The next day Bond joined Q at work, once again filling out his paperwork in the corner of Q-Unit, and keeping an eye on Q at the same time. The Quartermaster was now back in his usual position, in front of the big screen at the front of the room, quietly directing minions and agents alike. Bond made sure that Q permanently had a steaming cup of Earl Grey on his desk, and had alarms set three times during the day for a ten-minute food break. Q had argued when the first one went off, but (expecting this) Bond had organised for one of the nurses from medical to walk in and order Q to do as Bond says, otherwise he'd be sent home, and not called for a fortnight. Grumbling, Q had obliged, which was why he was sitting in his office with his feet in Bond's lap, at 12:00, chewing an apple.
"So, what's been going on?" Bond asked. Although he'd been in the office all day, he'd tuned out the conversations around him, focusing completely on Q.
"We're still trying to trace the organisation. I'm slowly getting through Stuart's laptop, but even what it's coming up with isn't exactly helping. I think it's sold out all of their contacts, but not much to do with the actual targets." Q's brows furrowed. "I hate feeling useless."
Bond rubbed Q's leg.
"You're not useless. There'll be something on the laptop, there has to be. And you'll find it."
Q smiled at Bond, ever grateful for his unwavering belief in him and his abilities, and leaned in slowly, just grazing Bond's lips with his own. At that moment the door burst open and R rushed in.
"Sir! 008's gotten himself arrested!"
Q jumped away from Bond and stood up, smoothing down his cardigan.
"Again? Who was it this time?"
"The Russian police."
"R, please tell me he wasn't-"
"He was right in the middle of the Kremlin when they found him."
"And had he-"
"He had the USB, but they won't be able to access it for another 12 hours."
Q threw the apple core into the bin.
"Why not?"
"Well… He swallowed it, sir."
R rushed back out of the office, yelling for someone to get the PM on the phone. Q grabbed his mobile from his pocket and started dialling M's number.
"James? If 008 isn't out of police custody by the time your next alarm goes off, am I exempt from resting?"
Bond grinned.
"Not a chance."
Q sighed.
"How long do I have?"
"Three hours, Quartermaster."
Q looked at his watch and pressed the 'call' button on his phone.
"Well, I'm going to have to work fast, aren't I?" He threw Bond a wink as he started walking to the door. "M, it's Q. You're not going to believe the situation 008's gotten himself into…"
Bond lay back on the couch, letting his eyes slide shut. Three hours… He was still tired from Q's ministrations last night, a nap wouldn't go amiss, and Q's couch was so comfortable…
"007!" The Quartermaster's voice filled the whole of Q-Unit, which fell silent in less than a second. They knew that tone of voice far too well.
"Or not…" Bond muttered to himself as he leapt off the couch and hurried to Q's side.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone!
So, thanks are definitely called for, for everyone who's read this, and reviewed, and favourited, and followed, you're all wonderful and awesomely encouraging!
I know this is a rather abrupt ending, but I'm working on a sequel, and if I didn't stop this story now, I couldn't figure out how I was going to divide the two stories. I'll hopefully have the next chapter of the sequel out soon! I haven't figured out a title yet, so watch this space or my page, and I'll let you know when I do! I hope you enjoyed the last couple of chapters as I did writing them! I love 00Q so much, and they're so much fun to play around with!
As always, if you've got prompts or ideas, flick me a PM!
* And quick update that my story 'Lost and Found', the sequel to this one, is up on Fanfiction. Check it out :)