Author's Note: Remember, the first person pronoun here is Levi, he's the one who's talking. And in this story, Levi is an artist, a painter to be exact, and he's much younger than his original age. Hope you enjoy.

It was early in the morning, I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock. I reached out my hand to shut the noise down and at the same time, looked at the time. It's 6:00 am, I sluggishly raise myself off the bed and went to look at the window.

"Tch, it's raining. This is definitely not a good thing to start the day."

I went downstairs to have some breakfast. A simple meal of oats and fruits. I reached up my hand and opened one of the doors of my kitchen cabinet to get some oats but I've noticed that the pack is almost empty.

"I must add this on my grocery list."

With a sigh, I then open the fridge to get an apple. I prepared my breakfast and then finished it quickly. I've washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen before I go and take a shower. After that, I've dried up myself and changed with some clean casual clothes. As I combed my hair, my phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello, Levi speaking."

"Hey, shorty. How are you doing?"

"Sigh, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you're finish with your artwork?"

I glance at the far corner of my room, that part is my studio and there lies a big blank canvas.

"I haven't started yet."

"WHAT!? Next week is the art exhibit and you haven't done anything?"

"Tch,look I'm going to start sooner or later so don't worry. I'll submit it on time. I just need an inspiration." I replied, a bit irritated.

"Fine, just hurry up with that and go find a girlfriend or you'll end up being single for your entire life. You're becoming grumpy."


"Ok, ok…jeez, good luck then and don't be late."

We ended up our conversation and I let out a huge sigh. I pause for a while to process what we've talked about earlier, not about the artwork but the girlfriend part. I haven't thought about that in my entire life well not until Hanji told me. Maybe I'm just looking for the perfect one.

"A girlfriend, huh." I then grabbed my jacket and umbrella and then went outside my apartment.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I went to the supermarket and bought a few groceries then after that I immediately make my way home. As I walk back to my apartment, I've passed the playground where I heard a squeaky sound. I stopped after hearing it. I listened carefully, it sounded like a cry from an animal. I tried to find it, beneath the slide, under the benches, behind the bushes and then when I move closer to the play dome, the sound became louder and visible. I'm certain now, it is cat. I went inside and found it sitting in the corner. It looks like a breed of Scottish Fold. Its fur is white and looks fluffy and its eyes are light blue. I move closer and patted its head, it seems to like me though. I've reached for its collar and there is a name attached on it.

"So your name is (name of the cat)."


"You're lost, aren't you? Your owner must be a total scatterbrain if you are left here alone in this rainy day."


It then moved closer to me and continuously rubbed its head on my pants. I heard it purred and then faced me.


"It seems like you wanted me to take you home."


I looked outside the dome, the rain is still pouring down and it's harder than this morning. Finding its owner would be difficult right now. I carried it outside the dome, at first I was hesitant because its feet is covered with mud but I couldn't bare the thought of leaving this poor creature outside so I did the right thing. I'll just take my clothes into the laundry shop later.

I'm finally home, I put down the groceries on the table in the kitchen and went inside the bathroom to wash the cat's muddy feet and might as well clean myself, "Tch, damn rain." I just can't let it run around my apartment and left such a mess, it'll be a lot of hassle. I poured down cold water on its fur, I'm quite surprised it didn't struggle, maybe because Scottish Folds are sweet-tempered cats. I then added soap and scrubbed its fur back and forth, the cat purred upon doing this. It really likes taking a bath. I rinsed off the soap and finally grabbed a clean towel to dry its fur. I then carried it out and laid it down on the soft mattress.

"Just stay there. It's my turn to wash myself."


After a few moments of cleaning myself, I finally went out and saw the cat sleeping on my bed. Good thing it's already cleaned or I'll end up carrying my bed sheet into the laundry shop too. I then fixed my used clothes and put it in a bag. After that, I went to the kitchen to get a clean container and poured some milk, it might get hungry when it woke up. I went outside and finally it's now drizzling, thank goodness, I couldn't afford making my clothes be covered with mud again.

I finally made it into the laundry shop, it wasn't too far though, it's just a few blocks from my apartment. It's already noon when I came, time sure flies.

"Good afternoon, Levi." Said by the owner who is currently sitting beside the counter.

"Good afternoon too." I replied with a smile.

The owner was a good old lady, she's running the shop with her daughter but I guess she's currently not in here.

"A lot of laundries again Levi?"

"Yes, well it's because some of it is splattered with paint so I have to change from time to time and this morning I got my clothes covered with mud." I then put the clothes inside the machine and turned it on.

"Oh my, how unfortunate of you. Why are you covered with mud?"

"Well, I saw a lost cat and I carried it when its feet is covered with it and I ended up soiling my clothes."

"A lost cat?"


"Was it a white cat with folded ears, a light blue eyes and a fluffy fur?"

"Um, yes. How did you know its features?"

"Well, the other day I have a customer who came here and asked for permission if she can post her flier for a missing cat. She's also a regular here like you. She really loves that cat and she's really worried. I wouldn't expect that you'll find it."

"I'm quite surprised too."

"I think you should bring it back, here's her address." She handed a small paper with an address written on it. I took it and put it on my pocket.

"I'll bring her cat back tomorrow." I then put the clothes inside the dryer after it was washed and waited for it.

"She's a very nice woman Levi, the same age as you are. I think it's a good thing if you'll know each other." The old lady smiled at me.

"I'll see it tomorrow." After a few moments, my clothes is already done and I put it properly inside my bag. "I'll be off then."

"Ok, be seeing you."

I smiled back and waved my hand before exiting the shop, this time the rain already stopped revealing the crimson red sky then I immediately went home.

I entered my doorway to be surprised with a certain white cat waiting for me to come home. I smiled then crouched down to pat its head.

"Were you waiting for me?"


I smiled again. "I can finally bring you back to your owner, first thing in the morning."


It seems overjoyed by my news then jump on my embrace and began purring and snuggling on me.

"You really are excited, aren't you?"


Morning came and I finally made myself in front of the house that is in the address. I have the cat carried on my arms and then I pressed the doorbell. It took a few moments and finally the door opens revealing a very beautiful woman. She has a (h/l) and beautiful (h/c) locks and (e/c) eyes that is so attractive it's making me mesmerized by just staring at it. Her face looks so innocent, a perfect image of an angel. I just stared at her, mouth agape with so much amazement. I've never seen a woman like her before. I was totally captivated by just her appearance. I was pulled back into my senses when the cat I was holding suddenly jump off of my embrace and make its way into her.

"(name of the cat)! Thanks goodness you're back safe."


"I'm so worried about you. Don't left me again without my watch, ok?"


She then faced me.

"Thank you very much for bringing my cat back, I owe you a lot."

"Ah, n-no, It's nothing."

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Levi. You can call me Levi."

"Nice to meet you Levi. I'm _." She then pulled out a small paper from her pocket and began writing down a few numbers. "Here's my number. Call me and let's have a little chat or maybe dinner at my house. Think of it as my thank you for taking care of (name of cat) and bringing her back." She smiled after saying this.

"Sure, I'll call you."

"It's really nice meeting you Levi, I hope we became close. Well, be seeing you then."

"Yeah, same here."

After that she waved her hand and finally closed the door. I began walking my way back to my apartment with a smile plastered on my face.

"Maybe keeping a cat isn't bad at all and finally I can start working on my artwork for the exhibit." And then I went home.