Minna! Wish you a happy new year!

Hope you al have a great year ahead of you! ^_^

Sorry for the late update.

Here is the next chapter. and it is dedicated to sweet little!

Chapter 18

Mikan cuddled more into the warmth. Hair tickling her chin and she was content hugging Youichi as her pillow. Hmm...this was life her son and her. She slowly opened her eyes but closed it as the harsh sunlight was pricking her sensitive eyes. A little more sleep wouldn't hurt anyone. She shifted trying to get comfortable but something that held her by the waist had locked her in place. She tried moving away but couldn't. She slowly opened her eyes and came face to face with a shock of black.


She slowly looked down and saw Natsume peacefully sleeping. He really looked like a kid. His features more relaxed. No smirk or glare on his face. Maybe she should let them sleep. She saw that Natsume had held her in place, his arms wrapped around her waist as if she would flee if let go. Youichi was facing Natsume deep in sleep one hand holding Natsume's shirt. and the other held Mr Bear.

She really didn't hate Natsume on the contrary she actually liked him. But what was he doing in her bed? She tried remembering. Ah the storm yesterday night. He really was scared. She slowly ran her hand through his hair. He gave out a content sigh.

Hmm...what should I make for breakfast when these two wake up? Hm..

"What are you doing?"



Mikan had fallen of the bed and on to the floor. A bit disoriented by the fall,


Natsume gave out a sigh.

"I asked what are you doing?"

Mikan glared at him,

"Oh you know talking to the floor. Its more responsive then you, Jerk!"

"Che, whatever polka dots."

She glared at him.

Natsume POV

What an amazing sleep after what happened yesterday. I was content in the warm bed cocooning me from the cold. I felt something comb my hair. It felt so good I couldn't help but sigh. So relaxing. I opened my eyes and came face to face with a spaced out Mikan. What's wrong with her?

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly she rolls of the bed and bam!

I kind of expected that because she was clumsy.


"I asked what was wrong?"

She glared at me,

"Oh you know talking to the floor. Its more responsive then you, Jerk!"

First thing in the morning and I have to listen to her stupidity.

"Che whatever Polka dots."

She kept glaring at me but I ignored he and tried getting up but something had caught onto my shirt. I looked down and find Youichi holding my shirt. Its still unbelievable how Youichi deals with polka dots. He was a lot like me but was stuck to polka like glue. I slowly loosen his fist from my shirt and exit the room.

I really need a shower.

Mikan POV

Che what an ass.

Not soon after Mr I-am-so-great left Yo-chan woke up. He sat up rubbing his eyes. Oh my god. So cute.


"Hey Youichi-chan. How did you sleep?"

"Good..where papa?"

"He has gone to take a bath. How about we go have one too?"

All he did was nod. This kid is like a mini Natsume. He only smiles around me and Hotaru. Around others he is just like Natsume with a blank face and a blunt mouth. Hope he doesn't turn out like Natsume when he grows up.

I carry him to the tub and fill it with water. I help brush his teeth and strip him. Placing him in the warm water I lather soap on him. He was busy playing with the bubbles.

After his bath and mine we head down and come across an unusual sight.

Laughter bubbled in my throat. There was Natsume in casual clothes. A black muscle shirt and a open red shirt on top. He wore black pants that fit him right. No that was not it. He also wore a pink apron with a baby chick on it saying 'Momma'. A snort escaped my mouth and Natsume turned around with a bowl in his hand.




"Ne Natsume? I didn't know you could cook?"

"I can cook but only breakfast."

"Oh Ok."

We then sat down and Natsume placed a plate of pancake. eggs and bacon on the table.

"They look nice."


"Its a complement."


I roll my eyes and ate my food. It really was good.

"Mama can we go to park?"

"Sure Yo-chan."

"Papa you come?"


Youichi was satisfied with his answer.

Great. A day with the devil.

Youichi ran to his room and bought Mr Bear down.

"Let's go mama!"

"Let's go Yo-chan."

Natsume was standing by the door ready to leave.

We wore our shoes grabbed our umbrellas and went to the park. The walk felt nice. The air was moist because of the storm. Youichi held on to my hand and was looking around.

"Mama howalon?"

"Not now Youichi after lunch."


My baby is turning like Natsume. We walk all the way even though Natsume preferred using the car. We walk a long way on the wet ground with puddles here and there. People walking around with umbrellas and raincoat with them. The shops were open and people walked in and out. There children playing in the puddles laughing and screaming. We reach the park. The grass and soil smells nice after the rain. It was wet and muddy.

"We are not going there."

I turn to Natsume with my hands on my hips trying to look intimidating but obviously failing to do so because Natsume was not even effected by it.

"And why not?"

"Cuz its wet. Can't you see? or are you blind?"

"I can see, you jerk! And Youichi can play in the mud if he wants too. I used to play when I was a kid."

"No. He is not going to play."

"Yes and you know what I will play with him too."

I shoved Mr Bear in his hand, turn and walk towards Youichi who is staring at the swing.

"Yo-chan, want to sit on the swing? Mama will push you."

He nodded and held his hands up towards me. I lift him and placed him on the swing.

"Now Yo-chan you have to hold on tight ok?"

I slowly push him and I can see a small smile on his face as the breeze hits his face. I look at Natsume and see him sitting on the bench with Mr Bear in his hands looking ridiculous.

Pfft, serves him right. Jerk face.

I see two women walking towards him. Both giggling and smiling as if they won a jackpot. They were talking about something and giggling but I couldn't hear what. Then all of a sudden Natsume points towards us and the ladies do not look impressed. They look at me up and down with distaste. What? Was it something I wore? I looked down and see that my cream coloured sun dress had mud on it and my Black rubber boots were brown with mud. I look back up and see them both winking at Natsume. I was angry. How dare they flirt with him. That too in front of me.


I look at where the sound came from and find Youichi on the ground on all four covered in mud. I rush towards him and kneel down and gather him in my arms. His eyes were glazed with tears ready to fall any minute.


And the dam broke. He was sobbing his eyes out holding on to me. I run my hand through his hair trying to calm him down. I did not care if I was getting dirty, al I cared was for Youichi. I hold him close letting him cry on neck, telling him comforting words.

I felt a hand on my head and I looked up to see Natsume.

"Give him to me."

"But he is dirty."

"Its fine."


"Give him to me, Mikan.'


I hand Youichi over to Natsume. He held on to my dress not willing to leave. I look at Natsume and shake my head.

"Youichi, come here."

Youichi looked up from my shoulder red eyed and nosed. Tears were still falling from his eyes and he reached out to Natsume. Natsume gave Mr Bear to me and wiped Youichi's cheeks with his thumb.

"Big boys don't cry, Youichi. You are a big boy. So no crying."

Youichi nodded and held on to Natsume. Then my motherly instinct reared its head.

"Yo-chan, does it hurt anywhere? If it does tell mama will you?"

Youichi pointed to his knee and I saw small amount of blood there.

"I think we should go home."

I nod my head at Natsume's suggestion. I pull out my hankie and tie it around Youichi's cut.

Youichi had stopped crying and held on to Natsume as we headed home.

"Papa... howalon."

I was about to protest but Natsume beat me to it,


I glare at him but he drags me to the shop. We got him two big boxes of fluffy goodness.

We reach home and I take Youichi and go to my room. We were both clean having our bath. I go down to the kitchen with the first aid kit and carrying Youichi with me. I place him on the table and look at his knee. There were scraps and no blood but it was red. I call Natsume down,


He had also changed his clothes wearing shorts and a black shirt with a towel on around his neck.

"Can you sit with him?"


"Cuz I have to disinfect the scraps with alcohol and it will hurt. I don't want him to cry."


I give him a small smile and walk back to Youichi with Natsume in tow. Natsume places Youichi on his lap and gives him howalon. I glare at him for giving him sweets before lunch. He shrugged and looked back bored but held onto Youichi.

"This might hurt, Yo-chan."

I swipe the cotton on his wound and he flinched. I look up and I see tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.

"Youichi, didn't I tell you big boys don't cry?"

Youichi nodded his head and wiped his eyes. I dab the alcohol on his wound and disinfect it. I place a bear band aid on his cut.

"Yo-chan do you want mama to kiss the pain away?"

He nodded his head. I smile and kiss the band aid wishing his pain to fade.

"For being such a brave boy I will make anything you want for lunch, Yo-chan."


"You cannot eat that for lunch Youichi."

"But mama..."

"No buts young man. How about I make curry and rice? You can have howalon after lunch."

Yo-chan nodded his head and dragged Natsume up to my room.

"Read story papa."

They disappeared upstairs. Well time to work.

Lunch was done. Time to get both of them down.

"Natsume, Youichi! Come down! Lunch is ready!"

Nope no reply.

I head upstairs and open enter my room.

There on my bed was Natsume with Youichi on top of him both asleep. My hands were itching to take a photo but no if I did Natsume will make sure I am dead. I slowly move and stand beside them.

"Natsume. Hey."

I was whispering so as to not wake Youichi up. He must be tired from all the crying. Natsume slowly opened his eyes.


"Ya, come down. Lunch is ready."


He slowly picked Youichi up and placed him on the bed and stood up. I placed the blanket over him and kissed him on the forehead.

"Lets go get lunch shall we?"


Same old response. It is sure to kill me one day.

We sit down for lunch. A small ittadakimasu was whispered and we began our lunch. It was nice and peaceful. I mean there was no fighting or glaring. No smirking or bad mouthing the other. It was peaceful.


Ok maybe I was wrong. Why her?!

"What is going on here? Why the hell is she sitting her and eating lunch with you Natsume?"

Just when I thought it was peaceful and in comes commotion. I hope nothing goes wrong cuz every time she visits there is bound to be fights or some thing bad happening.

The door bell rang. I get up in the middle of eating, ignore Luna and open the door.


Sumire, Anna, Nonoko and Hotaru were standing.

"Come in guys."

We all entered the kitchen where we saw Luna sitting on Natsume's lap running her hand on his chest. I felt odd watching them and I felt a pricking feeling in my chest. Hm...was I sick again?

"What is she doing here, Mikan?"

Thank you Sumire for pointing out the obvious.


"What are you doing here? This is my boyfriends place."

Sumire and Luna were glaring at each other. Anna was throwing worried glances at them. Nonoko placed her hand on Sumire's shoulder trying to control her. Natsume resumed eating. And of course Hotaru was digging the kitchen for crabs.

This is going to get real ugly. I just know it

Soooo sorry for the late update!

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Thank you I hope you enjoy!