AN: Here's the second and final chapter of A Shark's Patience! I appreciate you guys for waiting for this. I'm not gonna make any excuses as to why it's late. I got caught up playing DRAMAtical Murder and Togainu no Chi so it took me a little bit to pump this one out. My beta reader, unfortunately, was at work when I wrote this so it might be a little sloppy. I apologize in advance. Thank you all so much for reading this!

What the hell did Nitori mean by 'Captain is going out on a date with your sister, Rin'? Was it a sick joke? Did Seijuurou really think it was just fine and dandy to start dating his sister without asking permission first? Not that Rin was entitled to even force him to ask permission, but it would have been nice! Especially since he was older than that other red-haired punk.

Something about imagining his little sister going out with his own swim captain didn't appeal to him; maybe it was the way Gou initially swooned whenever she saw Seijuurou, or the fact she managed to get information just from flirting, or the fact he never managed to focus like he needed to whenever she came around. It had to be a mix of all three of those. It just had to be.

That's what drove Rin to make the insane decision to actually leave campus to find the couple; not to stalk them, no! It was purely to watch over them and make sure Seijuurou didn't try anything funny. Not stalking in the slightest, he believed. It only turned into stalking after he managed to find them on a walk, deciding to follow them just for a bit longer. A bit longer turned into an hour; an hour turned into a couple more. Meanwhile, Rin was dragged to everywhere around town: the beach, the mall, the movie theater, the aquarium (didn't anybody else involved with the swim team have anything better to do?), and finally a restaurant -really, it couldn't be classified as such, it was more of a diner. Of course, he thought he already spent enough money for the day but he wasn't about to give up just yet. He'd gone too far to drop out.

What he hadn't been aware of, however, was the fact that in the same restaurant sat Makoto, Haruka, Nagisa, and Rei. Thinking back on it in the future, Rin would have figured that was the first mistake he made.

What almost got him in trouble was when his sister happened to look directly at him while laughing at one of Seijuurou's jokes. Rin bolted out of his seat so fast that he could have sworn he'd make a great Olympic track runner, too. He wound up pushing both himself and Haruka into the supply closet near the restrooms to hide. It was moments later he realized who it was he ran into, his own auburn eyes widening as they locked with ocean blue.

"Haru..." It was almost a whisper with the way it came out, one filled with disbelief and an undertone of embarrassment, "I didn't know you were here."

His childhood friend made a small noise, almost one that sounded amused, before speaking. "Following your sister?"

The question caught the red-head off-guard, subduing him into silence which gave Haruka another chance to speak, "I never thought you would be that protective."

"Well, I don't trust that guy!" Came the quick response before he visibly tensed once it clicked in his mind. If Haruka was here, that meant Makoto was here as well. Whether or not the pair was alone was meaningless to Rin right at that moment. What mattered was that the two were in a restaurant, together, eating, probably having fun. Acting like a couple.

"Why are you here? With Makoto?" The question came out with more venom than he meant it to.

"Nagisa and Rei, too."

"It doesn't matter!" Rin's temper went a little overboard, then, but he couldn't exactly take it back, "It doesn't matter..." he was so close to just spilling everything that he felt, "You're always with Makoto. Even if it's just supposed to be you and me, you're with Makoto. It's all you talk about sometimes, Haru! 'Makoto and I'. Do you know how hard it is to listen to that day in and day out when I'm with you?!"

Haruka's eyes widened just a bit. It seemed that Rin's words caught him off-guard. Good, make him think a little about what he's been doing.

"I don't want it to wind up being you and Makoto, Haru. I want it to wind up being 'Rin and I' to you."

"Rin, stop crying."

What? Rin reached up a hand to brush against his cheeks only to find that they were, indeed, damp. Oh. He started crying half way through his rant. But... It was dark in the closet. Too dark to see tears. "How did you-"

"You're a crybaby."

Rin tensed before he let out a groan and rolled his eyes, reaching for the door handle so he could leave. So much for pouring his heart out to his best friend and expecting anything else than a cold or smart-ass answer.

There was warmth on his hand. Warmth that engulfed it, that most certainly wasn't his own tears.


The call of his name was so soft he couldn't believe that it actually came from Haruka, the person who stood no more than three inches from him due to the space they had.


Then there was a soft warmth on his lips in turn. Only for a few seconds, but there definitely was something there for a brief moment. It took him a little to realize it was another pair of lips. Ones that molded nicely with his own. Haru's.

Rin's heart pounded in his chest as he felt his cheeks heat up, no doubt a bright red like his hair at this point. It was on impulse that he tugged his best friend forward and held him against his chest and it was on that same impulse that he leaned down and pressed his lips against Haru's in turn.

Maybe this was how it was honestly meant to be, Rin figured. Him and Haru. Makoto had nothing to do with what they had. Too bad Rin had to realize that after the fact his patience snapped and he wound up crying in front of the other. He was manly as hell.

The misfortune of the door opening just had to fall upon the couple that were both literally, and probably figuratively, in the closet. Luckily - or unluckily, depending on how it was viewed-, rather than it being a janitorial staff member, it wound up being Nagisa, who almost cheered too loud about how he 'knew it' as he ran back to the table. Yet, taking one another's hand and allowing their fingers to intertwine as they left the supply closet and close the door to walk back to the table designated for their group of friends rather than Rin going to sit alone... It was nice. It was really nice.

The fact that he confessed in a supply closet that he hid in to avoid being seen by his sister and her date was never lived down, and he most certainly was yelled at by Gou for following her and her date. However, if there was one thing that one of the Matsuoka siblings would never live down, it was the way Gou almost fangirled over such 'amazing muscles' would be combining into one couple.

Haruka almost always found amusement in Rin's habits, just as he found amusement in Haruka's in turn. The two wound up being a surprisingly compatible couple, though Nagisa continually kept pointing out that he knew it would happen eventually.

A shark's patience was never anything to trifle with, according to Rin, but it was out of sheer luck that the dolphin's patience seemed to be just as bad.