Hello, readers-tachi!

Thank you for all the reviews/favorites/follows!

I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating like.. 2 months? I know, in the last chapter I said that I was going to update weekly but, exams are taking over! Ugh -_- I feel like my brain really is going to explode.. So, it'll probably be a slow update until.. I don't know, May ? That's because I'm getting ready for the National Exams that's going to be held around the 4th until 8th May. AND I GOT WRITER'S BLOCK, SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME! ;^; And I have a feeling that Kuroko's way OOC in this chapter._. Oh and Kise is Akashi's cousin in this story! =))

Anyway, I present you all Chapter 4~

Hope you guys enjoy it~

I'll probably edit this chapter in the near future :3

Sorry if there're many errors/typos/etc. English is NOT my first languange!

WARNING! Shounen-ai, OOC, errors!


Disclaimer : Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei. This confusing story plot belongs to me, Pichann.

CHAPTER 4 : Kise Ryouta

"Eh? Where am I?" Kuroko said.

He was sitting on a large red sofa and across him was Akashi Seito.

"Tetsuya, you are now officially Seijuurou's fiancé. I will NOT accept any complaints."


Suddenly everything turned pitch black and something or someone was standing in front of Kuroko, but he couldn't really see who it was.

"Wait, why is it suddenly dark?! And.. Who is that?"

Slowly adjusting his sight, he could finally see the figure in front of him.

"Eh? Akashi..-kun?"

After Kuroko said that, Akashi started to open his mouth,

"Tetsuya. Come here."

Kuroko hesitated but his legs were moving on their own. Slowly and slowly, getting closer.

'No, no, no, no! Legs stop moving!' he internally screamed.

Now, Akashi was right in front of him. HIs face only a few inches away.

"Nee, Tetsuya. What do you think about this engagement thing? Are you okay with it?" He asked.

"E-eh?" Kuroko was obviously at lost. He didn't know how to answer that question.

"Well, maybe we'll like each other in the near future.."

Akashi took two steps forward, wrapped his arms around Kuroko's slender body and whispered,

"And probably we'll.. kiss."

Before Kuroko could say another word, he felt something soft touched his lips. Kuroko eyes widen,



Teal orbs shot wide open and a teen with blue locks sat up, taking deep breaths.

"Huff.. Huff..."

His eyes looked around and he sighed.

"It was just a dream.." Kuroko mumbled.

Right after he said that, someone knocked on his door.


A maid came in and said,

"Excuse me, Kuroko-sama. Oh, you're already awake. Breakfast is ready, Seijuurou-sama is waiting for you at the dining room."

"Ah, thank you. I'll be down in a minute." Kuroko said as he stood up and went to the bathroom.

"Very well." The maid replied, bowed and stepped out of the room.

It took Kuroko almost half an hour to get ready. Ten minutes for freshening up and a whole twenty minutes to tame his monsterous bedhead.

'I never move much when I'm asleep but why does my hair always get messy?'

Kuroko let out sigh.

"Ugh.. I don't want to see Akashi-kun.." He mumbled and then the scenes from his dream came to his head. He could feel his face heating up.

"Oh? And why is that, Tetsuya?"

Kuroko almost jumped at the sudden voice. ALMOST. He turned around and what a surprise. Akashi was right behind him, his face only a few centimetres away from Kuroko's.

"A-Akashi-kun, don't scare me like that. You're going to give me a heart attack." he said with his usual blank face.

"Pfft.. Says the person who's presence is as thin as a ghosts." Akashi chuckled making Kuroko pout. Akashi saw him pouting and thought to himself,


"So, Tetsuya. You haven't answered my question."

Kuroko tilted his head slightly.

"Etto.. Which question?"

"Really, Tetsuya. I asked why did you say you didn't want to see me."

"Ah.. No reason really." Kuroko tried to hide the blush and kept his blank facade up, but nothing can slip away from Akashi's eyes.

Akashi saw a hint of red on the bluenettes cheeks and took a step forward, slowly lifting Kuroko's chin.

"Don't lie, Tetsuya. Now, tell me." He said while keeping eye contact with Kuroko's curlean orbs.

Kuroko's speechless, he was too captivated by Akashi's heterochromatic eyes. That gold-ish color clashing with his crimson hair. So beautiful.

'Wait, what am I thinking?!' Kuroko internally slapped himself.

"R-really.. Akashi-kun. There's no reason." He stuttered, trying to keep himself composed.

"Are you sure?" Akashi replied slowly bringing his face towards Kuroko's. As of now, they're nose are touching each other.

Kuroko's eyes widen at the action.

"A-A-Akashi-kun, you're too close!" He wanted to yelled but it came out a whisper.

"Hnn, Tet-"

Before Akashi could say more, the intercom made a sound.


An overly cheerful and loud noise came from the other side.

Akashi let out a sigh at hearing the voice.

"Tch. What's that idiot doing here..."

Akashi walked over to the intercom and pressed a button,

"Ryouta, what are you doing here? I didn't here anything about you visiting."

"Mou, Akashicchi. It's fine, right~?"

"No, it's not."

"Hidoi-ssu yo! Is that anyway to treat you're cousin?! HUWEEEEEE"

Kuroko kept quiet, listening to this.. noisy conversation.

"Ryouta, stop you're childish yelling at once. My eardrums are going to explode."

"Ahh~ Akashicchi stop being mean to me. Anyway aren't you going to let me in?"


Suddenly out of nowhere a butler around his sixthies appeared.

"Yes, Seijuurou-sama?"

"Open the door."


The butler went to the main hall and opened the door revealing a teen with blond locks.

"Etto, Akashi-kun. Who is that?" Kuroko asked.

"That's my cousin, Kise Ryouta."

"Ah, souka." Kuroko replied motonely.

The teen stepped inside in a hurry, suddenly he jumped and gave Akashi a bone crushing hug.

"Khukhukhu~ Akashicchiiiiii~~ I missed you~ Did you miss me? Ah.. It's been so long since we last seen each other~"

"Ryouta, first of all, get off of me or I'll cut off your arms and use them for decorations on your funeral. Second, it's only been 1 month and school's going to start next week."

"Yeah.. ONE MONTH, Akashicchi! ONE MONTH! Do you know how long that is?!"

Akashi refused the urge to slap the blond.

"Emm.." Kuroko started to talk

"Ah, I almost forgot. Ryouta, this is Kuroko Tetsuya." Akashi said while pointing to a certain bluenette.

"Eh? Who? Where? There's no one here." Kise said with a confused look.

"Ano, I'm here." Kuroko raised one of his hand and stared blankly.












A/N : Oh boy.. Again, tried to make this chapter decent but.. ended up an epic fail. There're a lot of mistakes! OMG =A=.. And yes, this chapter is shorter than the last one. Gomen! ;^; I'll make the next chapter longer, I PROMISE! Any inputs/comments/advice are very welcomed! Hiks.. This chapter is crappy.. I know.

Anyway, leave a review? ;w;


See you next chapter!

Best Regards,
