A/N: I am so so so so so so sorry this chapter took me so long! I backed myself into a corner and couldn't decide who I wanted Alexa to be with. I re-wrote this chapter 3 times (each ending with her and one of the hounds) before I finally realized which one worked the most. I hope you guys like it. And for my loyal loyal loyal readers if you would like me to post the two alternate endings I will be more than happy to!
Hope you enjoy!
"I've made my decision," Alexa said as she sat on the couch with Colby the day she returned from Leighla's house. The two had moved all of Colby's things from her car to the spare room without even mentioning a word of what Colby had said to Alexa.
"It's not me is it?" Colby sighed as he looked at the TV screen in front of him.
Alexa shook her head before reaching for the remote and turning off the TV and turning her body towards Colby. "I love you Colby, I really do…but not like that. You're my best friend and you will always be my best friend, I wouldn't know what to do with my life if you weren't in it. Through Dean and Roman you were my one constant; I never want that to change."
Colby took a deep breath, "I can't say that I'm surprised. I knew what I was up against – you spent half of your life with one and you were engaged to the other. It was just, seeing what they put you through killed me and I knew I could do better than them."
"And you do," Alexa said as she moved closer to him. "You're always picking up the pieces and sticking up for me and I love you for that." Alexa paused before speaking again, "I don't want me any of this to ruin us."
"Alexa I'm not going anywhere," Colby said as he put his hand on her cheek. "You not having the same feelings I do hurts but not as bad as losing you would. I will always be here for you; you're my best friend."
Alexa smiled and laid her head down on his shoulder while the two fell into a comfortable silence.
"So who did you choose?" Colby said, breaking the silence.
"Hey mom," Alexa said as she walked into the kitchen of her childhood home. "Is Dean here?"
Her mom nodded her head, "He's out back cleaning the porch for this weekend's party."
"Thanks mom," Alexa said as she took a grape from the fruit bowl on the counter and popped it into her mouth before making her way out to the back yard.
"So let me guess," Alexa said, causing Dean to look up. "You came for a visit and she put you to work," Alexa took a seat in one of the patio chairs as Dean leaned the broom up against one of the tables.
"Close," he smiled as he took a seat next to her. "I came for food and she put me to work."
Alexa laughed before looking over at Dean, "We need to talk about that night."
Dean shook his head, "Yeah, we do."
"You're such a different man now," she started. "You're the Dean I fell in love with again. That night you took me home from the bar you had the chance to hook-up with me and you didn't because you knew I needed to actually figure things out instead of finding a distraction." Alexa looked down at her hands in her lap, "Like I did when you and I were together. Roman was my distraction when you were out doing your thing. I knew what was going on – I was too scared to anything about it so I found something to keep my mind off of it and pretend everything was fine." She looked up at Dean again, "But these past few weekends I didn't have any distractions, the girls gave me their opinions once and then let me work it out on my own."
"And what did you come up with?"
"I love you Dean, you were put in my life for a reason," she started. "But it wasn't because we were supposed to be together. There was a huge part of me that wanted to choose you, I wanted to look past everything that happened and just start from the beginning but every time I picked up my phone to tell you that I stopped – everything that happened still hurts. I've forgiven you and I know you regret it all but it's still there."
Dean shook his head and took a deep breath before speaking, "There's really no one to blame in this situation but me. At least I'm lucky enough to have you in my life."
"And that's never going to change, ever."
"I love you, that's not going to change either," Dean said as he stood up.
Alexa stood up too, "I love you too," she said as he pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on her head.
"Unless you picked Colby, then I might have to walk away," he joked.
Alexa pulled back from the hug and looked at Dean, "Was I the only one that didn't know about that?" she smirked.
"Hey," he said as he held his hands up in mock surrender. "I was the one who pointed in out from the beginning."
Alexa laughed, "Get back to work before I tell mom not to feed you."
Alexa took a deep breath as she stared at the door in front of her, her last stop of the day and quite possibly the most difficult of them all. After staring at the door for a few more seconds she finally raised her hand to knock on the door – it felt like an eternity before the door was pulled open and the person she was there to see stood in front of her.
"Alexa," he said, clearly shocked. "I thought we were all meeting at your house tomorrow."
Alexa shook her head, "I couldn't wait and I didn't want to do this in front of everyone," she said. "Can I come in?"
"I have to let you in for you tell me that you chose one of them and not me? I'm good Alexa, you can tell me here and who it was so I'm not shocked when I see you all cozy with them next time we're in the same room."
Alexa smiled at Roman as she shook her head, "It's you."
Roman looked at Alexa in surprise, "It's me?"
"Yes," she laughed. "Now can I please come in so we can talk or is there something else I need to tell you?"
Roman opened the door wider and let Alexa inside, she made her way to the living room with Roman behind her, it took everything in him not to wrap her in his arms and make sure she never left again but he knew there was more she needed to say.
"Before we have our lovely reunion I have planned there are some things that we need to get out in the open here," she said.
Alexa shook her head, "I made sure you didn't have anything to do tomorrow so that we could spend all of tonight and tomorrow making up."
"So the meeting at your house tomorrow?"
"Was just to make sure you didn't make any plans," she smirked.
"Well," Roman said as he smiled. "What do we need to talk about?" he asked, taking a seat on the couch.
"You need to trust me Ro," she said.
Roman's face fell and sighed, "I know Alexa and I thought I did. I have no clue why I reacted the way I did about Colby's secret."
"Well it hurt," she said as she sat on the coffee table in front of him. "Almost as much as you shutting me out."
Roman leaned forward and pushed a piece of hair behind Alexa's ear before placing his hand on her cheek, "I promise you that I will never do that again. I was an idiot that entire week and I hated myself more and more every day after that. I never should have doubted you about anything – from Dean to Colby…everything. You know what it feels like to be lied to and I know you would never do that to anyone or put anyone through that kind of torture."
"And before the topic comes up – the engagement is staying off for now. I need us to make sure we can do this again. Don't get me wrong, I love you and I want nothing more than to be your wife and have a family with you but I really need to make sure we can do this right before we start that chapter."
Roman shook his head as he moved his hand from her face to take his hands in hers, "I'm not going to do anything to ruin this, I don't want to be with anyone else and I hate the thought of you being with someone else."
"So when I tell you I'm hanging with Dean or Colby there won't be any issues right? I've talked to them both already, they know who I picked and they know how I feel and I refuse to cut them off."
"I don't want you to. They're my friends too Alexa, we're a packaged deal."
Alexa nodded, "Well," she said as she stood up. "Now that all of that is out of the way I think we can continue all of this upstairs."
Roman stood up, grabbing Alexa by the waist on his way up and throwing her over his shoulder, "Finally, I have been trying my hardest not to throw you on the couch since the words 'lovely reunion' came out of that pretty little mouth of yours."
A/N: And there you have it! Read and Review! Thank you for reading!