter's abilities and stats, and I decided to heed that advice. Below, I have Seth's powers categorized and graded. The grades are in comparison to other demigods (not gods) and it is by my own flawed assessments (especially if it concerns canon demigods). Keep in mind that the difference between an A+ and an A- is quite significant for this list, and these grades are not set in stone. They can still go up or down depending on what situations I place my character through.


PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES (A+) – Not including the gods, Seth Hunter has the overall best physical capabilities, which exceeds that of the Big Three's children, who would be graded with an A (Thalia, Jason, and Percy) or A- (Bianca and Nico; as of right now). This category is where most of Seth's abilities fall under, and where he excels best. However, if Seth is fighting over water, his capabilities goes down to an E (I say E and not F since I doubt every enemy would want to get close to someone puking his guts out :/).

Enhanced Senses

Eyesight: 20/8 during the day while his night vision is even sharper (he can see his targets in the dark as far as 50 meters away); children of Apollo have better eyesight than Seth during the day.

Hearing: Seth can clearly hear a person's heartbeat as far as a meter away

Poison detection by taste and smell

Trap detection by sight and touch

Enhanced Endurance and Stamina - Seth Hunter can continue fighting without rest for at least an entire day (as shown during the Wolf House chapter); he has high pain tolerance and can outlast almost all other combatants (even children of the Big Three) if they are in the same physical conditions (e.g. having no food or rest)

Enhanced Agility and Strength - Seth Hunter is able to move faster than the average demigod, and be able to leap up very high and over certain distances that are impossible for mortals. As mentioned in the previous sequels, Seth is able to scale the Climbing Wall at CHB and leap and run across difficult terrain with ease. His agility allows him amble time to recover and get back up (if needed) and respond quickly. He also possesses great balance and almost cat-like reflexes in which he can maneuver his body in mid-air to lessen or avoid damage/collision and land on his feet from great heights.

Enhanced Recovery and Regeneration

Strong Immunity System

Poison Immunity – Seth's body can heal from a wide variety of poisons, but his first exposure to the poison will not heal as fast and cause pain

Immunity against illnesses – Seth cannot get sick unless he is very deprived of energy; this does not include seasickness (Poseidon's limiter)

Without ambrosia, he can heal most wounds in less than thirty minutes, minor wounds (cuts and bruises) in ten; With ambrosia, the healing time is reduced by half.


-Cannot regenerate new limbs (e.g. if Seth were to lose a finger, then his finger will not grow back)

-Cannot regenerate the amount of blood lost; when this occurs, Seth will experience fatigue and have slower reflexes

Must be awake to heal fast. If he were in a coma, then his healing (especially for internal injuries) slows down. Seth's brain handles the healing, which makes him weak against continuous attacks because his mind is focused on something else.

Celestial Silver Body

His blood, being celestial silver, is extremely toxic against werewolves, and can act as a poison against most monsters. However, some monsters who use magic and allures, such as lamia and empousai, are immune to this toxicity and instead are highly attracted to Seth's unique blood. The reason why they are immune is because any kind of celestial metal is created through a god's blessing, a form of magical enhancement or charm, to say bluntly.

Olympian Athlete - Seth Hunter has a natural affinity with projectiles, and this affinity extends to sports. His personal favorite sport is baseball, but he can also play well in basketball, tennis, badminton, volleyball, lacrosse, and any sport involving a lot of throwing and tossing by hand or equipment. Children of Apollo also have the potential to share this affinity.

ADHD Battle Reflexes

COMBAT SKILLS (A-) – Seth would be considered a mid-weight class fighter who relies on speed and accuracy. He has a wide range of styles, but he would be in trouble against a heavier and more durable opponent or someone who has an equal balance of power, speed, and strength (e.g. Lycaon).

Master: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, and Capoeira (these styles share many commonalities and include kicks and strengthening the body for better balance, speed, and flexibility; Seth prefers fighting with his legs than his hands since they're normally occupied with weapons)

Expert: Wrestling and Martial Arts

Proficient: Judo and Boxing

Camp Half-Blood provides classes in wrestling, martial arts, and boxing for all campers. The reason why Seth is marked expert and proficient is because he is comparatively less skilled and durable than the Ares campers, who are masters in all three. Seth learned Karate and Tae Kwon Do from his training with Clare, who is also a master in these two styles. He learned the remaining styles, Muay Thai, Capoeira, and Judo, from Lynetta Lin. Besides Ares' kids, Athena's kids are also said to fight very well in unarmed combat.

WEAPON SKILLS (A) – Seth Hunter is a long-range and close-range fighter, and he alternates between them constantly during battles; he would have a disadvantage against a mid-range fighter like Percy, a master swordsman, because he would either need to get close enough to get past his guard or be far enough away to have time to set his bow and release his arrows. The switches also leave Seth open and vulnerable for a couple seconds each time. His given blessings account for these weaknesses, however, making Seth Hunter a formidable opponent with little openings when armed. Overall, Seth Hunter can master many kinds of weapons faster than normal, and even quicker if he has natural affinity for the weapon (e.g. projectile/ long-range weaponry)

Master: Archery, Knives/Daggers, and Guns

Expert: Spears and Javelins (for Hunter, however, he is a master lancer/spearman)

Proficient: Swords (Seth has improved from having no skill in swordsmanship to being proficient at using it. While Seth is able to use lighter swords like katanas and rapiers well, he still lacks the field experience master and expert swordsman have)

INTELLECTUAL / MENTAL CAPABILITIES (B+) – Seth and Hunter both have high intellectual capacities and usually think before they act. Seth is detail-oriented and tends to overthink on some things though, and sometimes misses the opportunity to do what he needs to do, but he is an excellent strategist (he came up with the plan to beat the Hunters at Capture the Flag). Annabeth relies on him a lot to make sure her own plans are foolproof. Hunter is also good at strategics, but unlike Seth, he sometimes changes plans spontaneously without thinking through the long-term consequences.

Master Astrologist – Seth can map out the stars and use them as his guide

Master Tracker – Seth's tracking skills exceeds the Hunters, except for Phoebe, who is on par; only Artemis and Lappy (and Orion probably) are better trackers than him.

Aura Detection – can detect gods and demigods effectively; some trouble with legacies

Master Strategist – second to Annabeth and Malcolm, who are also master strategists

Expert Technician – on par with the Hunters of Artemis and Hermes and Hephaestus kids when it comes to traps; knows how to assemble and dissemble various firearms; children of Hephaestus (and Athena's probably in the crafts department) would be Master Technicians

Expert Healer– can diagnose a patient's physical conditions within a few minutes of seeing them, however, Seth cannot immediately detect internal conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and allergies immediately and he can only treat patients by physical means. Will Solace would be a Master Healer who can heal patients by song and physical means, and diagnose and treat external and internal injuries in a few hours at most.

Ancient Greek and Latin Fluency

Diagnosed with Dyslexia; trouble reading and writing in English

Psychological Warfare– Both Seth and Hunter are capable of this, but Hunter is more adept at this skill than Seth, who prefers not to mess with people's minds.

Sharp Memory – this applies to Hunter more so than Seth; after spending almost all his life in the back of Seth's mind, he could extract memories very quickly and help Seth recall them too. It's almost like having Eidetic Memory, but minus the minor details and clarity. If Seth or Hunter dismisses the memory as insignificant they will not remember it or recall it all like those with Eidetic memory do.

Amokinesis Immunity - As the heir of Artemis, a virgin goddess, Seth can repel back allures and charmspeak, but he could still fall victim to its influence if he is caught unaware, weakened, or if the user's charm is too overpowering.

Expert Musician - Seth can master any instrument much faster than most; for children of Apollo, if they have the skill, can master any instrument with little effort and create their own songs (e.g. Kayla, daughter of Apollo, is a piano prodigy and would be a Master Musician)

- As noted by Apollo, Seth has a slightly above average singing voice. Given a choice, however, Seth would choose not to sing in front of others because he dislikes the attention.

- Dancer –Seth was taught ballroom dancing and other classical styles by the Apollo Cabin, which he picked up on quickly.

Split Personality - this is a strength and a weakness, and this aspect is what prevented me from giving Seth an A. If Seth is too preoccupied with Hunter, then he could be taken off guard. If Seth and Hunter end up fighting, then the one who surfaces after would suffer a massive migraine. Blackouts and memory loss also wear Seth down, and leaves him vulnerable to psychological threats and mind invasions.

GODLY POWERS (B-) – Seth's godly powers are nowhere near as powerful or versatile as the Big Three Children (who would each have an A+) and the abilities he has are mostly restricted, inflexible, and/or not as strong as others. They are mostly helpful for enhancing his physical prowess than as a standalone power.

Argentokinesis – the ability to manipulate celestial silver. Seth still needs to start from the base form (bow and knives) and then morph it to something different. Seth is able to morph the silver to anything he likes as long as he has the imagination and energy to do so. The bigger the change, the more energy it takes Seth to create. If too much energy is sapped, then Seth would be unable to defend himself and forced to fall asleep for hours to recover fully. The changes are also temporary and can only last as long as Seth can make it.

Celestial Silver Weapon Summoning – a blessing from Artemis; all her Hunters also have this skill

Aura Erasure – Seth can mask his aura by minimizing it enough to resemble a mortal for a brief time; children of Hades, Hermes, and Hecate, the goddess of magic and the Mist, are also capable of this skill. However, certain gods and goddesses like Athena have this ability, but isn't transferred to their children. This skill can be taught, but it will take a long time to master for those who don't have the natural affinity, especially if the person's aura is great. Currently, Thalia is trying to master this skill with Artemis' help.

Small Item Summoning – a blessing from Nemesis; allows Seth to summon any small items he has seen before with an accurate mental image of where he last saw it. He can also allow things to vanish and return to their original spot.

- Weaknesses- No weapons of power can be summoned using this blessing. If the item has been moved from where Seth last saw it, then it will not come.

Familiar Bond – Seth can telepathically communicate and contact the Laelaps (Lappy) anywhere within 250 miles

Commands absolute obedience over dogs, stags, and other woodland animals

- This includes man-made/automaton dogs such as Aurum and Argentum

- Hellhounds are an exception- they obey only Hades and his children, if they are strong enough. (Mrs. O'Leary, however, is a special case; her former master being Daedalus, and now Percy Jackson)

Expert Mist Manipulator - Seth has an adequate grasp of using the Mist, but if he is under too much duress or panic, he may mess up and fail at using the Mist correctly. Thalia Grace, Alabaster Torrington, and Hazel Levesque (of course) are Master Mist Manipulators. It is strongly hinted that other children of Hecate are also skilled at using the Mist.

A/N: So there you have it. This list ended up taking longer to conjure up than anticipated. Before any of you accuse me of making Seth Hunter too OP, remember that Seth Hunter is NOT a demigod son of Artemis because if he was, then a lot of this stuff on here will change. Seth Hunter, as stated by Artemis in a previous chapter, is meant to be at least on par with children of the Big Three. He may not be able to create storms like Thalia or cause massive floods like Percy, but Seth is still a force to be reckoned with, just on a more subtle level. And why should Seth Hunter be on par or surpass demigods like Percy and Thalia? Well, you'll just have to read the sequel to find out why.

If you still think his abilities are too OP, be sure to check out Percy Jackson's own list of abilities on the Camp Half-Blood Wiki or Thalia's, Nico's, and any of the Seven, and you will see that Seth's abilities are relatively tame, given his lack of mortal blood. Feel free to review or PM me if you have further questions/concerns about this list or the hints I gave, and as a bonus, please tell me which of Seth's abilities is your favorite or would like to see more of.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the final sequel.