Chapter 16: Love Finds A Way

"Petra! Petra! Hurry up! We should see how nechan looks like in her new wedding dress!"

"Huff, huff, wait up Mikasa, you're running too fast." Petra said while trying to catch her breath. She stop for a while to compose herself but soon found out that Mikasa was nowhere in sight when she no longer heard her voice. "M-Mikasa?" Petra began to panic. "Mikasa where are you! THIS MANSION IS HUGE! I'M GONNA GET LOST!" She didn't receive any answer but instead, someone approach her.

"May I help you with something?" Petra was startled from the voice she just heard. It was coming from behind. She began shifting her gaze to the person standing behind her and saw who it was. It was a man with dirty-blond hair and hazelnut eyes and taller than Petra; he's eyes are a picture of concern.

"Um..I'm..I'm lost..I don't know my way in this mansion." Petra's voice is shaking; she could hardly speak properly to the man standing in front of her. She was mesmerized by his appearance and she started heating up; a blush dusting her cheeks.

"Are you ok Miss? You're all red." He asked; now trying to reach Petra's face.

"N-NO! I'M..I'm completely fine! Ahaha!" Petra moved back a little. Her heart is starting to beat fast. She knew that she might faint if that guy touches her even on her cheeks. She tried to take a deep breath and calm down. "I'm..I just wanted to know where _'s room is. I'm a friend of her."

"_? Oh, you mean _-nesan. You must be Petra Ral, am I right?" He said with a smile plastered in his face.

"Ah, you're right. How did you know my name?"

"My name's Auruo Bossard. I'm _-nesan's cousin by my mother's side. That means her father and my mother are siblings. She has told me about you that's why I know."

"Is..Is that so..N-Nice meeting you, Auruo." Again, Petra began to blush three shades of pink and couldn't look straight at Auruo.

"It's nice to meet you too, Petra. Shall we move then? I'm also going to _-nesan's room to inform her that we are soon headed to the cathedral. Levi-san and the others are waiting for her there." Auruo said as he reached out a hand to Petra.

"Ok, let's go now, Auruo." Hand to hand, Petra and Auruo went to _'s room with both having a warm smile in their faces.

Reader's POV

The cathedral is once again filled with so many people. All of them are happy for the both of us. Levi and I, finally, our dream to be together forever will come true.

"Levi, do you take _ for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

"I do." Levi answered with a determined smile. After that, the priest moved his gaze towards me and asked me the same question.

"_, do you take Levi for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

"I do." I also answered with a smile plastered in my face. My heart is filled with so much happiness; I just can't contain it all that I burst into tears.

"And now I pronounced Levi Ackerman and (First Name), (Last Name) as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Levi and I faced each other and he removed the veil that is covering my face. After removing it, he saw that tears flow down from my eyes and he became concerned.

"_, why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy, that's all. All these years we struggled to protect our love for each other. There were sad moments and obstacles to overcome but we conquered them all and now we're finally here, taking this vow to be together forever and pledge to love one another. It's like a dream, a fairy tale, a happily ever after."

"You're right _. We didn't give up on each other because our love is strong and true. This isn't just a dream. All of this is reality." Levi wiped out my tears and moved his face closer to mine to plant a soft kiss on my lips. We stayed like that for a few moments, taking our time to enjoy this sweet kiss. I can feel it, Levi's love for me; it's all true and pure. He loves me from the bottom of his heart and I love him the same way. We finally broke our kiss and faced each other once again with both having a warm smile seen in our faces.

"I love you Levi."

"I love you more, _."

Several Years After

"Levi, I've received a letter from my little brother Armin." I walked towards Levi who is currently at our garden; relaxing and reading a book.

"Really? What does it says?" Levi said as he took a few sips from his cup of tea. I began to open the letter and read the content.

"Dear _-nesan,

How are you and Levi-san? Getting the hang of being a family now? Haha, I'm just kidding. I know that as long as you're both together everything will be perfectly fine. Anyway, I've written this letter to inform you about everything that happened in this past several years. I know it's kinda long after both of you lived together, it's kinda sad actually but I'm happy for you, really. You finally have your own family and I know that you can raise your two children with Levi just like how Mom and Dad have raised us. I'm sure they're very happy now wherever they are.

Oh, now I've lost tracked. Ok, so first things first, I want you to know that I've graduated college and I'm gonna pursuit my dream to become just like Levi-san. I want to be an amazing artist too and make everyone smile. Isn't that great, nesan? I hope I do well. Next is Mikasa and Eren, I know they've married just recently but they're doing fine now as well as the company. Ever since Erwin-niisan retired from his position as CEO, Mikasa took the position with Eren working alongside her. And you know what, they're doing great and one more thing, Mikasa is pregnant! They're gonna have their first baby and according to the CT scan, it's a boy! They would like to invite you and Levi-san when the time has come for the baby to be born. You'll come, right?

Finally, I've received news from Auruo-niisan and Petra-san that they're now planning to get married as well. I know that you've known about them being together, going dating and stuff and you support them so now he wants to give an invitation to you guys for their upcoming wedding. You're gonna be the bridesmaid and Levi-san's your partner of course! This is great! Everything is just so great nesan! I hope all these happy days would last. Well, that's it for now. I'm gonna send you more letters in the near future. Take care always nesan!

You're loving Lil' Bro,


"Looks like everything turned out great, _." Levi said after hearing the content. He smiled at me before sipping from his cup.

"Yup, everyone is happy with their lives now. How's Hanji-san and Mike-san?" I asked.

"They're doing great as well. They're both still managing a lot of art conventions and helping me with some of my art projects as well. Furthermore, they're both still the crazy, funny bunch of friends that you and I have met."

"I see. I'm so glad." Suddenly, two little angelic voice called out for us and we saw two small figures running towards us.

"MOMMY! DADDY! THERE YOU ARE!" It was our two little angels, Aimee and Amias. They hurriedly went to hug us both tightly with a smile never leaving their innocent faces.

"Mommy, Amias and I are wondering. How did you and daddy met?" Aimee asked.

"How we met? was because of a cat."

"A CAT!?" Aimee and Amias said in unison while having an expression of shock on their faces.

"You mean, like (Name of your cat)." Amias said as he lifted up your cat, (name of your cat).

"Actually, (name of your cat) is the very reason why your daddy and I have met." I smiled as I pet (name of your cat)'s head. Meow.

"AH! (Name of your cat) agrees!" Amias blurted out. We began to laugh and Levi just smiled at the warm atmosphere.

"Daddy, how did you and mommy ended up together?" Now Aimee asked another question but it was meant for Levi. Levi was halted by her question but his face soon melts into a smile and patted his daughter's head.

"It's a very long story. A lot has happened and your mother and I struggled to protect our love for each other. There were times of happiness but there were also times of loneliness and sadness but whatever obstacle we face, we didn't give up. We didn't give up because our love is strong and because we knew that whatever happens, as long as we love each other, LOVE WILL ALWAYS FINDS A WAY."

"It's true, sweetie. Always remember that as long as there is love, whatever you have to face, there is always a way. You just need to believe and it will come true. That's how your father and I ended up together. It's because we believed in each other and loved each other till the end no matter what hardships we face. Do you know the meaning of your names, Aimee and Amias?"

"Our names have meanings!?" Aimee and Amias said in unison and with glee once again.

"Yes. Your names do have meanings and it means, LOVE. Aimee and Amias, you two are the fruit of our love and we will love you both just like how your father and I loved each other. You two are our joy, always remember that."

"We love you too Mommy!" After that, they began to hug me and gave me sweet little kisses on both of my cheeks. Next, they pulled out and went to give Levi a tackle hug and gave him sweet little kisses too.

"We love you Daddy! Ahahahaha!"

This warm atmosphere, this is what it feels like to have a family. All this joy and happiness in my heart, it's just too much. They are my treasure, my most prized possession. I will protect them with all my life and I will love them with all my heart because I believe that no matter what happens, as long as you believe and there's love...

Love Finds A Way

Sorry for the very very long wait! I was so busy with college but finally got the spare time to finish this. I hope you all like it! ^^