Hi Haru here, this is my first yaoi bleach fanfic. Please be kind if the characters are OOC.

Pairing: StarrkxIchigo

Summary: What would have happened if Starrk had taken Ichigo instead of Orihime after the fight with Nnorita.

WARNING!: Slight yaoi, slight spoilers, OOC, cursing, and I do not own Bleach just the storyline of this fanfic. Enjoy.

Third person POV-

Aizen sighed. He'd just lost another Espada, Nnorita had been beaten by the brute Kenpachi Zaraki. Counting him half of his Espada had been defeated. Oh well, thought Aizen. Half have been defeated, but the other half remained, and they are far stronger then the pathetic weak excuses of Espada those five had been. Though it did surprise him how hard the little Shinigami and their friends were fighting to get a mere human girl back. Even with the powers she possesses she shouldn't be worth the time and effort it was to send four of the captains out to Hueco Mundo.

A smirk spread across the face of the ex captian of squad five. "Starrk, come over here." He comanded with a hint of mischievousness in his voice. In a flash the Primera Espada, Starrk wad kneeling by his throne.

"You called," Starrk muttered with an obviously drowsy tone.

"Starrk, go fetch my that orange haired girl," Aizen softly demanded.

"Sure, and should I bring her to you after I've acquired her?" Starrk questioned.

"No you may do whatever you want with her, just keep her in one piece," he replied.

Starrk quickly nodded before sonidoing away.

Ichigo's POV-

I watched in awe as Kenpachi cut the six armed Arrancar nearly in half. After the body hit the ground I was about to shout a quick good job to Kenpachi, when he turned around and began walking towards me.

Almost effortlessly he broke Orihime's Shoten Kisshun, and kicked me across the sand. I heard Orihime cry out for me. I looked at Kenpachi bewildered.

"Wha.." I began.

"Ichigo. I want you to remember what you are," he said as he cut me off. "Your a substitute soul reaper. It's your job to protect Karakura town. Not fight the Espada, that's our job. Take the girl and go back to Karakura town, and leave these guys to us." he said over his shoulder.

"Hey girl," he shouted to Orihime. "Heal my wounds."

For a second she just looked at him, confused. Then she suddenly looked up and regained her posture.

"Uh, yes!" she responded before she got up and began to rush over to him.

She was about halfway there when a male Arrancar appeared, literally poped out of thin air beside her.

Everyone froze. I tightened my grip on Zangetsu.

The Arrancar looked like he was going to say something when he stilled and sniffed the air like he had suddenly smelled something that caught his interest.

A moment latter he had disappeared from Orihimes side and appeared right in front of me. I felt my body freeze up, as he leaned forward and sniffed my neck, before burying his head into my hair and taking a deep breath.

"You smell... good, intresting." he whispered. Before I could process what was going on he had wrapped his arm around my waist and hoisted my onto his shoulder.

"I don't think Aizen would mind if I took you instead of the girl. I mean you both have orange hair and you seem... more interesting," he practically purred the last part.

I tried hitting him in the back but he was as hard as steel and I felt that my punches where causing me more pain than they were causing him.

As I tried to free myself he Sonidoed away. Because I was to busy trying to squirm out of his grip I was taken by surprise at the sudden quick movement and as he slowed down as he reached his destination I could feel my stomach doing flip-flops.

I felt him set me down on something soft but my vision was a little blurry from the Sonido. As I regained my ability to see I rubbed my eyes and looked around at my new surroundings. I was in a large, rather fancy, completely white room with a gigantic bed that took up a nice amount of space. The floor was covered with plush pillows almost leaving no room to walk. I looked down to find myself on a rather large couch with various throw pillows covering the other half of the couch. As strange and startling as my current predicament was I couldn't help but feel a little bit at ease in the white pillow filled room.

I was suddenly drawn out of my thoughts when I felt the couch move as mykidnapper flopped down to sit next to me. I realized that I had left Orihime back with Kenpachi. I needed to get back to them.

I began to stand when I felt a large hand push me back into a siting position on the couch. I looked over at my captor.

"And were do you think your going?" He asked me as I turned to face him.

I got my first real look at him. I realized he was relatively tall maybe six feet, and surprisingly handsome. His bluish grey eyes seemed to draw me in and captivate me.

"Well, you thinking of leaving already you only just got here," he said breaking me out of my trance.

" I'm going back I have to make sure Orihime is alright." I snapped at him. I wasn't really angry at him more embarrassed that I thought the was handsome for a second and was so entranced with those eyes of his.

" You aren't going anywhere if I have anything to say about it," he stated, i could hear a slight irritation in his voice.

" Fine." I said. "If you won't let me go I'm going to have to force my way through."

"Ha," he laughed. " I'd love to see you try." He said as I threw a punch at him. He didn't try to dodge, he just let the punch hit. I winced in pain as my fist connected with his chest. What was he, made of steel or something.

" Was that it I barely felt a thing. Come on your going to have to do better then that to get out." He said almost mockingly.

i felt a low growl escape my throat and I reached out to grab Zangetsu off the ground as I launched myself at him. This time he dodged.

I was about to get up when I felt a hand push on my back and pin me to the ground. I heard a small sigh behind me as he yanked Zangetsu from my grasp and sent it flying across the room implanting itself in the wall opposite to where we where.

He lessened the pressure on my back just enough to flip me over so i was face up under him staring into those deep warm grey eyes again. I was so busy looking into those stormy grey orbs I didn't realize how close our faces were getting to one another until he gently pressed his lips against mine for a gently yet lazy kiss.

The sudden feeling of his lips on mine was startling but damn did it feel good. After a few seconds I began responding to his lips and kissed him back, my body relaxing under his. After a while he broke the kiss for air but before I could process what was going on and come to my senses his lips were back against mine. This time he was a bit more rough, moving his lips against mine in a heated kiss. He gave a slight nip to my lips causing me to give a small yelp. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, bringing the kiss to a new level. He was very gentle, caressing my tongue with his own coaxing it into his mouth. He began massaging and sucking on my tongue and I could feel my body quickly losing its strength. I had to break apart for air and as soon as our Lips left each other's he attacked my neck biting and sucking in a way that felt incredibly arousing. I could feel a slight hard on forming in my pants, as I let out a lusty moan that made me feel quite embarrassed. I had the sudden urge to just give into the pleasure and loose myself to the feeling when..

"STARRK! Get your lazy ass out of bed and get over here!" I looked over to see a small girl with light green hair and a rather... revealing outfit standing over what once was the door to the room.

"Lilynette, can't you see I'm busy here." my captor who's name apparently was Starrk said. my face ignited onto a blush the same color as my hair when I realized how.. uh.. intimate our current position was.

I tried to wiggle out of my current position,but Starrk put his arm around my waist, holding me in place.

"Ok, Lilynette. What do you want." Starrk asked rather annoyed.

"Hey don't act that way you damn lazy bastard!" Lilynette snapped angrily. "I came here to tell your lazy ass..."

To be continued...

Oh cliffhanger. What was it Lilynette came to tell Starrk. What will happen next. Please review and respond and if you have any requests for stories I should do please do tell. See you next time!