A/N: This is a few days late, but I promised Aufa I'd update this fic for her birthday. I already told you happy birthday, so here's a happy belated birthday update. I hope you like it. And to all those who stuck around and are still reading this after my months long hiatus, thank you and to those who are just joining, I hope you like it.

When she comes through the door at a few minutes past seven, she's crying. He and Alexis watch from their position on the couch as she comes through the door, quickly closes it and without taking off her coat or boots, or even a word to them, she hurriedly disappears through his office doors into their room.

He exchanges a silent glance with Alexis, who had just gotten home an hour ago and settled in to watch some cheesy game show with her dad. She inclines her head in the direction of where Kate disappears and reaches out to take her baby sister, who was snuggled up on her father's chest, snuffling softly.

She didn't wake when Alexis took her, only snuggled against her chest, her little fists clutching the fabric of Alexis' shirt. She stood and headed off to the stairs, giving her father and his fiancé privacy for whatever it is Kate was upset about. He watched his two daughters ascend the stairs and as soon as they were out of sight, he took a deep breath and stood, following the path of Kate, through his office into their room.

The room was dark, but he could see the outline of her coat thrown across the bed and her shoes discarded by the closet, from the slither of light that poured out from under the bathroom door. He could hear the shower, pouring heavily and somehow, he just knew she wasn't in the actual shower. He paused at the door, wondering if he should give her time, let her come to him, but then he remembered how incapable he is of leaving Kate alone when she was in this state and twisted the doorknob.

He stepped inside, being hit immediately with a cloud of steam. His eyes focused on her curled up by the tub and he walked over to turn off the pounding shower. She didn't look up as he turned it off or sat beside her, her body was trembling, but she wasn't making any noise. Her fingers dug into the skin by her knees and slowly he pried them loose, pulling her to him and then she came, wrapping her arms around his chest and curled up against him. He effortlessly pulled her into it lap, running his hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her, trying to calm her trembling body.

He wasn't surprised when she started sobbing against him, only desperate to make it stop. To make the love of his life and the mother of his child okay again, but first he needed to know what was wrong and to know that, he had to wait until the sobbing stopped.

It's another ten minutes before she quiets again and another five before her trembling body calms. She's still holding him tightly and he's still running his hand over her back. He feels her taking in multiple deep, shaky breaths and then he feels her press a kiss against his chest and he thinks it's safe to talk now.

"Bad day?" He asks.

She sighs against him, pressing her face against his chest, not willing to give up contact at the moment and he was fine with that, he would sit on the cold, hard floor, with her in his lap for as long as she wanted, just as long as it would make her happy again.

"There was a case." She spoke, her voice rough from the crying and sobbing.

Kate was as tough as nails when it came to her work, but now that she became a mother, he expected her to become much more emotional over cases.

"It was horrible Castle." She mumbled into his shirt, "He was a budding writer, only 28 years old. He was trying to make something of himself. He just got his first book published and –" She broke off, tears spilling from her eyes again, he only held her closer, his heart breaking at what he knew must have gone through her mind during the case. She had called plenty during the day and he could hear the stress, panic and worry in her voice each time, but he just thought it was due to her being away from Elizabeth for too long.

She wiped her eyes and pushed herself up, her red, puffy eyes staring into his loving, blue ones, searching for something, he wasn't sure what, but he was ready to give. Anything, anything for her.

"He had a kid Castle, a baby, only three months old." She whispered, her hands tightening her hold on him.


"They killed her too."

He closed his eyes, anger rising up in him at whosoever was heartless and cold enough to kill and kill a new born child. He knew murderers were terrible people, who usually brushed off their acts with some lame excuse as to what their victim did, or the classic "I didn't mean to kill them." But what excuse could someone possibly give for killing a child, so fresh to the world?

He could only imagine what she had to deal with, what went through her head when she saw the bodies. She must have needed him then, needed her daughter, needed to comfort of her family in such a gruesome moment.

"Oh Kate, I'm sorry." He says, not knowing just what else to say after that, so he just held her and let her tell him about the day, how they caught the guy and how she almost got suspended for beating up the guy who did it, something, he was oddly proud of.

"Sorry for not saying anything when I came in and just disappearing, I just –"

"It's okay Kate, I understand." He reassured her, pressing a kiss against her hairline.

"Where's Beth?" She asked, looking around as if she expected her baby to be in the bathroom watching her from some position.

"Alexis took her upstairs, would you like me to get her?" He asked.

She hesitated, resting her head back against his chest, seemingly not wanting to move, but the need to hold her daughter after such a day was overwhelming.

"I'll get her." She said, easing up off of him, wiping her eyes.

He stood with her as she walked over to the sink and washed away her tears and runny mascara. He stood behind her, just watching her, a small smile on his face and a large ache in his heart, he so wanted to be at the precinct with her, especially for cases like these, but he knew his presence was needed at home with their child and as much as he loved Kate, he had to stay away.

Giving in to an overwhelming need, he turned her around after she had dried her face and pressed his lips to hers, not too hard, but just light and soft. He smiled when she released a sigh of content and wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer to her.

He rested a hand on her waist and brought a hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb stroking against her jaw slowly. He allowed himself to get lost in her, lost in the taste of coffee on her tongue, coffee and chocolate and the salty taste of her tears. He let himself press against her, pushing her against the counter, suddenly his need for her burning inside of him. He released a low growl as he tore his lips from hers and dragged them across her jaw and down her throat, clutching at her as she gasped and inclined her head to give him room.

Involuntarily, her hips rolled into his, pausing his movements, having him panting heavily against her neck. He loosened his grip on her and moved up to press a small kiss against her mouth.

"Castle what?" She asked, just as out of breath as him.

He pressed a kiss against her forehead and sighed, suppressing the need to just take her right here and now.

"You wanted to see your daughter." He said simply, he looked at her and winked, "We'll finish this later."

She grinned, a welcome sight since she came through the door in tears, "Promise?"

He nodded, kissing her again for good measure, "Promise."

"Okay." She agreed, as he stepped aside, giving her way to go where she wanted.

She grabbed his hand and tugged him with her, out of the room and up the stairs. They peeked in on Elizabeth's room to find it dark and empty, she turned to Castle confused, but he just tugged her further down the hallway to Alexis' room.

He knocked on the door and waited for a "Come in." before he entered, smiling instantly at the sight before him.

Alexis had created a little playpen on her floor, filled with toys and stuffed animals, which Elizabeth had clearly been having the time of her life in. She was on her back, her tiny legs kicking in the ear as Alexis dangled a stuffed animal over her head.

When they entered the room, her little head to them a gummy smile gracing her features instantly as she rolled over and crawled to the edge of the pen, reaching out for her parents.

Kate bent over and lifted the baby from the pen, pressing kisses all over her face as Elizabeth giggled and wiggled her tiny limbs.

"Hey Alexis," Kate greeted Castle's older daughter who was now sitting cross legged in the middle of her room.

"Hi Kate," She smiled, "She's so full of energy, I don't know how you guys do it."

Kate beamed at her little girl who was trying to chew on her mother's hair, "Well, she does take after her father."

Castle opened his mouth to say something, but just closed it when he realized he'd just be outnumbered by the women in the room anyways.

"Thanks for keeping her." Kate said to Alexis.

"It's no problem, I love bonding with my little sister, I'll do it anytime." She grinned.

"Oh you will be." Castle stated, "Be prepared."

"I'm ready." Alexis confirmed.

Kate laughed and shook her head, "I think someone has tired herself out." She said, watching as Elizabeth fought to stay awake.

"She's had a busy day." Castle agreed.

"We're gonna put her to bed, thanks again Alexis! Goodnight!" Kate called as they left the room, heading to Beth's room.

They gave her a bath and changed her out of her day clothes, dressing her in a soft blue onesie. By the time Kate placed her in the crib, she was out.

They stood by the crib, watching as she released tiny breaths, her little feet kicking every now and then.

She felt Castle press a kiss to the side of her head and turned in his arms, "Come on, let's go to bed." She said, turning and pressing a kiss to her daughters head, watching as Castle did the same.

"So early?" He questioned, following her out of the room and down the stairs.

"No. But you have a promise to fulfil." She said, her voice low and husky.

He stared at her for a moment, before grabbing her hand and racing towards their bedroom.

"Yes I do."