Hello, readers and followers! You may have noticed my newest story, Aftermath, was posted a few days ago! (If you are a fan of MegaMan X, go read it already!) As such, I've had people asking what's going on with Next Story.
The first thing you should notice is in the summary - Next Story is in the process of yet another rewrite... I know, I know. However, I can explain! I have recently enlisted the help of my two friends, 2211Nighthawk and Shinryuu Uroborus, with this project and they've helped me immensely getting it organized and all that.
So, this story will eventually be deleted, and replaced with the newer version that Shin and Nighthawk have helped me with. That new story's title?
Actually, there will be two. Each one follows a slightly different path with very different consequences, and that's all I will say.
So, all fans of Next Story (and MegaMan X fans in general!) keep your eyes out for Maverick Wars (projected release date: June 2015) and Insurgence (projected release date: September 2015).
Thank you for sticking it out with me, I know you've been waiting patiently. With the help of my two friends, and the support of my followers, I know I can finally get this fanfic off the ground. Please bear with me!
~ Hannaji