*Jekyll and Hyde as well as Vampires would be unknown to an Elizabethan audience. Therefore, out of desperation, I have replaced them with a gnome and a generic demon.



MAYOR. Advance ye! Hither and hence; come!
Gather round, all, and hear my plea:
'Tis of most marked importance that Jack be found!
There are but 365 days that remain
'Till Hallond Eve comes 'round again!

WEREWOLF: Nay; 364.

MAYOR. Might there be some locale
That has thus far escaped our considering wits,
And so we have yet neglected to search?

CLOWN. With mallet firm and steadfast bar,
I went and pri'd each tomb on char;
And yet, 'twas all for naught.

WITCHES. In like manner
We unshut e'ry box and casket.

GNOME. Over hill, over dale,
Over park, over pale,
Through brush, through briar,
Through swamp, through mire,
And through that accurs'd pumpion patch sought I.

DEMON. Ay! And I, the eye of the Cyclops.

CHORUS. Forsooth! Is it even so?

DEMON. Certes, but he was not there.

MAYOR. Out upon it!
It's time to sound the alarum-bell!

(A member of the CHORUS starts to ring the bell. SALLY comes out of her house.)

SALLY. Ay me! What brings on us this most harrying noise?

DOCTOR. (Calling from inside the house) Sally? Has my noonday sup as yet been effected?

SALLY. (Calling back) Anon, good Doctor, anon.
(Aside.) 'Tis but a matter of seething a peck of nightshade therein.

(She returns to the house.)

MAYOR. Has that, perchance, brought forth King Jack?

CLOWN. Nay. It has not.

MAYOR. Ay, alack! Where could he be?
Has anyone thought to dreg the lake?

DEMON. I did, early this morning.

(JACK rides in on a sleigh laden with presents. All on stage greet him happily.)

MAYOR. Jack! Gods be praised!
We've waited on you
'Till almost half-crazed.
To ease up this worry,
I ask to be told:
Where have you been?

JACK. Accite a meeting of the townsfolk,
And I will account for all.

MAYOR. On what day?

JACK. On this day.

MAYOR. Hear ye! Hear ye all!
Our King has come back.
He desires us to attend him
At a meeting of the town.
Spread the word to all you see,
And be absolute that all agree.
