Chapter 22


Robin's POV

Today was the day. The day when Titans East were leaving to back to their home. I hated to say it, partially, but I was a little happy when I remembered that they were going to leave. And even though it wasn't spoken of, I knew that Beastboy felt the same way I did. The only person that was actually upset was Cyborg. And I felt bad for the guy. I mean, he and Bumblebee had a crush on each other for the longest time but neither of them would say anything on the matter. It seemed like they both wanted it to happen but didn't know how the other person felt.

Ironic isn't it? How Cyborg's current situation is practically the same mine was. Before I made a move and kissed Starfire of course. God, I love her. I love the way her hair cascades down her back. I love the warmth she radiates. I love how soft she feels and how soft she can be meaning that she can wear her heart on her arm. I love her eyes. I love how she always makes friends and tries to see the good side in everyone. I love the look of pure innocence on her face. I love how she can also be like a warrior. But most of all, I love knowing that she loves me.

"Are you sure that ya'll are set for the trip back?" Cyborg had one of his hands on a handle and looked as though he was ready to pull it out.

"For the seventh time Sparky," Bumblebee placed her hand over Cyborg's and pushed back down the luggage into the compartment, "We're ready." She reached for the top of the trunk and forced it down as well before checking that Cyborg's hand wasn't in the way. Once the truck was secure, I couldn't help but realize that her hand was still lying on top of his. I cleared my throat and they both came out of their trance and began blushing while retracting their hands. Starfire elbowed me gently with her left elbow, I knew that she would have lightly slapped my chest with her hand, but hers was too busy being intertwined with mine.

"Robin, that was most rude." Starfire whispered to me as she glared at me with those big jade eyes. I chuckled at her reaction, knowing that she liked it when her friends would act like that around others. Another elbow but this one was a little harder and made contact with my side instead.

"Ow, Star. Remember how you're a super strong alien and I'm just a delicate human? My bones can break at any contact that may seem like nothing to you." Starfire cocked an eyebrow at me and turned her attention back to Bumblebee and Cyborg, who were now talking serious by the looks on their faces. There were smiles here and there and I had a feeling that they were planning their next visit.

"Well perhaps I should remove any kind of contact with you. To make sure that you do not hurt yourself of course." A smile played upon her lips as I felt her slowly pull out of the grasp I had her hand in. Before her fingers left my hand, I quickly snatched them and reconnected mine with hers before saying, "I never said that it wouldn't be worth it." She giggled.

"Okay, I'd hate to intrude on your dinner plans but we really gotta go." Speedy stepped up and crossed his arms over his chest. I felt Starfire's grip on my hand tighten and I couldn't help but lower into her grasp.

"Speedy!" Starfire's eyebrows were furrowed and her arms were straight. I knew that he was in for a scolding or two.

"What?" He turned his head towards her and cocked an eyebrow.

"That was most rude!"

"But it's true! I mean, I got plans. Places to go and people to see."

"Yes, I understand that but must you be the dense and not know that they were doing the flirting?"

"Oh I know what they were doing. But are you sure that you're not bothered by the fact that I'm leaving? Want me around huh?" This time, my grip tightened around Starfire's hand but I don't think she noticed.

"That is not funny Speedy." You're damn right that's not funny!

"Heh, sorry." His hand flew up to the back of his neck and he began to rub it. I thought I was the only one that did that when they got nervous but apparently not. "So, I'm guessing that we're not friends anymore? I don't blame you if you don't want to but I just want to make sure before I go." It didn't matter that he had his mask covering his eyes, because I knew that his eyes were cast downward. As much as I felt pity for him-after all, it would be hard to be friends with Starfire and then not be the next second; she's amazing in every way and that girl will leave a special place in your heart-I couldn't help but tell himself in my mind that that was what he deserved.

I mean, how can someone just use their friend for sex? That does not follow through in my book and it never will. Speedy better have been telling the truth when he said that he changed. But before I was able to carry on with my thoughts, a warm essence left my hand and wrapped herself around the guy that was in front of me.

"Speedy, I do wish to be your friend." Starfire pulled him out of the hug that he didn't reciprocate-lucky for him-and turned him so he would be looking her dead in the eye. "Yes, I shall admit that I am not proud of what you did but I have come to realize that your actions brought out the better side of you. You claim to say that you have changed in your ways and I believe you."

"Really?" I spat out.

Starfire whipped her head around so that her eyes were locked with mine and she narrowed her eyes at me. Although I was a little scared, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked when she tried to make herself seem threatening. Starfire looked at Speedy once again, her kind voice returning.

"Wait, I have to agree with Robin here. You really believe me? I mean, I know I've changed but I didn't think that you would understand. I used you Starfire and you're just pushing it aside like it's practically nothing."

"Do you not wish for me to continue being your friend then?"

"No, no! I do Star, I really do. I'm just… speechless. I mean, any other girl would walk away and most likely never talk to that person again but you… you're something different."

"Well, I am not any ordinary girl."

"I know, and please don't change that." At that moment, Speedy had covered Starfire's hands with his by placing them on top of hers. Not jealous, I am not jealous. So what if your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is touching her like that. It doesn't mean that he's doing it romantically. And now they're hugging again. Speedy's lips moved which meant that he said something to her and Starfire merely nodded. Whatever he said to her, I didn't like it. They were still hugging and even though I convinced myself that they were just friends again, I couldn't control myself from coughing in order to interrupt them. Thankfully, it did. That was good too. Speedy was a few seconds away from being eradicated.

"Sorry about that Robbie. Well, I'm happy that we're all friends again. Right?" Knowing how he stood with Starfire, Speedy peeked over her shoulder and looked at me. As much as I hated what he did to us, I had already known that we were fine. What worried me most was that Speedy had used Starfire for sex. Not that he had accomplished in doing so-thank goodness and although I'm not proud of how I know that, at least I'm able to sleep at night-but this was mostly between him and her.

"Yeah, we are good. But I want you to do one last thing, it's just that Starfire can sometimes be too kind to ask it."

"Oh, yeah, well what is it?" There was a lightened expression on his face as his attention turned back to Starfire.

Before I could tell him what I wanted him to do, Starfire spoke up. "All I ask for is an apology from you Speedy. I understand that you have already said one but it does not feel as though you mean it."

"You do mean it, don't you?" I said but I think I let those words roll off of my tongue with venom in them. Good.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I meant it! I am truly sorry Starfire, I was a jackass. For the rest of my life, I will carry the guilt of knowing that I tried to separate the two of you just for my stupid teenage boy hormones. I know it might sound bad but I'm trying to make you guys see the positive side of this." Speedy seemed to look at the both of us but because of the mask, I couldn't tell who exactly he was talking to. But something told me that this part was meant to be said to Starfire. "If it wasn't for you, then I have a feeling that I may have done the same thing but to another girl. I want to thank you for helping me see the error of my ways and preventing this from happening ever again. Never again will I string a girl along just for her body. You have my word." When he was done talking, I had my arms crossed across my chest and looked at Starfire whose facial expression was difficult to read. She didn't seem angry, sad, happy, or even have this pitiful expression towards Speedy. She was blank and I hated that. If anything, I wanted Starfire to always have an emotion shown on her face.

"Speedy," she laid a hand on his shoulder and looked at him as if she could see through the mask and into his eyes. Speaking of, I wondered when a good time would be for her to see mine. "I wish for you to clarify something for me."

"Yeah," Speedy asked.

"Do you mean to say to me that you shall never have sexual intercourse with another female unless you believe that she is special to you?" The look on Speedy's face in one word: fear.

"Oh, um…well you see…I thought you meant…" Speedy was at a loss for words. Maybe he somehow misunderstood what he was apologizing for but I thought it was obvious. It obviously wasn't for Speedy.

"Speedy," Starfire adjusted Speedy so he would be looking at her and continued, "I am not telling you how to live your life. Truth: I do not wish for you to 'sleep' with the females unless one holds a special place in your heart, but if you cannot do that at the moment then that is fine. I merely wish for you to…contain yourself and practice finding that one girl that you shall come to care for deeply. Do you believe that you are able to do that?" Starfire put on her "puppy eyes" that Beastboy showed her how to do. Thanks to him, whenever Starfire uses that look I can't seem to say no to her if she wants something. But she still looks cute doing it so it's not a huge problem.

"I can try but no promises that I'll succeed straight away. That okay?" Starfire responded by pulling him into one of her warm, comforting, and breath-taking hugs. Literally, they can take your breath away if she really puts her care into the hug.

"Alright…Starfire…I get…it" he said between gasps. She gave him an "eep" and released him to my enjoyment. It didn't matter that they were friends again; they still went out and kissed. I shuddered remembering the memory that I so badly wanted to forget.

"Hey hair boy! Time to go!" Bumblebee had seemed to manage convincing Cyborg into letting them leave back to their city. As much as it pained me to see Cyborg like a lost, love-struck puppy, they had to get back to Steel and fight crime.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'. I'll see you later guys." Speedy gave Starfire and I a two-finger salute and walked to the T-ship along with Aqualad.

A few more goodbyes were said before the remaining of Titans East left on their T-ship. As I was about to turn back to go into the Tower, I felt a hand grab mine and I realized that it was Starfire's. Her eyes were trained on the sky, the same direction that the Titans East left in, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

She was beautiful, inside and out. It was then that I realized how lucky I was to have her as a girlfriend. She was my world and I had no idea how I would be without her. I didn't know how she felt about me so I forced myself to ask her.

"Hey Star?" Starfire looked back at me intently and her eyes showed curiosity. It's not that I didn't have faith in her; I just had to make sure myself. "Don't leave me okay?" She smiled and pulled me into one of her hugs.

"As long as you do not leave me." We smiled at each other and kissed. I guess her being with Speedy knocked some sense into me. Although it didn't go exactly the way I wanted it to, everything worked out in the end. Everyone's friends again, Starfire and I are together, and I'm happy.


Everything happens for a reason even if it doesn't go according to plan. But now I have Starfire and nothing will change that. She'll be mine and I'll be hers.


As for this chapter, I know that it's a little late but that's only because it was kind of written at last minute. I originally intended the story to end with the last chapter but it felt weird to me to leave it at that. Yes, there was a happy ending for Robin and Starfire but I always figured that something was missing. So that's why I bring you this…or brought you this… whatever. Some of you weren't happy that I left it at that note and I completely understand.

I want to thank each and every one of you who reviewed, followed, favorited (that is now a new word), and most of all, read the whole story. I know that you guys probably hear this all the time from someone who ended their story with a thank you and are maybe tired from hearing it, but hey, it's true. You guys are the reason that I felt the courage to continue even though there were times when I didn't want to continue the story myself. This was my first fanfiction and I'm happy to know that you guys seemed pretty happy with it. Maybe I'm kidding myself when I think that this was good and some of you thought that it was actually terrible but only said those nice things to sound, well nice. As long as at least one of you was happy with the story in general, then I'm happy. Thank you all once again and I'll see you soon!

Always yours,

light is in the dark

P.S. I don't own anything but Warner Bros. and DC Comics do!