Draco was sitting perched on the edge of his large four poster bed. It was early morning and the curtains were open letting in the morning rays that streamed onto his bed. Just seconds before he had retrieved his school letter from his grey feathered owl. The blond haired boy opened the wax seal and the sound of crisp rustling papers filled the room. He quickly flipped to his courses for the new year, he read the list of in his head

Mr. Malfoy Here are the classes that you are currently enrolled in, if you have any problems please inform Professor Snape, as head boy you are going to be required to do certain responsibilities which are on the back of this page.

. Defense Against The Dark Arts

. Potions

. Herbology

. A Guild To Advanced Transfigurations I

. Advanced History Of Magic

. The Standard Book of Spells VI

. Advanced Astronomy

. Empathy

"Same as normal" thought Draco, but what the heck is Empathy? His thoughts were interrupted by knock on his door. "Master wants you downstairs sir" said one of the many house elves that were under Lucius Malfoys employment.

Draco walked out of his room slowly and crept down the long staircase silently, his bare feet hardly making a noise on the wooden floor leading to his father's study. He tried to tip toe past were he knew his father was. Draco recalled the hard lesson of never calling his father dad, or any other casual name that normal child would, if he did make that mistake later on Lucius would hit him across the check. "Draco, you may come in." said the cold voice of his father. The young boy turned on his heel and opened the door and stalked quietly into the cold office. "What is it?" Draco asked keeping his pale eyes on the dark wood of the floor. "Have you seen your O.W.L. S. scores?" inquired Lucius in a calm smooth tone of voice. "No I haven't." replied Draco softly eyes still glued to the floor. "Look up when you speak me." The harsh tone caused the blond haired boy's eyes to snap up. Lucius had moved closer to his son and he hit him hard across his defined cheekbone. "You made an Acceptable and an Exceeds Expectations; you should have gotten all Outstanding grades. That's what I did." Mr. Malfoy said the last part laced with malice. Without any notice Lucius pulled out a small blade and sliced across his son's chest. Draco curled in on himself and Lucius took the chance to punch and stab his son. After about five minutes into the abuse Lucius pointed his wand and shouted "Crucio" Draco screamed in agony as his entire body convulsed full of burning nerve endings. Lucius looked down at his bloodied son lay on the ground panting Lucius put his foot on his sons knee and pressed down until there was a sickening crack filled the room. "You know you always turn me on when you weak." whispered Mr. Malfoy sliding down to the ground over his sons broken form kissing hard up Draco's chest and defined jaw line, sliding his hands into his terrified sons pants. Unzipping them and then his own.

After about an hour Draco opened his eyes, the room was bright with sunlight that filled the room and was much too bright for his blurred vision. "Why me, oh dang I have to get all of my school supplies today because the train is tomorrow." thought Draco. He snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared. "Yes master?" asked the elf looking down at him. "Go get my school supplies in diagonally today, the list is upstairs" rasped Draco starting a coughing fit; only now was his body registering the pain that he was in. The elf disappeared and after about half an hour Draco had enough strength to apperate to his room on the floor above. The injured boy slowly started covering all of his injuries. After he was done he collapsed onto his bed again and stayed there until the next morning; he knew that his father wouldn't let him eat anyway. Thinking back he really hadn't gotten much to eat at all that summer. He fell asleep thinking about how much he hated himself.

Harry ran over to Ron and Hermione who were both chatting on the platform. "Oh my gosh Harry I've missed you so much." said Hermione giving her friend a tight hug. Next came Ron who gave Harry a tight hug and a slap on the back. "Harry have you seen Malfoy?" questioned the ginger haired boy. "No." said Harry looking past his friends shoulder to see Draco looking down at the ground with a grim look on his face. For a moment he looked up at Harry but quickly turned away. "He looks the same to me." stated Harry. "You see Hermione Harry doesn't see anything different." said Ron turning to the girl smiling. "Your all just not paying any attention." said Hermione with a huff. "What difference does it make anyway, it's just Malfoy." stated Ron, as the train whistle blew.

Everyone was in their house cars except for Draco, he had had a hard night full of bad dreams and was in no mood for the Slytherin car. Before he knew what was happening he found himself in the Gryffindor car. His legs suddenly started to give out so he quickly tried to find a car to slip into. He looked and was Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting and laughing, no way was he going to be let in there. He looked across the hall and saw a room that looked empty. He slid the door open and stepped back when he saw a girl inside, he knocked quietly and asked "Can I sit in here for a while please?" "Why would a Slytherin want to sit in here?" thought the girl she saw a look pain on his face for one second and then it was gone. "Of course you can." replied the girl with a slight pause looking at him. "Thanks." Draco said sitting across from her. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat. "A Gryffindor had actually let him sit in a car with them. why? All I ever do is made fun of them; at least that's what I did for the last few years." He looked up at the girl. She had really short dark brown hair that had short bangs, her eyes were a hazel brown. She had something whit in her ears that he had never seen before. "What's your name?" asked Draco. "Ember, your Draco right?" she inquired. "Yes." he said nodding. "So she did know who I was." thought the blond haired boy. "So what are you doing?" he asked. "Listening to music, it's a muggle thing, here." she said handing him one of her ear buds. He took it and leaned closerand put in his ear. Surprised he herd music that was quiet different from what he was used to but he liked it.

After a while of listening to her music he said. "Hey you haven't gotten into your robes yet, you better, we're going to be there soon. "Thanks" she said and slipped out with her robes. In about a minute the trolley with food came by. "Anything for you dear?" the high pitched voice of the woman chimed out. "Yes please, two pumpkin pasties and a chocolate frog." he asked. Draco handed her the money and went back into the car, setting one of the pasties and the chocolate frog. He wrote a quick note on a piece of paper and left the car, finally ready to face the members of his own house.

When the girl return in her deep black robes she found the car empty but a note on her seat. "Thanks for sharing the car, and the company ~ Draco"