This is a rewrite from my original story.
I own nothing. Everything belongs to Type-Moon.
What you see here, is your false home.
What you see there, is a blank look.
What I see, is sadness repeating.
I always awaken very abruptly. I don't even think I dream. I suddenly find myself walking to school. My headache worsens day by day, until it finally buzzes in my head like an alarm. That day. In potent numbness, I wake up twice as fast as normal.
I walk to the schoolyard. It's clear and cloudless, 7:30 A.M. But… what season is it…? When I try to recall what season it is, I start to get so dizzy I almost pass out. I may wind up back in bed if I let go and faint. For some time, I have been embracing a rush of useless information. The normal stuff you'd see at a school, like the hustle and bustle of my classmates by the entrance.
It hasn't changed.
It hasn't changed.
When I push the thought, my field of vision fizzles.
Today/Again today, there's a crowd of students milling in front of the school gate, and more are being directed that way. As to what's going on, there's a boy in front of the school gate. He's my friend/as a recall. He's Issei Ryuudo/as I recall. I remember this the first time.
When Issei notices me looking at him, he pushes through the crowd. "Good morning! Lovely weather we're having, don't you think? Hmm? Why do you look so surprised? We announced at last week's assembly that this month the student council would strictly enforce school rules." He runs through his spiel, as if this was the first time he'd ever disclosed the information.
I already know this.
I know it.
I already know what happens.
It's happened more than once.
I'm seized by a headache. I'm so dizzy I feel like I'm forcibly logged out of my consciousness.
Issei continued speaking, "First, let me check your student ID. I shouldn't have to remind you, but it should be on you at all times." My log-in ID is being checked. It's so obvious now. I answer clearly to the question that usually makes me so dizzy.
Name: Ailita Furude
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nickname: Lita
Issei looks over my ID. "Great. There's no telling when an emergency might occur, and it will be a help if you have your ID."
I feel nauseous, and I know it has nothing to do with what I ate for breakfast this morning. I feel nauseous because of the world around me. Its repeating itself over and over, and that's making me sick.
"Now for the uniform inspection. Collar, check! Pant hems, check! And your socks… check!"
I want him to get out of my way. I want this repetition to stop. I push Issei aside without even waiting for him to finish speaking, and rush forward. I'm not nice about it either.
"Next is the contents of your bag… Notebooks, textbooks, pencil box! Not even a whiff of contraband. Your nails are evenly cut, and your haircut is sensible. Indeed, quite remarkable. You're a model Tsukumihara Academy student." He keeps on talking loudly, even though he's facing no one. It's like he's just a recording.
I have a headache. I'm shivering. I know one thing for sure. This is wrong. This is not the school I know! It can't be! I have to go. I have to hurry and wake up. Or else it will be too late. But, who am I… waking up for…?
Class is over and most of the students are gone. My anxiety and headaches are only getting worse. Afternoon arrives while I desperately try to find a way to escape this bizarre situation. As is now the norm, my vision is overlaid with some kind of unnatural distortion.
I want someone to explain to me the true nature behind all of these feelings. There must be a key somewhere. Something that will have the answers to all of my questions.
Since I didn't even know where to start looking, I randomly decided to go downstairs. The moment I step foot on the first floor, my feelings of unease intensify. There is a student wearing a red uniform. Leo, the new transfer student. The instant I lay eyes on him, I immediately feel intimidated and humiliated. There is also someone trailing behind him. It looks like… one of my classmates… I think. The more I think, the more I realize that Leo isn't the only anomaly I've come across while on campus. There are other things that seem… off… as well.
It's becoming clearer now. There are people who shouldn't exist. Students that mysteriously vanish. The fabric of reality is coming unraveled.
Don't turn away now.
What is the 'truth'?"
Don't turn away now.
What defines the world you know?
Don't turn away now.
There is a reason why you're here.
Come. Do not allow yourself to close your eyes to the truth.
Out of curiosity I follow the two boys down the hall. Leo and one of the guys from my class are talking in the hallway up head. I try to stay out of sight and hide behind a corner.
Leo starts talking, although it's hard to tell if he's talking to anyone in particular. "The attention to detail is quite impressive. Even the surrounding air is surprisingly substantial. If that is the case, this world is in some ways more real than the real world it represents. How about you guys? What are your thoughts on this?" You guys? For a moment it feels as if he is including me in his comment. However, Leo begins speaking to my classmate, seemingly oblivious to my presence.
"Greetings. I believe this is the first time we've had an actual conversation." Leo gives a smile with no hostility. However, I have the suspicion that there is something malicious behind his smile. "Attending school wasn't half bad. I've never had the opportunity to go to one before now. In that respect, this has been quite an interesting experience… However, the time for fun has come to an end. I did not come here to play at being a student. No matter how enjoyable the detour, eventually one must return to their appointed path. And for me, the time to do so has arrived…"
With those final words, Leo turns his back on me. "Farwell. No, that's not quite right. I don't think farewell would be accurate in this situation. For reasons I cannot explain, I have the distinct feeling that we will see each other again. So I guess I should use the more congenial, 'See you later.' Well, it's time for me to move on. I wish you the best of luck."
Leo said as much, even going so far as to look in my direction… For some inexplicable reason, I'm not surprised that Leo know I was spying on him. I am trying to get things straightened out in my head when Leo suddenly… disappears. The student who was following him also disappears after touching the same spot on the wall. At the same moment he vanishes, my vision distorts and the shock threatens to overwhelm me.
What is going on here…? I wonder if this place is the source of my unease…
I come out of my hiding spot around the corner and like the two boys that disappeared, I place my hand on the wall, expecting to be drawn in. I see now that the way to the truth, to why I have these feelings, begins right here…
After touching the wall, the atmosphere changes. There's a doorway, an entrance where the concrete wall used to be. It's not something of this world. There's no doubt this door leads to someplace unfathomable. I bid farewell to the false world, and take my first step towards the truth.
An entrance to another world. Beyond that door, the previous statement perfectly describes the view before me. Walking behind me is a strange silent attendant. It looks like one of those featureless models from art class.
It is to be my sword and shield for what lies ahead… A disembodied voice suddenly confirms my thoughts. Although I have yet to learn anything, I need to do something besides stand here. At the very least, there might be some clues to this bizarre experience up ahead.
I have no choice but to head into the darkness with only this strange doll as protection.
The poll that will determine which Servant the protagonist will get is still on my profile. If anyone wants a say on the Servant for the story then vote. PM me if you have a different idea other than the choices that are listed.
I also won't post until I get a certain amount of votes.