Frieza's Haunted Island
This is a PURE humor fic…. DBZ characters Yamcha, Goku, Gohan, Goten, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Bulma, Supreme Kai, Trunks, Dende, and a special appearance made by FRIEZA!!!!!!! (Most characters are OOC(Out Of Character) period, but others are only OOC at certain points.)

DISCLAIMER: We don't own DBZ, Rapunzel(sp?) story from Bubble Boy, or Bubble Boy itself. And we do not own the board game that Piccolo and Yamcha are playing… BUT WE DO OWN THE ISLAND!!! HA HA! Wanna buy it? Barriers INCLUUUUUDED!!!!

"Whoo, we're finally here!" Goku exclaimed landing. Goten landed less than a second after him.

"Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!" Goten ran off into the woods holding himself.

"Wait, Goten, don't get lost!" Gohan ran after him.


"Heheh…. Right, Krillin!" Goku agreed. Trunks landed, followed by a panting Vegeta.

"HA! Beat you!" Trunks exclaimed.

"NEVER!!!!!" Vegeta yelled.

"A little out of shape today, aren't we, Vegeta?" Goku teased.

"Alright, your go," Yamcha said. Piccolo and Yamcha were hovering towards them, a game board sitting on both their laps. "I took my turn."

"Hm…" Piccolo spotted Goku out of the corner of his eye. His eyes bugged out. "Yamcha, close it!"

"I'm trying!!!!!" Yamcha and Piccolo began to bang on the game board, trying to desperately force it into its box.

"Whatcha got there, Piccolo?" Goku flew up beside them.


"Yeah, nothing here!" Yamcha shoved the half-closed board in his backpack.

"Oh, okay!" The three landed.

"Phew!" Yamcha wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"That was close," Piccolo said. Yamcha nodded. "We'd better not bring it out too soon."

"That's much better!" Goten exclaimed, emerging from the bushes.

"I'm HERE!" Dende landed.

"You didn't forget me, did you?" Supreme Kai landed next to him. (A/n: We're just gonna call him Kai.)

"AND WHAT ABOUT ME!?!?" It was Bulma, arriving in a helicopter. "I DON'T TRUST YOU WITH TRUNKS, VEGETA!!!"

"Annoying woman…." Vegeta muttered. "Trunks, I'll race you! To home and back!"

"You're on!" Trunks agreed.

"Onetwothreego!" Vegeta shot off.


"Ahahahaha! What you don't know is I'm not coming back!!" Vegeta continued to laugh.

"Now we do." Krillin said.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA-AHH!!!" They all watched as Vegeta ran into something and was electrocuted. They watched him fall into the water and get electrocuted again. He slowly floated onto shore.

"Back so soon, Vegeta?" Goku asked. Vegeta growled and sat up.

"What was that?"

"My magical force field!" They all turned to see Frieza. "You can't fly off the island!"

"Can't fly off the island?" Dende asked.

"Frieza, why are you doing this?!" Supreme Kai demanded. (A/n: Never mind.)

"Duh, so I can take over the world!" Frieza exclaimed. "But here in the script it says that I am so stupid and whacked-out that I tell you how to kill me."

"Then what?" Yamcha asked.

"You kill me."


"But, ha! You all are so stupid that Piccolo interrupts you and- wait, I'm giving away the story!"

"Then shut up, you moron." Bulma put her hands on her hips. Frieza looked offended.

"Fine, then! Good-bye!" Frieza disappeared.

"Well if I can't fly off it, then I'll swim off it!" Vegeta jumped up, into the water, and swam as fast as he could towards the barrier.

"No, Vegeta, wait!" Goku yelled. They all watched as Vegeta was electrocuted. Then they all watched as Vegeta slowly floated onto shore and the funeral music played in the background.

"Dad…?" Trunks went to touch him, but Bulma grabbed her son.

"No, Trunks, he's still electrified!" Bulma yelled.

"Really?!" Goten asked. He touched Vegeta and began to get electrocuted.

"No, Goten!" Goku grabbed his son by the shoulders and also began to get electrocuted. Goten finally let go and the two were left pitch black, hair straight up. Both of them blinked twice, then fell backwards onto the ground.

Trunks snickered and Vegeta sat up. "I suppose we won't be getting off this island as soon as I thought."

"Gee, ya think?" Yamcha asked, an eyebrow raised. Piccolo snickered.

"Where's Gohan?" Supreme Kai asked.

"I don't know…" Goku sat up and rubbed his head. "I haven't seen him since he went off after Goten into the woods."

"Gohan!" Goten cupped his hands to his mouth. "Gooooohaaaaan!" Goten turned to Goku. "Daddy, he's not responding."

"Hang on, Goten, I'll go get him." Goku instant transmitted somewhere.

"RAGH! I HAVE TO GET OFF THIS ISLAND!!!!!" Vegeta threw a few disks at the barrier. He turned to the others. "HELP ME!!!"

Yamcha shrugged. He started throwing disks, as did Krillin and Piccolo. Goten grinned and started shooting at it.

"Mom, can I?" Bulma nodded and Trunks began to throw disks, too. The barrier sparked.

"WE BROKE IT!!!!!!!"

"Uh, Vegeta…." They all watched as Vegeta squished himself against the barrier and got electrocuted. Then they watched him peel off and drop into the water. He was electrocuted again and slowly floated onto shore. And still they just watched.

"…………" The group was silent as they peered down at Vegeta.

"What was all the electricity about?" Gohan asked.

"Oh, that was Vegeta! He keeps running into the barrier," Goku told him as they walked out of the woods. "No biggie!"

"THAT LOOKS LIKE FUN!!!!!" Goten exclaimed.

"WHAT!?" Goku froze as Goten started flying towards the barrier. Yamcha fainted.

"Vegeta, NOW look at the ideas you've put in Goten's head!!" Bulma yelled. Vegeta groaned.

"Goten, NOOOO!!!" Goku grabbed his son, but obviously not soon enough. They ran into the barrier, and everyone watched as they were electrocuted. The gang watched them fall into the water, and, yet again, get electrocuted. Goku slowly floated onto shore, holding Goten in front of him. Their hair was sticking straight up again. "Let's not do that again, okay?"

"Okay," Goten agreed. "GOHAN!!!!!"

Goten latched himself onto his older brother's leg. "Heheh… sorry I got lost, Goten…"

"That's okay!"

"Hi, Supreme Kai!" Gohan exclaimed. "Dende!"

"Hi," They said in unison, nodding.

"Yamcha, snap out of it!" Krillin said, slapping Yamcha.

"Yamcha, you have to wake up!" Piccolo cried. "Who else will I play Barbie Dream Date with!?" Everyone stared. "Ahem! It's a joke!"

"Oh, right!" All of them nodded. Yamcha finally woke up.


"Shut up, man!" Yamcha whispered furiously.

"Oh! right!" Piccolo frantically looked both ways to see if anyone had noticed.

"Play what, you guys?" Goku asked.

"Uh, play, uh…." Yamcha stuttered.

"WITH THE CHILDREN!" Piccolo exclaimed suddenly.

"YEAH! With the children!" Yamcha approved.

"Hm…. Since when do you like to play with kids, Piccolo?" Goku asked.

"I came on this stupid vacation, DIDN'T I!?" Piccolo yelled.

"Oh, right…" Goku nodded. "Carry on!"

"No, Daddy, don't leave me with the mean green guy!" Goten exclaimed, grabbing onto Goku's pant leg. He looked at Piccolo, who was making weird faces at him behind Goku's back. "He's scary……"

"Well at least he's not…." Krillin thought for a moment. "BULMA!"

"Hey!" Bulma exclaimed angrily.

"GAH!!!!" Goten instantly grabbed onto Piccolo's arm. "Mr. Piccolo, you're so nice!"

"Geha…" Piccolo stared at Goten.

"They get along like Piccolo and I!" Gohan declared, smiling. He turned to the others. "So… how do we get off this island?"

"Um, well, we could get everyone to use their most powerful attack on one spot." Goku said.

"Tried that." Krillin told him.

"Oh…" Piccolo ran by in the background, screaming: "GET HIM OFF!" as he flung his arm around, attempting to free his arm of Goten.

"We could see if Goku can instant transmission off the island!" Supreme Kai suggested.

"Of course!" Goku exclaimed. Piccolo ran by again, still flinging his arm, trying to rid it of the cute, little descendant of Goku yelling: "ARRGH!!!". "Why didn't I think of it before?"

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Trunks asked.

"Sh, quiet, Trunks," Bulma said. "Goku may be extremely dense, but you don't need to rub it in."

"And what is THAT supposed to mean?" Goku asked. Piccolo ran by the background yelling: "COOTIES!!!". "If I find a way off this island, I definitely won't be telling YOU!"

"Why, you little!" Bulma yelled. "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!"

"ALL OF MY ELDERS ARE DEAD!!!!!" Goku yelled. Piccolo ran by again, this time yelling: "GET THE MUNCHKIN OFF OF MEEEEEE!!!!!".

"Guys, guys, chill! How about we just enjoy our vacation for now, and wait until Frieza tells us how to kill him?" Yamcha asked.

"Alright, I like it!" Gohan exclaimed. "Wait… Frieza tells us how to kill him?"

"Yeah," Bulma said. "Frieza told us he does!"

Gohan quirked an eyebrow at Bulma. "Can we really trust FRIEZA?"

"No, not really…" Bulma said quietly.

"Relax, we can kill Frieza anyway!" Supreme Kai exclaimed. "You're all DEFINITELY more powerful than the first time you fought him."

"Exactly." Goku said, pointing his fingers at Supreme Kai.

"Alright, then, let's go with that!" Dende said.

Vegeta was laughing his head off as he watched Piccolo run by him, flinging his arm around, while Goten was clinging to the Namek's arm for dear life. Piccolo screamed and ran into a tree headfirst. Vegeta started laughing even harder. Goten jumped off his arm and landed on the ground.

"Mr. Piccolo, sir? Are you alright?" Goten asked.

"Does it LOOK like I am alright?" Piccolo asked, still stuck against the tree.

"No…" Goten shuffled his feet.

"Then why did you ASK if I was alright?"

"Because it seemed like the right thing to do…"

"WELL I AM NOT ALRIGHT!!!!" Piccolo yelled, removing himself from the tree. Goten's lip began to tremble, and then his eyes began to water, and he soon began to cry. Everybody gasped.


"WHAT!!!?" Piccolo asked.

"Goten, it's okay…" Trunks said, patting his shoulder.

"Goten, Piccolo didn't mean to yell at you," Gohan said, crouching beside him.

"YES HE DI-HID! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Goten said through tears.

"Ugh…" Piccolo stuttered. "I'm s-sorry… G-Goten…"

"Oh, come here, kiddo!" Goku called. Goten ran into Goku's open arms.

"Piccolo, now look what you've done!" Bulma shouted. "Well now I know why you're still single!" She grabbed Trunk's hand. "Come on, Trunks!"

"But there AREN'T any female Nameks…." Piccolo said. (His expression: -_-')

"Tell me about it, brother," Dende said, putting his hand on Piccolo's shoulder. The two sighed.

"It's OKAY, Goten!" Goku tried to comfort him.

"But the mean green guy is always teasing me- and hitting me!" Goten said, rubbing his eyes, his crying slowing to a stop. Goku glared at Piccolo out of the corner of his eye.

"Eheheheh…." Piccolo laughed nervously, then stood. "Um, Yamcha, shall we go find a place to camp?"

"Oh, no need," Bulma said. "I brought my dino caps!"

"Sadly, she is always prepared," Yamcha whispered.

"Right, well, we'll find a place to PUT it," Piccolo said.

"But right here is fine-"

"No it's not!" Piccolo suddenly yelled. "Don't you KNOW wild animals flock near the beach!?"

"Well…. If it means Trunks will be safe, okay…" Piccolo smiled.

"Alright, we'll go find a spot."

"Wait!" Bulma said. "You'll need to wear this, Yamcha. So if something happens, we'll be able to find you."

"Okay," Yamcha nodded.

"Now do you want to put it on or shall I?" Bulma asked.


"But I'm afraid I might poke you…" Bulma said.

"No way! With your gentle hands, you couldn't poke a fly." Yamcha said.

"Hey, YOU!"

"Hm?" Yamcha looked at Vegeta.

"QUIT FLIRTING WITH MY WIFE!!!!" Vegeta yelled, stomping his feet. Bulma smiled.

"Through all of the years we've been married, I have never heard you call me that!"

"Well don't expect to hear it again…" Vegeta muttered. "Go on, Yamcha, go find a place for the stupid capsules."

"Hey, I bet we could find a place before you, Yamcha!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Really?" Yamcha asked.

"Uh-huh!" Goten nodded.

"I bet you could, too," Yamcha said with a smile.

"Alright, then, you two put these on," Bulma said, handing them the same kind of pin she handed Yamcha.

"Hey, what about me?" Piccolo asked. "Do you want me to just… get LOST out there?"

"No, but I trust you'll stay near Yamcha," Bulma said. "And the boys might end up playing hide and seek or something."

"Hey, Trunks, wanna play?" Goten asked, turning to him.

"No, we've gotta find a place for the Dino Caps, first." Trunks said. Goten sighed.


"Be careful!" Bulma called after the two, but more for Trunks to hear.

"Have fun, you two!" Goku waved.

"Bye, Daddy!"

"Vegeta, aren't you going to say anything to your son?" Bulma snapped.

"It's not like I won't see him again in the next five minutes." Bulma growled and grabbed his ear. "OUCH!"

"TRUNKS, DADDY LOVES YOU!!!!" Vegeta's scream came.

"Heheheh…" Trunks laughed.

Vegeta rubbed his ear. "How was that?"

"Much better," Bulma said.

"Good," Vegeta said. "Because I won't ever be saying that again."

"But deep down inside, we know you LOVE Trunks," Bulma said. Vegeta crossed his arms.

"Do not."

"Admit it, Vegeta!" Goku joined in.

"Lies, Kakarott!" Vegeta yelled. "Pure LIES!"

"Vegeta, you know you love your son…" Krillin said like a zombie.

"This probably isn't my place, but it looks like fun," Supreme Kai said. "Vegeta, you love your son."

Dende was laughing at Vegeta's expression. He looked terrified. "No! Stop it! GET AWAY FROM MEEEEEE!!!!!!"


"Yamcha, your turn," Piccolo said. Yamcha thought about a plan to somehow get twice as many cards as Piccolo in one turn. Time was almost up… "What's the matter, Yamcha? Stumped?"

"No, I've just got to-"

"Whatcha doin guys?"

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Piccolo and Yamcha began to bang on the Barbie Dream Date board again, attempting to close it.

"Um, hi, guys!" Yamcha greeted them as he held the game board behind his back.

"Hey, why aren't you two looking for a spot to put the dino caps?" Goten asked.

"Yeah!" Trunks agreed. "I'd say you're hiding something…"

"Oh, no way!" Piccolo yelled.

"Nothing here!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"Let's do it." Trunks said. Goten blasted around behind Yamcha and grabbed the board. The two men's eyes bugged out as Goten opened it.

"Hey! It's just a Barbie Dream Date game!" Goten whined.

"Man, that's for sissies!" Trunks declared. "Let's go, Goten."

"Okaaay…" Goten dropped the board and flew after Trunks.

"The munchkins know," Piccolo said, looking at Yamcha. "What if they tell-"

"Then we'll just have to take out the munchkins…" Yamcha grinned and popped his knuckles.


"Goten, did anything about those two seem a little odd to you?" Trunks asked.

"What do you mean?" Goten asked.

"Never mind," Trunks said. "Nothing seems odd to you." The two continued flying until Trunks spoke again: "But they were playing Barbie DREAM date. …do you think they're gay?"

"Well Piccolo DID say that there aren't any female Nameks…" Goten said, stopping in mid-air.

"Oh, man, Goten!" Trunks whined, looking up. "There you go putting images in my mind again! Let's just find a place for the dino caps and tell our parents."

"No you won't!"

"Huh?" The two turned around and moved out of the way just in time, dodging Yamcha's disk.

"I'm afraid we can't allow you to do that." Yamcha said.

"But, Yamcha!" Piccolo protested. "What if Goku finds out-"

"Shut up, Piccolo!" Yamcha yelled. "I'm the one making the rules now."

"Eheheheheheh…." Trunks and Goten slowly floated backwards.

"Alright, now which one of you munchkins will be first?" Yamcha asked. (A/n: Let's pretend they… are SO dumb that they don't use the fusion! Hey, it's funnier this way!!!!)

"DADDY/MOMMY!!!!!!!" Goten/Trunks screamed at the same time.


"Huh?" Goku and Bulma turned around.

"That was Goten!" Gohan exclaimed.

"And Trunks!" Krillin added.

"Hang on, I'm coming!" Goku yelled and flew off to find the two boys.

"Hang on, Trunks, Mommy's coming!" Bulma ran off into the woods.

"At that pace she'll never get there," Vegeta said. "Krillin, watch Dende and Supreme Kai."

"Gotcha!" Vegeta took off and Krillin turned to Dende and Supreme Kai.

"Your go."

"Hm…." Supreme Kai did something in the sand with his stick. "YAY! I WIN!!!!"

"I lost to him at TIC TAC TOE!" Dende exclaimed. "And normally I'm so good at this…"

"Oh brother….." Krillin sighed. "I hope the kids are alright…."


"Well, what will it be?" Yamcha asked.

"Definitely not me!" Trunks exclaimed, going backwards a little more. "I'm too young to die!"

"But I'm younger than you…." Goten said, puzzled and looking back at Trunks.

"Be BRAVE, Goten!" Trunks cheered.

"Then I guess you're first," Yamcha said, raising Goten into the air by his throat. "Say good-bye, Goten."

"I don't think so!" Goten was knocked out of Yamcha's arms, getting caught by Vegeta.

"Wow!" Goten exclaimed. "Thanks, Mr. Vegeta!"

"Oh, sorry," Vegeta said. "I thought you were Trunks."

Vegeta dropped Goten. "Daddy!" Trunks yelled.

"Trunks!" The two begin to slowly run towards each other dramatically.





"Um, you guys are in the air, so why don't you just fly to each other?" Goku asked.

"Egh…" Trunks and Vegeta freeze, then drop their heads.

"You ruined the moment." Vegeta said.

"Yeah, and it says we should do that in the script!" Trunks agreed.

"Let's just shut up and get Yamcha and Piccolo already." Vegeta said.

"Ow…" Goten rubbed his butt as he flew back up beside them. "Daddy!"

"Goten, are you okay?" Goku asked.

"Yeah, but they hurt me…" Goten rubbed his throat.

"Let's get 'em…" Goku said, turning to Yamcha and Piccolo.

"It was all Yamcha's idea!" Piccolo exclaimed, suddenly, pointing to Yamcha. "I TRIED to stop him!!!!!!"

Goku started popping his knuckles. "Eheheheheheh…." Yamcha and Piccolo swallowed.

"Now you're gonna get it!" Goten exclaimed.

"Yamcha… you got a plan?" Piccolo whispered.

"Yeah………RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yamcha and Piccolo sped off.

"Oh, man, they got away!" Trunks whined.

"Hm." Goku looked off in the direction they had run. Goku and Vegeta disappeared. They had apparently sped off just as fast as the retreating two. A gust of wind suddenly blew Goten and Trunks in the direction they went.

"Wow!" Goten yelled over the wind. "My Dad and yours are REALLY fast!"

"You can say that again!" Trunks agreed.

"My Dad and yours are REALLY-"

"Goten, it's a figure of speech!" Trunks yelled.

"Oh…………" Goten was silent. "What's a figure of speech?"

"Oh, boy…." Trunks said, hitting himself in the forehead.


"Please! Honest, we weren't gonna hurt them!" Yamcha exclaimed. Goku has him raised in the air as he had had Goten. Vegeta had Piccolo in the air.

"Yeah!" Bulma agreed. "They said they weren't going to do anything! And besides, they didn't even TOUCH Trunks."

"They had Goten," Goku said, narrowing his eyes at Yamcha. "I saw them. They had him in the air, just like this."

"The only reason you want us to leave them alone is because you like Yamcha!" Vegeta declared. "You're just a flirt!"

Bulma gasped. "I am not!"

"FLIRT!" Vegeta yelled, putting Piccolo down. "Flirt! Flirt! Flirt! Flirt! FLIIIRT!!!!!!!!"

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Bulma slapped him and Vegeta staggered backwards. He fell to the ground holding his cheek. He blinked.

"I'm sorry," Vegeta apologized. "You're right, you're not a flirt. You were right, and I was wrong. Now don't hit me again."

"Daddy, what's a flirt?" Goten asked.

"Huh?" Goku put Yamcha down. "Don't try it again, you two. Or I'll kill you next time."

"Eheheheheheh…." Yamcha and Piccolo nodded really fast.

"Okay, now let me see, a flirt…" Goku crouched down beside Goten. "Um, let me see… Uh, it's like- no, wait… Okay! Here we go! A flirt is somebody who plays around with somebody of the opposite sex-"

Trunks gasped. "OOH! He said the word!"

"What? What word…?" Goku started thinking back over what he said.

"Daddy, what's sex?" Goten asked. All of the adult froze.

"Um, uh… well, it, uh, has two definitions that I can think of…" Goku said, looking at the sky. "What I meant, was the opposite gender. Like, a boy and girl! They're two opposite genders!"

"You mean girls are aliens?" Goten asked, quirking his eyebrow.

"They sure seem like it." Yamcha whispered to Vegeta. The two started laughing.

"Hmph!" Bulma crossed her arms.

"No, of course not!" Goku shook his head. "Um… it's like… well…"

"Oh, I get it!" Goten exclaimed. "Girls have a bigger chest than boys!"

"Um, well, yes, that RELATES to, uh, the subject…" Perspiration was running down Goku's face as the men(Yamcha, piccolo, and Vegeta) were laughing behind him.

"Okay," Goten nodded. "So what's the other definition? Whatever a definition is…"

"Eheheheheheheh!" YAmcha, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Goku took a step backwards.

"Um, why don't you ask me that question again in five years or so?" Goku asked.

"Okay!" Goten nodded.

"I'll tell you, Goten!" Gohan came walking over. "It's when two people of the opposite gender-"

"SHHH!!!!!" Goku, Vegeta, and Yamcha covered Gohan's mouth.

"Oh, sorry…." Gohan laughed a little.

Goku stood up straight and cleared his throat: "Ahem! Shall we find a place for the dino caps now?"

"Okay." Goten nodded. "Can I still ask you the question five years?"

"Let me see, that would make you… make it six years, Goten." Goku said.

"Okay!" Goten looked at his watch that appeared out of nowhere. "Let's see… August third, 5:58:41(Hour/Minute/Second) pm (don't ask me how that much time passed)…. So I'll ask you at this exact time six years from now!" His watch disappeared. "YAY!!! It's fun learning stuff from my daddy!"

"I'm sure he'll forget once six years has passed!" Goku thought. "Heh heh heh! SUCKER!!!"

"Shouldn't we be getting back to the others?" Yamcha asked.

Huh? Huh? What'd you think!? Did you like it? My brothers and sister LOVE it, so... ANYWAY! Can *you* guess what will happen on the next exciting *coughwhatevercough* chapter of FHI!? Maybe you can, it's not that hard...ANYWAYS! Tell me what you thought!