See. I haven't given up on it. Sorry. A million times sorry. Love much ZC

Three months. It has been exactly three months and 19 days since she had last seen him. Slowly, like a curtain rising, the doors opened allowing her to see the people filing the hallway. She heard her father say something to them as Ben led her out of the lift. Towards…him. He was there. Right there in front of her. She couldn't drag her eyes away from his.

"Oh there you are!" Rachel said rushing towards them and engulfing Ben in a warm hug. "We've been worried"

"Just waited for Ben to join us" Ella mumbled making her way to greet Joey.

Joey, who was trying his best to not look at Emma. He smiled at her sister, embracing her softly. "How're you kiddo?"

"Same old, same old" Ella smiled. "Heard that you're finally settling down" She winked at him. Joey laughed muttering something incomprehensible under his breath.

Ross took a sip from his wine glass before saying, "Well, I for one, am so happy and excited that your uncle Joey has decided to get married. I must admit that I was getting a little antsy…but uhmm…"

Chandler looked at Ross as if he had lost his mind. "You won't start crying, will you?" Ross sniffled mumbling, "I don't know what you're talking about" He smartly went back to sipping his drink.

"Ben. My man" Joey said clapping him on his shoulder. "Congrats Jo!" Ben smiled, his eyes meeting Emma's. She nodded in reassurance.

And then it was finally her turn. "Emma" He whispered, his eyes trying to communicate everything he wasn't able to say.

"Joey" She simply said.

Then next thing she felt was his warmth. Joey had crushed her to him. "We need to talk" Joey whispered in her hair softly. She shook her head, untangling herself from his embrace. "We were done talking Jo" Her eyes welled up and she had to look up so that it won't brim over. "Congratulations!" Joey stood silent as she went to her father, who was still lapping at his drink.

"You're so emotional today" Ross said allowing her to sit on his lap, just like she used to do as a kid.

"Just happy, dad" She said closing her eyes and curling around her father.


Rachel drummed her fingers on the table excitedly. "So….tell us about this special woman who managed to steal our Joey's heart oh so easily?" Chandler was grinning by the time she was done. "Oh ha ha that would be you"

Monica, Rachel and Ross stared at him. "Well you know…The first time?" When he was greeted with silence he continued on, "C'mon. Don't you guys remember? Rachel was Joey's first love!"

"Honey" Monica said in that calm, -stop talking or you'll be in trouble voice- "Know when to stop talking"

Chandler huffed turning his attention to Joey. "Who's the lucky lady?" He grumbled. Joey went to sit near Regina and scratched his head. "It's uh Sandra. My assistant"

"Wait was it love at first sight?" Ross squealed. "Oh haha, Ross likes romance and marriages" Ross said sarcastically. Mike grinned and mumbled, "Well it's only your 3rd marriage!"

"Exactly!" Ross jumped in and then shot Mike a look. "Wait that wasn't a compliment, was it?"

"Not even close" He confirmed.

Before Ross could retort, Rachel changed the subject. "Ross honey, Emma's has fallen asleep" It was true. Their first born was cocooned in his arm, exhaustion giving away into sleep.

Ross sighed, "Look at that. Sometimes she reminds me so much of her days as a newborn. Acts like a little child too. Joey, you remember?"

Both Ben and Ella turned to look at Joey. "Do you?" Ella said cheekily.

"Uh…yeah" Joey blushed beetroot. "Listen uh Ross. I'll take her to bed. It must not be very comfortable for her"

"Are you sure? I know I've said she's still a baby. But she has grown up"

Joey nodded before going to stand besides Ross. "I know" Then he lifted her up bridal style and walked towards his bedroom, a room which had once been theirs.

He woke up to soft caresses. Caresses that was dipping lower and lower…until

"Oh God" He heard a soft laughter and then her face came into view. "Nop. Just me" She grinned before scooping low to give him a kiss. "Good morning" She mumbled.

"Are you sure you're OK with morning breath?" She grinned. "I don't mind them at all" Then she descended down his body.

So low…

"Oh yes, Emma"

Joey gently laid her down. She cuddled closer to his hand in response. "Emma" He whispered while trying to gently tug his hand out of the death grip. After a trying for a while longer Joey gave up. He then gazed down at her. The blonde, beautiful hair that he loved to curl his hand around when he delves into her, was fanned around the pillow while some adorned her face. She looked like an angel.

She was an angel.

That was the exact reason why he had ended it in the first place. Why he was willing to let his heart, and her heart, break into a million pieces. He knew though. Knew that it wouldn't take long before she was back in his arms. So to stop that, as an extra measure, he had asked his assistant -who had been infatuated with him- to marry him.

Emma would never let him cheat. That was all the safety he needed.

"Baby, I need to go" Joey whispered uncurling her fist from his wrist.

"Don't go" She mumbled, her eyes half open.

They both knew that they weren't talking about him leaving the bed. She was asking him not to leave her. Not to marry someone else.

"I have to" He whispered. Joey then made move to kiss her forehead but then thought better of it. He stood up and walked towards the door leaving Emma behind.

Emma watched him retreat and then close the door, leaving her in darkness. Literally and metaphorically.

What do you think will happen next?